Chapter 71

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Time flies, and soon the two babies will be half a year old, but Zhao Xiaoyu's estrus period is delayed. Although Zhao Xiaoyu doesn't think there is anything, Sheng Yuyuan will be anxious at that time.

    Three months ago, he heard Zhao Xiaoyu say that Wei Sijing has already ushered in the first estrus period after giving birth.

    Look, the baby was born half a month late, but the estrus came so quickly.

    For this reason, Zhao Xiaoyu didn't think there was anything, because he was pregnant with twins, and the recovery time must be longer than Wei Sijing's, so Sheng Yuyuan waited slowly.

    Although there are already medicines on the market that can advance Omega's estrus period, Sheng Yuyuan dared not try Zhao Xiaoyu, because the doctor said at the time that the Omega's body was explained before the first estrus period after Omega came. Haven't recovered yet.

.As early as two months ago, Sheng Yuyuan returned to work in the company. After all, he has been "lazy" for so long. It is impossible for the company to have no one in charge. Especially today, the company plans to expand a new product. The matter had to be followed up by Sheng Yuyuan himself.

    In this way, the job of taking care of the baby is handed over to Zhao Xiaoyu. It is said that it is taking care of. Although two babysitters are hired, the baby is the flesh that fell from his own body. Many things cannot be faked unless it is true. When he was tired, he gave a brief message.

    Because of this, the two small beans like to stick to Zhao Xiaoyu. Fortunately, the small beans are also easy to take. They cry only when they are hungry or pee.

.Xu is that Sheng Yuyuan doesn’t spend much time with his children, so every time Sheng Yuyuan hugs two babies, the two little peas and their big dad will stare at each other with big eyes. The baby looks more like Sheng Yuyuan, so Zhao Xiaoyu always The next time I saw Sheng Yuyuan holding the baby, I felt that the reduced version of Sheng Yuyuan was hitting him again.

    The picture looks a little funny.

    Then when Zhao Xiaoyu took a baby from Sheng Yuyuan’s arms, the baby would giggle and laugh, and the other would cry aggrievedly. After that, Zhao Xiaoyu handed the baby in his arms to Sheng Yuyuan. The baby who was still howling and crying immediately stopped crying and seemed to feel fair.

    Of course this is not the case. When Zhao Xiaoyu picked up the baby who was crying and howling, the other baby cried.

.Zhao Xiaoyu thinks that the two babies are really interesting, but Sheng Yuyuan thinks that his son is not like a son, but more like a rival in love.

    There is actually another reason why Sheng Yuyuan feels this way. After a hundred days of the baby, Zhao Xiaoyu decided to let the baby sleep with their husband and wife at night. No, it became a habit to sleep as soon as they went to bed, which led to the two babies. Not only do you have to stick to Zhao Xiaoyu during the day, but also at night, crying if you don't follow him.

    Zhao Xiaoyu felt that it didn't matter. The child was still young, and his father who liked to stick to him was justified, but Sheng Yuyuan felt that Zhao Xiaoyu spoiled the child too much, and hugged him when he cried, worried that the child would climb on Zhao Xiaoyu's head in the future.

.Although Sheng Yuyuan's words are very reasonable, but Zhao Xiaoyu just can't hear the baby's cry, unless he makes the cry by himself, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable if the baby cries for other reasons.

    Of course, after Zhao Xiaoyu was there, he tried to put the baby in the nursery and let the two babysitters take turns to take care of him. However, in the middle of the night, Zhao Xiaoyu was worried about whether the baby was sleeping well and caused him to sleep unsteadily.

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