We're Still Friends Right?

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Natasha POV

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Natasha POV

I was devasted when I heard that Clint and all of Steve's team has been arrested and taken to some Maximum Prison in the middle of a literate ocean. I mean why is there a prison in the middle of an ocean. That is just something else. Anyways. I was heartbroken. I knew Clint was defiantly angry at me for being with Stark, but the truth was I was never with Stark. I was planning on helping Steve and I did help Steve. I knew his intentions were genuine with the doctor and the super soldiers. I wanted to do the right thing and I did do the right thing.

I was now sitting on a plane to the prison to see if I can see him. I want to tell him how I feel. All these years of friend-zoning him have come to an end. I am finally coming clean and accepting these feelings I have been running away from for years. Admitting my feelings is one challenge, confessing them is a whole other boat. And confessing them to a guy who is your best friend, a guy who saved your life and the guy who is currently hating on your right now will be a challenge and a half. The plane finally landed and I get out. I am sorting this mess out if it is the last thing I do. I was just walking off the platform when one of the prison guards greet me.

"Ms. Romanoff. What are you doing here?" a guard asks.

"I have questioning with one of the prisoners," I say coldly, internally shuddering calling Clint a prisoner. He was defiantly more than that.

"Ah yes. Just head into that interrogation room and I will send him to you," he says, pointing to a room. "Just as you requested...there is no audio and cameras in it."

"Good and I find out there was, I will be the last person you ever see. Understand?" he nods quickly, fear in his eyes.

I headed to the room and sat down. I let out a sigh and figured out what I would say to Clint. I knew very well he would be pissed with me and no doubt we'll be back to square one where he didn't trust me. The only change is that I trusted him and I loved him. That's right I love Clint Barton. Took me a couple of years to finally decide that I should tell him but I am going to do it. I am prepared for rejection though. I know that he doesn't feel the same way. Our friendship was strained as it was when the Sokovia Accords were released. Now I don't even think we have a friendship, I think that he hates me and that he doesn't care about me the way he did in the past.

I am broken from my train of thought when I heard the door of the room open. I turn around to see a worse for wear Clint being dragged into the room forcefully. The guard throws him into the metal chair and then looks at me. I send a cold glare in the guard's direction and he quickly walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. I turn my attention back to Clint, who was just glaring at me. I guess my assumptions were right.

"What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at some victory party with Stark or something?" he says coldly. Anger, hurt, and distrust was all over his face. Guilt pulled at my stomach.

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