Chapter 39

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Seeing Zhao Xiaoyu who was asleep, Sheng Yuyuan couldn't help but shook and chuckled. The eyes of Zhao Xiaoyu were full of love, but it was a pity that the sleeping person couldn't see it anymore.

    They all said they were getting home soon, but fell asleep in the end.

    Zhao Xiaoyu slept very deeply, and when Sheng Yuyuan picked him out of the car, there was no reaction at all.

    No, there was a reaction. For example, Zhao Xiaoyu is now drilling his face into Sheng Yuyuan's arms.

    Seeing Sheng Yuyuan holding Zhao Xiaoyu into the living room, Aunt Li quickly walked towards the two of them. She just wanted to ask Sheng Yuyuan if she wanted the kitchen to prepare some food, but when she saw Sheng Yuyuan shaking her head, she asked what she wanted to ask. The question swallowed into his stomach, and then watched Sheng Yuyuan hug Zhao Xiaoyu upstairs.

.After putting the person on the bed, Sheng Yuyuan stretched out his hand and squeezed Zhao Xiaoyu's white and delicate face, and whispered: "Xiaoyu, we're home now, can we get up and take a shower first?"

    Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaoyu just patted Sheng Yuyuan's confused hand gently, then turned over and went back to sleep.

    Seeing Zhao Xiaoyu's reaction, Sheng Yuyuan only hated not recording the scene just now.

    "Xiaoyu, if you can't get up, then I will take you in and take a bath, huh? Do you want me to help you?"

    As soon as he finished saying this, Zhao Xiaoyu opened his blurred sleepy eyes, looked at Sheng Yuyuan wistfully, and then closed his eyes again.

    "Is it really so sleepy? You don't even take a bath." Sheng Yuyuan refused to give up and patted Zhao Xiaoyu's fart. His hands were not very strong, but Zhao Xiaoyu still moved his body aside.

    "I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep."
."Then I will take you to the bath, OK?"


    Sheng Yuyuan was ecstatic, he had pestered Zhao Xiaoyu for so long, just to wait for Zhao Xiaoyu's approval, and finally had the opportunity to serve his Xiao Feather.

    Sheng Yuyuan first went to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water, and then went to the cloakroom to find Zhao Xiaoyu's pajamas. After everything was arranged, he took off Zhao Xiaoyu's clothes, took the person into the bathroom, and gently placed them in the bathtub.

    During the whole process, Zhao Xiaoyu didn't wake up, just murmured a few times while changing clothes and being put into the bathtub.

    Looking at Zhao Xiaoyu's white skin, Sheng Yuyuan swallowed. Now even without the interference of Zhao Xiaoyu's pheromone, he is eager for Zhao Xiaoyu mentally and visually.

.If it wasn't for Zhao Xiaoyu's current physical condition, he really wanted to come to the bathroom. gvi, what a great opportunity, what a pity.

    However, it is funny to think about it. Some of his married friends have children after half a year of marriage, and some have not been pregnant for a year or two.

    It is said that Omega is easy to conceive, but it is not the kind of one that is easy to get pregnant. However, he and Zhao Xiaoyu are hit with one move. It is said that the higher the fit, the easier it is to conceive, so he and Zhao Xiaoyu, as expected. It's a match made in heaven.

    It's just that Zhao Xiaoyu still doesn't trust him very much, he can tell from the chat between the two on weekdays, and he also knows the reason, so he can only rely on himself to work harder to get into Zhao Xiaoyu's heart wall as soon as possible.

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