gossip guys

112 3 9

A/N: Guess who's back. Back again.

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A simple "good morning" would have sufficed.

Naruto recalled yesterday morning with a tinge of envy, even with its racket. This was just...

"NARUTO! If you're not up in five minutes, I will drop you off this morning blasting Britney Spears from the car speakers!"

...Psychological warfare! Or something like torture...

"Yeah! Yeah, alright..." Naruto grumbled, every atom of his being firmly against leaving the warmth and safety that was his comforter. He only hoped Jiraiya could hear him from down there.


A magnificent breakfast of eggo waffles was fixed for Naruto, and he ate it dutifully, all the while pressing and smoothing down the bolder strands of blond locks. Jiraiya sat languidly across from him, sipping from a green coffee mug.

Naruto choked down a particularly large piece of waffle. "Who's Britney Spears?"

"Would you like to find out?" One quirked brow peeked from the raised mug.



Jiraiya tapped the steering wheel as they pulled onto the highway, turning casually to look at his foster son. Naruto was quiet.

"Second day jitters?"

It might as well have been. Naruto could only loathe what awaited him behind those clean gates, namely: intense upperclassmen, non-registered sex offenders, irresponsible staff members...not to mention the fight club! It was all too strange, and yet...

"Nah. I'm all good."

...Naruto felt the growing urge to experience it more and more; to try and figure out what exactly was going on at Konoha High. All those other issues be damned! Naruto was going to uncover this school's mystery.

Besides, he reminded himself, happily. I've got at least one friend waiting on me there.

It was harder, though, to keep that mindset once he laid eyes on Konoha High for the second time. The school, as Naruto recalled, was said to be 'hidden in the leaves'.

It did live up to its name, with most of the campus invisible until you pass its borderline of giant oak trees, which serve to isolate the school grounds from the rest of planet earth.

"Hey, Kiba!" Naruto was going to start today off strong.

His friend picked up quickly on the familiar timbre of Naruto's voice. "Naruto! Good to see you."

They locked hands immediately, and shook. "Likewise."

"Ready for the second day?"

Naruto scoffed. He knew Kiba was asking sarcastically, but he still answered
honestly. "As I'll ever be," He said, before adding quickly: "You?"

Kiba made a noise like a hum, and shrugged his shoulders carelessly. Naruto was at least 80% sure that Kiba hadn't even thought of anything past what he would eat for lunch that day.

"Who do we have first, again?"


"Yeah! Yeah, that's his name."

"What does he teach?"

What a pair of idiots, A certain lazybones thought, trodding slowly behind them.

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