100 mile dash

142 11 3

A/N: hahaaaa hellooooo

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3rd POV:

If Naruto had been any less sarcastic, he wouldn't be imagining how to calculate the number of miles he and Kiba covered in the race to gym class.

He was sarcastic enough.

"We have to had ran 100 miles at this point!"

Kiba laughed airily, but Naruto kept on.

"Like that kid from- GAH!"

"Don't trip now, Naruto!"

"Did not!" He wheezed. "Why are we going so fast, anyways?! You're killin' me here..."

Kiba's hand squeezed Naruto's a little firmer.

"Oh, you can handle it. Plus, we're almost there!"

Naruto was sweating so that he could feel it moisten the first layer of his uniform, and not a single staircase had been covered by the two.

What they saw on their way consisted of tall, rounded windows, various classroom settings, and at some point, a kid sleeping in study hall.

The pair rounded a corner on the other side of the entrance area, still massive, Naruto noted, and started down a dead-end hallway.

Finally, they came to a huge set of double doors, labelled "GYMNASIUM".

They took a moment, each staring at the entrance.

Then, Naruto frowned. "Why the hell was the gym so far away?!"

Kiba looked at him curiously, both boys standing at similar heights. Kiba was breathing heavily.

"...How're you not tired?"

"I am!"

"Don't say anything you don't mean."

"Huh?! Of course I mean it! You dragged me across half the damn school!"

"Ah..." Kiba's eyelids lowered.

But it really didn't seem that way, especially with Naruto's steadier breathing.

"...You have potential, then."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Do you know how to fight?"

"I ain't lookin' to tussle! What's your issue, Kiba?"

"Ah, nothin'."

The doors then opened with a slam, nearly taking out a pair of noses.


And as the doors came to slam against the walls adjacent to them, Naruto came to three conclusions.

1. There was a man, scarily similar to the school's Student Vice President whom he had met earlier.

2. Said man sported a scarring green leotard, complete with a belt which had no real purpose.

3. Naruto's theory of a "secret youth club" was being steadily backed.

"...Hello, coach Gai." Kiba spoke, somehow unperturbed.

"Uh..." Naruto spoke, extremely perturbed.

"Coach Gai" zeroed in on the grimacing boy, and looked him up and down.

Suddenly, his eyes revealed a revelation.



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