Chapter 28

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Zhao Xiaoyu, who returned to her position, sat on the chair blankly.

    Xia Ningyuan, who was passing by, noticed Zhao Xiaoyu's abnormality, then stopped, and asked concerned: "Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you these past few days? It's either in a daze or out of state. You can't go on like this."

    "I want to resign." Zhao Xiaoyu said his thoughts.

    "Huh? Resign?" Xia Ningyuan looked at Zhao Xiaoyu in shock, suspecting that he must have heard it wrong.

    Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaoyu nodded, and nodded without hesitation.

    Xia Ningyuan stretched out his hand on Zhao Xiaoyu’s forehead and said, “I’m not sick.” Then, he pulled the chair next to him where no one was sitting and sat in the passage next to Zhao Xiaoyu’s office: “Tell Brother Yuan, you What do you think?"

."I didn't think much about it. I just want to have a baby at home and raise a child. How tired it is to go to work." Zhao Xiaoyu said with a guilty conscience.

    Xia Ningyuan looked at Zhao Xiaoyu up and down, and finally fell on Zhao Xiaoyu's flat stomach, and asked in a low voice, "Are you pregnant?"

    "Well, it's almost a month, and one week or a month." It was the baby in his stomach that made him want to resign. Although he went to find Sheng Yuyuan just now, he didn't see anything abnormal from Sheng Yuyuan's expression. , Even still holding him, in order to keep him here, he mentions the conditions freely.

    It may be because of pregnancy. Zhao Xiaoyu's recent brains are a little insufficient, and he can't think of Sheng Yuyuan's intentions, but it is definitely not because he is multilingual, and a staff of three or four do so.

.As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It has been half a month since he came to the company, and he has known many employees who are better than him, and Zhao Xiaoyu has also inquired that the salary of those employees is less than 10,000 a month.

    So, how can he be.

    It's a pity that he knew it too late, otherwise he wouldn't sign the contract at the beginning.

    But Zhao Xiaoyu didn't know why he agreed to the chairman's one month's consideration time.

    It's really too difficult.

    "If you are pregnant, you must pay attention to it, but it will not resign. Our company is not very good for pregnant employees. Since the company has not said to fire you, you should not do it, and raising a child is really good. It's not easy. Alpha alone won't work at home." Xia Ningyuan patiently persuaded.

.Although he has not been with Zhao Xiaoyu for a long time, he really likes Zhao Xiaoyu. This kid is diligent and will not complain even if he works late at night. In addition to himself, other colleagues in the department are also quite good. I like Zhao Xiaoyu.

    Therefore, in Xia Ningyuan’s view, the person who resigned should not be Zhao Xiaoyu, but Zhang Haorong. Zhang Haorong relied on his uncle as a department manager, not to mention being late for work, and when it comes to get off work, it is not early to leave or on time. In fact, it’s okay to leave work on time. But leaving early is too much. The most important thing is that sometimes you can’t find other people in a meeting, you don’t answer the phone, and you don’t respond to WeChat messages.

    But there is no way. Who will let him have the backstage, and now the company is in a mess. It is estimated that the departments below will not be affected for a while, so Zhang Haorong has gotten worse. For example, after three days this week, he was absent from work for two. sky.

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