The Dark Possession ~|OS-10|

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#You have been warned about the upcoming mature content, maybe it won't be suitable for some.

-The main leads are Shaheer Sheikh and Pooja Sharma.




Miss Aakriti? I am Pranav.


I need your help doctor, please come to my house.

But it's too late now, Pranav.

Please, Doctor Aakriti, you have promised me that whenever I won't be fine you will help me out. So, please… If you won't come, then maybe I will die from this insanity.

Ok, okay Pranav. I'm coming in half an hour. Just don't say like that, I know you are strong enough. Hmmm?

Hmmm, come soon. I am waiting for you.

I'm coming.

After hanging up the phone call, Aakriti seized the bunch of keys that were kept in one of the cabinets in the living room's drawer along with her chocolaty-brown bag.

She hopped into her black BMW and launched the engine. As her car sped on the deserted-metalled roads of the city. Her mind was busy agonizing about the possibilities that could occur to Pranav.

Pranav was an attractive and smart man who nowadays, was currently competing with his mental state. For one month Aakriti was assessing him as she's one of the finest shrinks in the town, she felt that her responsibility didn't end outside her treatment clinic but all the patients whom she was attending, could need her help or support after the therapies and sessions too. So she always told them to call, to talk to her in the duration of necessity.

And this arose, one of her subjects needed her help in the shady hour of the twilight. It was 1:00 am in the night and there she was steering alone without minding about the time, place, or people. Just a few thoughts were reigning over her mind that her duty is calling her and second, she has to help her patient more friend before it's too late.

Finally, as she had spoken, she reached Pranav's house in almost half an hour. She parked her car in front of the enormous bungalow according to one inhabitant. She commenced her feet as fast as she could and pressed the doorbell switch, while her intellect was surfing with innumerable questions.

In a minute, an old man, probably a servant, opened the door for her. "Where is Pranav?" She hastily inquired as she strode into the house.

"Saheb is in his master bedroom." The old man told her while pointing at the room on the first floor.

She almost ran towards the staircase when that man suddenly broke the sheer silence, "I should take my leave. My job hours end here." On this, she nodded her head in affirmation and continued to move in the direction where the man had pointed.

A loud thud on the door indicated to her that the man had left, leaving her alone with the owner in such a big bungalow. She took a deep breath before slowly twisting the doorknob.

The door had wide opened with a loud shriek sound, the sight in front of her, had made her mouth dry as she felt all the air leaving up to her body.

The room was dark, actually much darker than the night itself. Only a dim yellowish light was turned on enough to illustrate a silhouette of a man, who was sitting on the chair, his head hung down staring at the floor. His left hand was already dripping out the scarlet thick gush, tainting the floor with its color, as the knife was lying quite in front of him.

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