Arranging To You {Part-2}

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-Shafaq Naaz as Devi Kunti (mother of Pandavas)
-Rohit Bhardwaj as Rajkumar Yudhishthir (the eldest son of late Pandu)
-Saurav Gujjar as Rajkumar Bheem (second eldest son of late Pandu)
-Shaheer Sheikh as Rajkumar Arjun (third son of late Pandu)
-Vin Rana as Nakul and Lavanya Bhardwaj as Sahdev (the twins of late Pandu and Madri)

-Sudesh Berry as King Draupad
-Karan Suchak as Rajkumar Dhrishtadyumna (elder twin brother of Draupadi)


After riding on the horses for several hours, the five almighty warriors decided to take a break to rest somewhere in the middle of the forest.

Kaunteyas crouched themselves casually on the green grass, as after a while, their mother joined them too. The soldiers' cantonment had also set up the tent to prepare food as well as to rest.

"Mata, is everything would be alright?" said the third son of Pandu, being anxious.

"I can understand your nervousness, Arjun. Don't worry, this alliance would be adequate for you, for everyone as Taatshree Bheeshm himself assured us about this marriage." Kunti blinked in certainty, her words were coated in the motherly tenderness... enough to soothe the heart of her third loving but worried son.

"Mata, it seems Bhrata Arjun is getting nervous by hearing a woman's name only. Learn something from me jyesht, I am younger than you but still, I have a great experience in terms of women." The eldest twin, Nakul mocked his brother by faking pride.

"Oh really! Then keep your talent up to yourself only. Don't distribute this precious knowledge of yours in poor people like us." Savyasachi retorted back, his face was barred from any expression except anger which was mythical too.

"Oh now, I understood what's that which killing you up." Nakul again turned on to enunciate more, making Arjun exasperate.

"And what's that?" Arjun implored instead.

"You are worried because you think you don't have handsome looks like I have or maybe you are simply afraid of bhabhi shree." Nakul again praised himself by gesturing his hand in the air.

"You Nakul..." The third son was going to speak further but the second eldest son of Kunti interjected in between. "Don't worry Anuj, I will teach you how to persuade your wife. Don't be a coward when I am with you."

"Bhrata Bheem... you also!" Arjun whined like a child while others burst into a loud series of laughter.


In Panchal

"Jiji, Am I looking beautiful or not? Inquired Panchali when she was adorning herself in the mirror.

"Krishnaa, you are asking this question a hundredth time to me... and what do you think that my answer would change?… No Krishnaa, you are looking very gorgeous and elegant in every sense of the world." Said Shikhandini with affirmation.

Panchali's cheeks turned pinkish after listening to her jiji's remark. In the meantime, Malini appeared there, running into her chamber with the doll in her small hands.

"Rajkumari… Rajkumari!!... Would you leave this palace, your family, and me after your marriage?!" Malini asked with having despair on her naive face.

"No Malini, I will never leave you, neither my family nor this palace… Do you know why?...... Because I always reside here, right in your heart." Panchali told her while pointing her index towards Malini, where the heart resides.

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