Chapter 30

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I don't know how long I slept, Zhao Xiaoyu woke up from a dream, only to see that he had a body lying on Sheng Yuyuan, his face buried in the neck of the opponent.

    So what is the situation now? Didn't Sheng Yuyuan go out before? It was he who watched the other person go out with his own eyes, and when did Sheng Yuyuan come in, he didn't even feel at all.

    Reason told Zhao Xiaoyu that he should get up right away, but when he smelled the rich pheromone on his body, he felt that he couldn't get up anymore, so he was sealed on Sheng Yuyuan.

    After a battle with Zhao Xiaoyu, he finally decided to get up and talk.

    Worried about awakening Sheng Yuyuan, Zhao Xiaoyu acted very carefully. He gently opened the quilt, gently moved to the bed, and finally put on his shoes and socks gently, and quietly left the small room.

.As everyone knows, when he just woke up, Sheng Yuyuan was also awake, and when he closed the door, Sheng Yuyuan opened his eyes, with a warm smile on his face.

    As soon as Zhao Xiaoyu walked out of Sheng Yuyuan's office, he had a meeting with Zhou Tezhu.

    "Mrs. Chairman." Zhou Tezhu said hello.

    Zhao Xiaoyu looked at Special Assistant Zhou with a dazed expression, and asked: "Mrs. Chairman? Are you calling me?"

    Zhou Tezhu's expression paused, then smiled and nodded.

    "Zhou Special Assistant, I have not married your chairman yet, so let's call me Xiao Zhao like you did before, Mrs. Chairman!" Fortunately, he and Zhou Special Assistant are the only ones here.

    Zhou Te helped abdomen. Both have children. Isn't it a matter of getting married sooner or later?

.But since Zhao Xiaoyu had said so, Zhou Special Assistant couldn't say anything. In case someone is upset, it's him who is unlucky.

    "Xiao Zhao, is Dong Sheng inside?" Zhou Te asked.

    "He is sleeping inside, he shouldn't wake up yet. I have something to do, so I'll leave first." After saying that, Zhao Xiaoyu hurriedly walked to the elevator, without realizing how horrible what he said was really impressive. Dreaming.

    Zhou Tezhu looked at the back of Zhao Xiaoyu's departure and gave his boss a thumbs up in his heart.

    Sheng Dong mighty!

    Zhao Xiaoyu returned to the office. Not long after sitting down, a group of people gathered around and greeted him.

    Zhao Xiaoyu, who has been squeezed out since the split, is really unaccustomed to everyone's "enthusiasm".

.But everyone said that he would not hit the smiley person with his hand, and he smiled and dealt with it.

    "Gong Zhao, the manager wants you to go to his office." It was Zhang Haorong who came to pass the message. He had completely lost the arrogance he had before, and probably knew that Zhao Xiaoyu now is no longer the person he can afford.

    However, you can also tell from his expression how unconvinced he is.

    "Then what, the manager asked me to go there, I won't talk to you anymore." After saying that, Zhao Xiaoyu got up from the chair.

    When other people saw this, they gave up one way to Zhao Xiaoyu.

    "Unexpectedly, Zhao Gong is the winner in life!"

    "It's also called Gong Zhao. It's time to call the chairman's wife."

    "Why don't I have such a good life, I really envy and hate..No wonder how he asked Zhao Xiaoyu before, he refused to say who his fiancé was. It turned out that his fiancé had a lot of background. "

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