Chapter 3

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After Zhao Xiaoyu's father had finished talking with the doctor, he turned and walked to the bedside, looking at his son and sighed.

"Who is the person who marked you?" Zhao Yongsheng and his lover Zhao Xiaoyu have children together. The two betas are combined. It is not easy to have a total of children. Therefore, the husband and wife spent a lot of money on the parenting problem of Zhao Xiaoyu. Put your mind on it, especially if their son is still an Omega.

Zhao Yongsheng thinks that his son is good everywhere. The only shortcoming is that as an Omega, his son's pheromone is too weak. If it weren't for his son's differentiation, he would have a gland that symbolizes Omega on his neck. Zhao Yongsheng would doubt it. Did he give birth to a beta?

Because of his son's pheromone, Zhao Yongsheng and his lover began to worry all day, worrying that no one wanted their son.

.Facts have proved that their son is really no one cares about, and some even say that their son wants to pretend to be B to deceive people.

But he didn't expect it to be. Because of an accident, his precious son was marked, which was anxious for Zhao Yongsheng.

"It's too dark inside the tunnel, I didn't see the person's appearance clearly." Zhao Xiaoyu answered truthfully.

"What about the name? Do you always know what his name is? And, did he say he is responsible to you?" In Zhao Yongsheng's view, even if his son is not good enough, he can't let people take up such a large amount in vain. Cheap.

If it's a temporary marking, it's nothing, but the result of the previous doctor's examination is that his son was permanently marked, which means that if his son encounters an alpha or a beta that is connected to his mind, he will not be able to follow the person he likes. Together.

.If the alpha doesn't want to be responsible, then his son will be alone for life.

Although the current medical results can clean the Omega mark, it is accompanied by great pain and may even be life-threatening.

I just talked about this when I was talking with the doctor. I thought of the son I was looking forward to. If he was in danger of his life because of the cleaning of the mark, he would give up, so I thought of finding the alpha that marked his son. .

"I thought I would die in the tunnel, so I didn't hold him accountable. I am also to blame for this. I asked him to mark me permanently." In the last sentence, Zhao Xiaoyu had no confidence at all.

If Zhao Xiaoyu knew that he would not die, killing him would not allow the alpha to mark him permanently. It's all right now, even if he regrets it, it will be too late.

.It seems that he and the alpha were sent to different hospitals for treatment, otherwise his father would not ask him that.

"Why are you so confused, how do you tell me to explain to your eldest father?" Zhao Yongsheng flushed his eyes anxiously, and then sat down on the side of the bed with a sullen expression.

Zhao Xiaoyu knew that he had done something wrong, so he dared not say a word.

In fact, he doesn't worry about the things he's being marked. It's not a big deal for a person to live a lifetime. If he is really pregnant with a baby, he will live with the baby.

So what Zhao Xiaoyu is most worried about now is his work. He is watching the time on the TV screen. It is already night. It seems that he is destined to have no relationship with Shengshi Group. He can only wait until he is discharged from the hospital before looking for another job. .

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