Chapter 54

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Zhao Xiaoyu's life after marriage is very comfortable. Sheng Yuyuan is busy, but as long as he has time, he will accompany Zhao Xiaoyu to go out together. If there is no time, Zhao Xiaoyu will stay at home and not go.

    However, Sheng Yuyuan was also worried that Zhao Xiaoyu would be bored at home alone, so he invited Zhao Xiaoyu’s friends and Jingyou to visit the house twice, or if he made Zhao Xiaoyu homesick, he asked Zhao Xiaoyu to stay in her family for a few days. When Sheng Yuyuan got off work, he also moved into his father-in-law's house.

    Anyway, where Zhao Xiaoyu lives at night, Sheng Yuyuan also lives.

    The relationship between the two children is so good. As Zhao Xiaoyu's father, Zhao Yongsheng and Huang Yuan are also grateful to Sheng Yuyuan.

.I remember that at the beginning, Zhao Xiaoyu’s two fathers were worried that Sheng Yuyuan was only coming for the children, but now they are really relieved. If Sheng Yuyuan was coming for the children, they would not do the same to their sons. Shang Xin, looking at your son-in-law's eyes, you can't go wrong.

    Now, Zhao Xiaoyu's belly is almost five months old. He and Wei Sijing were pregnant almost at the same time, but the belly is bigger than Wei Sijing's.

    On this day, Zhao Xiaoyu was bored at home, just as Wei Si invited them to visit.

    Tan drank tea early and ate snacks, and after finishing, he said to Zhao Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, every time a few of us come to play with you, and you don’t see you go out with us, and you refuse to ask for a few times. Now, are you really planning to wait for the baby to be born before going out?"

.As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Nan followed Tan's early words and said: "Yes, you are pregnant and not in jail. Just a few days ago, you didn't go to the class reunion, but everyone was discussing you, saying that you were married to a wealthy family. , As well as learning."

    After hearing these words, Zhao Xiaoyu said dismissively: "It's not that I don't want to go out, and I also want to go to the class reunion, but Sheng Yuyuan doesn't allow me to go, saying that I have a big belly. . And at first, didn’t they look down on me first, now that I’m married to Sheng Yuyuan, I’m afraid I’m jealous."

    Xiao Nan echoed: "Isn't it just blushing? I want to provoke the relationship between us. If you say anything, you are married into a wealthy family. Why don't you help us, introduce a rich man to me and early."

    Tan Zaozao: "Pumpkin, it's jealous not blushing. They know what blushing is strange."

.Xiao Nan patted Tan Zaozao, and said, "I just said a word wrong. Anyway, you just need to understand the meaning."

    Wei Sijing: "Actually I can understand you quite well. In fact, if I hadn't come to accompany you, my husband would not allow me to go out." After a sigh, Wei Sijing said again, "It's no way. We still blame our Omega. My body is too delicate. In fact, Xiaohan and I are pretty good. I have seen some Omegas lying on the hospital bed from pregnancy to delivery, and some are very careful, but in the end the baby I couldn't keep it. There were people coming in and out of the group every day. The night before, I discussed with us how the baby was in the stomach. The next day, I said that the baby was gone, and then I withdrew from the group, which made me dare not open the group to watch. "

.After hearing what Wei Sijing said, Zhao Xiaoyu paused with the hand of the rice cake. Although he also added a group, but because no one paid attention to him, he simply blocked the group. He didn’t know what Wei Sijing said. .

    Zhao Xiaoyu subconsciously lowered his head and stared at his stomach. He and Sheng Yuyuan's baby will surely be born peacefully.

    Xiao Nan: "Our Omegas are really not easy, but you and Xiaoyu's babies are so healthy, I want to be your baby's godfather."

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