Chapter 27

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When Zhao Xiaoyu opened his eyes, he happened to see Zhou Te helping to open the door of the reception room and walk in.

    Zhao Xiaoyu got up from the sofa in a panic, sorting out his clothes.

    "Special Assistant Zhou." It can be regarded as seeing people.

    Zhou Tezhu nodded, he just wanted to be a robot special helper without emotions.

    But in order to complete the task, he straightforwardly said: "I've heard Manager Lu talk about the things you want to resign, but Dong Sheng's point is that you can stay. If you are dissatisfied with the work arrangements or salary. , You can bring it up at any time until you are satisfied."

    Zhao Xiaoyu blinked, wondering whether he was dreaming or dreaming?

    He came to resign, not to negotiate terms, so this style of painting seems to be wrong.

."Just like this, I still have a lot of things to work on here. If there is anything else going on in the future, you can send me an email again, and I will return your email if you see it." After saying this, Special Assistant Zhou again Leaving the reception room.

    It really came and went in a hurry, leaving only Zhao Xiaoyu with a bewildered look standing in place.

    He remembered that he had come to resign, not to raise his salary.

    Why is it so easy for someone to resign? Why is it so difficult for him to resign.

    I don't know why, Zhao Xiaoyu has a strong hunch that Xiao Shengdong deliberately left him in order to torture him well, just like in a TV series, brothers are at odds and others suffer.

    Now Zhao Xiaoyu can only pray silently in his heart, and the alpha that marked him must not be Sheng Yujiang, because he still doesn't want to die so early.

.When Zhao Xiaoyu returned to the translation department from the 66th floor, it was long after get off work hours. Almost all the colleagues in the office were gone, and only a few people were still working overtime.

    Zhao Xiaoyu had no intention of working because of his resignation, so he packed up his things and went home.

    The next day, when Zhao Xiaoyu came to the office, he saw a variety of snacks and nutritional products on the desk. He took a look at it and found that they were all imported products.

    "Brother Yuan, do you know who put these on my table here?" Zhao Xiaoyu asked Xia Ningyuan, who was sitting in front of him.

    "I don't know, I saw this as soon as I came to the office, could it be your suitor?" Xia Ningyuan asked back.

    "Impossible, I have been permanently marked, how could it be possible for a suitor to give me something.".Even if he is not permanently marked, no one will pursue him with his pheromone that is so faint as a bird, not to mention that he is still marked now.

    "That's not clear. But since everything is here for you, you can rest assured."

    Zhao Xiaoyu shook his head quickly. He didn't dare to eat these snacks and supplements that he didn't know who put them here, because he was afraid of being poisoned.

    In the end, Zhao Xiaoyu didn't even think about it, and threw all the food on the desktop into the trash basket, making the empty trash basket suddenly become full.

    At this moment, Zhao Xiaoyu remembered something. He remembered that he signed a contract with the company. The contract clearly stated that as long as he wanted to resign, he could resign at any time. After resignation, the company still needs to pay monthly. He has an unemployment benefit.

    How could he forget such an important thing!

.Overjoyed, Zhao Xiaoyu quickly picked up the backpack and walked to the elevator.

    When he returned to the company again, he had an extra contract in his hand, so he took this contract and went to Zhou's special help.

    As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Special Assistant Zhou walking with Sheng Yuyuan, and then hurried forward, blocking the path of the two.

    Sheng Yuyuan didn't pay attention to a person suddenly appeared in front of him, and almost ran into it.

    He wanted to reprimand this reckless employee, but when he saw that the other party was Zhao Xiaoyu, he couldn't say what he said.

    "Something?" Sheng Yuyuan asked first.

."Chairman, I'm here to talk to Special Assistant Zhou about my resignation. I have asked Special Assistant Zhou before. He did not agree with me to resign. But I just remembered that there was a clause in the contract that stated that I would resign whenever I want. Okay, so I went home specially and took the contract." In this way, they don't have any excuses to let him stay.

    It is written in black and white on the contract. If Shengshi Group fails to fulfill its obligations, he can appeal to the Labor Bureau.

    Where did Sheng Yuyuan think that he used his position to sign this overlord contract to Zhao Xiaoyu, since he would smash himself in the foot today.

    Sheng Yuyuan didn't even think that Zhao Xiaoyu would be so obsessed with resignation. It had been a week, and he still didn't give up.

    "Zhou Ming, you go to the parking lot and wait for me first." Then he looked at Zhao Xiaoyu and said, "You come to my office with me."

.After speaking, Sheng Yuyuan turned and walked back. Zhao Xiaoyu looked at Sheng Yuyuan's symmetrical and tall back, and couldn't help thinking whether the figure in the clothes was as perfect as he imagined.

    Zhao Xiaoyu swallowed, and then silently followed Sheng Yuyuan.

    As soon as he entered the office, a familiar breath came to his nose. Zhao Xiaoyu, who was still a little nervous, relaxed a lot after asking about the breath.

    Sheng Yuyuan walked to his desk, then turned his head and sat directly on the desk, looking at Zhao Xiaoyu blankly.

    "Let's talk about it, the reason you have to resign."

    "Is it a reason to be pregnant?" In order to resign, he is now willing to give it up.

."The company has a series of benefits for pregnant Omega and beta, and will not dismiss you because you are pregnant. If you feel that you are not fit to work, you can take pregnancy leave until the child is born and your body recovers. The entire vacation is your job. The position will remain until you return."

    "But this contract..."

    "Well, I will give you one month to think about it. If you persist in this way after a month, I will agree to your resignation." One month is probably enough.

    Upon hearing Sheng Yuyuan's words, Zhao Xiaoyu agreed with the ghost envoy.

    "After that month, I will come to you again."

    After seeing Sheng Yuyuan nodding, Zhao Xiaoyu left this office.

    Seeing Zhao Xiaoyu's back disappearing at the door, Sheng Yuyuan's deep eyes darkened a bit.

.He didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted to quickly send those people where they should go, within this month.

    The author has something to say: Receiving the file for collection: "I reunited with my ex boyfriend after amnesia"

    On August 3, 2019, a meteor hit the earth, which caused the memory of a few people on the earth to be tampered with.

    Baiqiao was single with his baby in G city for three years. One day he called his ex-boyfriend who had broken up for four years, "My dear, I forgive you, come and pick me and baby in G city!!!"

    S city, Gong Shaoqing who suddenly received a call from her ex-boyfriend:? ? ?

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