Chapter 67

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Sheng Yuyuan didn't know how long he had been standing by the window, until the snow outside stopped, he shook his head.

    He raised his hand and cut the watch again, and the hour hand pointed to half past zero.

    After a while, Sheng Yuyuan put on his coat, picked up the car key and walked outside the bedroom.

    As soon as Sheng Yuyuan came to the living room, he saw his two father-in-laws get up and walk towards the top of the stairs.

    Zhao Yongsheng looked at the car key in Sheng Yuyuan's hand and couldn't help but ask: "Is this going out?"

    Sheng Yuyuan nodded and said, "Suddenly remembered that something needs to be dealt with, Dad, you should rest early. I will be back as soon as the matter is dealt with."

    "It's just been snowing and sliding on the ground, you drive carefully and come back early." Huang Yuan said.

    "Knowing Dad."

.So, this is what a father cares about his children. He will care about where you go. Before you go out, he will tell you to drive carefully and pay attention to safety. These are things that Sheng Yuyuan did not experience from his biological father. , It was his two father-in-laws who gave him this concern.

    Sheng Yuyuan drove to a private nursing home. Because it was the Spring Festival, there were very few people on duty. In addition, in the middle of the night, the originally deserted nursing home became even colder.

    Sheng Yuyuan walked to the door of a room, the light in the room was still on.

    Without any hesitation, he directly pushed the door open.

    I saw Sheng Haikun with mottled white hair lying on the bed, his eyes still moving, and when he saw Sheng Yuyuan coming in, his eyes widened a bit, becoming a little frightened and full of hatred.

.Sheng Yuyuan ignored this expression, but said indifferently: "When you used to spend the Spring Festival with your little lovers and illegitimate children, I spent it alone in the company. Now it's finally the feng shui turn, but I am better than you. , At least I can walk around freely and want to do my own thing, but you can only lie on the bed, eat and drink and have to take care of Lazarus."

    Sheng Haikun could not speak, he could only glared at Sheng Yuyuan, as if reprimanding Sheng Yuyuan for his unfilial piety.

    Sheng Yuyuan snorted and continued: "Did you not expect you to have today? To be honest, even I can't even think of it myself. You see you are now seriously ill in bed. On such an important holiday, all of your former lovers are I didn't take care of you, only my unfavorable son still missed you, and missed you how well you are here."

    "I'm here, there is one particularly important thing I want to tell you.".Sheng Yuyuan walked slowly to the bed, pulled a chair and sat down, and then said: "The court has sentenced Zhang Niansheng, the favorite lover, and sentenced Zhang Niansheng to life imprisonment. If his target is just me , It will probably be sentenced to five years, but he just shot Omega. This life sentence is already a light sentence. If I were a judge, he would definitely be sentenced to death."

    "How precious is Omega, it's still an Omega who is pregnant with twins. He will end up today, and he will take care of himself." As he said, Sheng Yuyuan picked up an apple and a fruit knife next to it, and carefully peeled the apple.

.Sheng Yuyuan thought that when he peeled the apple for the first time, it was for Zhao Xiaoyu to eat. At that time, the peeled apples were pitted and the flesh was gone. Now, the peels of the apples he peeled were extremely thin and still a little bit thin. The roots are connected together, and the skin is not broken after peeling an apple.

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