Chapter 13

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Not long after Zhao Xiaoyu chatted with a few classmates, he put down his mobile phone and rested. He will have to go to work tomorrow. He can no longer stay up late as before, worrying that he will not have the energy to go to work the next day.

    Zhao Xiaoyu's sleep quality has always been very good, but on this night, he actually dreamed of what happened when he was trapped in the tunnel, and dreamed that the alpha that permanently marked him was actually Sheng Yuyuan.

    Finally, Zhao Xiaoyu was frightened awake, sweating all over, and at the same time ashamed of the dream he had achieved.

    The two people just sound like each other, and he can have such dreams, how hungry and thirsty he is...

    In the next few days, Zhao Xiaoyu worked overtime with Xia Ningyuan until late, and lived a very fulfilling life every day. This was a sense of fulfillment that he could not experience after graduating from university and staying at home for a long time.

.But he hadn't seen Sheng Yuyuan before, and he had only had the dream that night.

    Zhao Xiaoyu thought silently in his heart, fortunately he never met Mr. Sheng again, otherwise he didn't know what mood to face his superior's superior.

    In a blink of an eye, Friday, Zhao Xiaoyu and Xia Ningyuan returned to the office after lunch, and their section chief led Zhang Haorong to find them.

    Their section chief is a middle-aged alpha, and his favorite thing to do is meetings. Zhao Xiaoyu learned from other colleagues in the department that when their section chiefs are in meetings, they never talk about business matters, but like to talk about some theories. Sexual topics.

    Sometimes on a whim, colleagues who are off work will rush back to the company and continue the meeting. At least once or twice a year, there will be a meeting until two or three in the middle of the night.

.If there is no meeting, my favorite is to stop by the department manager's office. I heard people say that their section chief is the celebrity in front of the department manager.

    When Zhao Xiaoyu saw the section chief bring Zhang Haorong over, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

    "Xia Xia, how are you doing on the project you are now in charge?" The section chief asked with a smile, because he was a bit fat and bloated, and his eyes were out of sight when he laughed.

    Zhao Xiaoyu even suspected that their section chief was not an alpha, but a beta.

    "It's almost over, Xiao Zhao and I are translating the contract." Xia Ningyuan answered truthfully.

    After listening to Xia Ningyuan's words, the section chief couldn't help but nodded with a smile, and said: "Xia Xia does things with confidence.".After a pause, the section chief said earnestly: "In this way, Xiao Zhang found me just now and said that he also wanted to study with you, Xiao Xia, you see if you bring one with you, and if you bring two with you, I will give Xiao Zhang. Here you are, Xiao Zhang is the nephew of our department manager. If you take good care of him, your future life in the company will be very prosperous."

    After the section chief said this to Xia Ningyuan, he turned his attention to He Yiyang, and then continued with the words just now: "Xiao Zhao, I remember that you and Xiao Zhang seem to be college classmates, and there are some minor conflicts, but this is the company. For the benefit of the department, I hope you can get along with Xiao Zhang in peace in the future, not only for the good of our department, but also for your good."

    Listen, is this what people say?

    Zhao Xiaoyu glanced at Zhang Haorong, who was standing beside him triumphantly, and realized that the trouble had finally come to his door.

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