pervy sage gains his title. gross.

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A/N: I went and rode rollercoasters the other day. It was very fun

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Jiraiya filled me in.

I sat there, savoring the tangy flavor that ramen offered, and Jiraiya began explaining a few things to me.

Iruka had known Jiraiya and Tsunade for a while. They were buddies during and after college, though Iruka was quite a few years younger than the two.

The three were an unlikely group of friends. They knew each other through my parents, who were both younger than Jiraiya and older than Iruka.

Jiraiya claimed that the three of them (Him, Tsunade, and Iruka) had not been in contact with my parents for a period after they graduated, and that they were surprised to eventually meet me after I was born.

I was a joy in my parents life.

As Jiraiya heard it, the couple got married as soon as I was conceived, and began preparations for the new addition to their home as soon as possible.

Baby showers, presents, friendly visits, home expansions, nursery decorations. I was a special gift, waiting to arrive.

I'd never considered that I was loved so dearly by my biological parents. I had always assumed that it was the opposite, that they were off somewhere living their life, happily rid of me.

The now-empty ramen cup sat forgotten beside me. I leaned in some more.

"The two of them were ecstatic! And so were the rest of us, too. Oh, we spent so many weekends together, eating, talking, laughing..." Jiraiya's expression was distant. "How I miss those days..."

I had an idea about what happened to my parents after that.

I stared at him, and neither of us spoke for a minute. A green clock on the wall sounded a gentle tick-tick-tick, the only noise to break the silence. Then, Jiraiya let out an unflattering cough.

"Ugh," He groaned, popping his back and leaning back into the chair, successfully changing the atmosphere.

I decided to play along with him.

"So, Iruka. Finance."

Jiraiya looked up at me.

"Iruka believes that you need a focus in life. We made an executive decision."

"On what basis?"

His gaze shifted away from mine, his lips tightening ever so slightly. "On the basis"

"Wow. Vague,"

He scoffed. "...'S an honest study."

Ignoring him, I pressed further.

"And I'm guessing that Tsunade's in on this too?"

"That is correct."


"She doesn't need a reason."

Okay. I had only one more question.

"You mentioned something earlier. You said that it 'was only fitting' that we do whatever this is. Why?"

"Ah. Well, it's kind of what your parents did."

I froze then, processing the information.

"My parents were...businesspeople?"

"Of sorts."

"'s not like I have any company to inherit."

Jiraiya then froze, calculating his own retort to my very good one.

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