A Fighting Daughter | pt 2

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Narrator POV

"Can defiantly see she is your daughter Clint," Barney says, looking back at his brother. "Now tell me what I want to know, Clint!"

"Yeah, over my dead body." Clint hissed.

Barney just laughs and walks out of the room, the bulky men following him.

"The idiot doesn't know, that you trained me, does he?" Cassidy said, fiddling with the ropes around her wrists.

"No, doesn't seem to," Natasha says.

Cassidy manages to loosen the grip of the rope, causing her to fall to the ground. She lands on her feet and undoes the ropes around her ankles. She walks over to her parents and undoes the chains around their wrists and feet.

"Now, let's get out of here," Clint says, rubbing his wrists.

Before either of the assassins could say another word. Cassidy almost knocks them over in a hug. They hug their daughter, wiping the tears from her face.

"Come on let's go," Natasha says, letting her daughter go.

They were just about to leave when Barney swings open the door, the smile on his face, fading away.

"How d-" he started but was cut off by Cassidy.

"You are such a morone," Cassidy says, crossing her arms.

"What?" Barany was really confused.

"Do you really think that we would have a child and not train her in case something like this would happen? Honestly, I thought you were smarter than that." Natasha says.

Before Barney could respond to Natasha's statement. She lunges a kick into his stomach, causing all the air from him to escape. The guards that were with Barney all got out their guns and knives and started to corner them. The 3 all exchanged glances before lunging at the guards. Cassidy threw a few punches and kicks at one of them, disarming him of his gun. Another comes running towards her and she shoots him in both of his legs, causing him to fall to the ground in agony. The trio finally took all the guards out of the room. Unfortunately, they didn't see three very bulky guards come behind them. They tried to break loose of their grip but had no success.

"You really think you're just going to walk out of here without some sort of suffering," Barney says, picking up a knife.

"So, you're gonna kill your own family Barney?" Clint says, no emotion in his voice. He lost love for his brother the day he left him in a forest to die.

"You know. I want you to suffer. Watching you being tortured and in pain, is one very good thing. But then I realized I was going about this all wrong. There is a way for you to suffer forever and it would put a lot more joy in me, by taking the one thing you both care the most about." he walks over to Cassidy, with a creepy, mental smile spattered on his face.

Without warning, he stabs the knife in Cassidy's stomach causing her to scream in pain.

"NO!" both assassins cry, as they watch their lifeless daughter drop to the ground.

Clint and Natasha fought off the three guards and ran to their daughter. Natasha tried applying pressure to the stab wound, as Clint looked around for something to wrap the wound in. Suddenly, there was a loud blast and the whole wall of the room had a hole in it. The Avenger's running in.

"Clint! Natasha! You're ok!" Steve cried.

"We are but, she isn't." Natasha choked out, tears beginning to run down her face.

"FRIDAY, notify Banner to get the lab ready," Tony says, picking up the lifeless girl.

They all run to the jet, taking a now unconscious Barney with them. Natasha had knocked him out before she went to tend to her daughter. Once at the tower, they rushed to the lab. The cloth, Clint managed to find, was now saturated in blood. Clint and Natasha were sitting outside the lab, watching Bruce and another nurse, try and save their daughter. Cassidy had flat lines 4 times, which just caused the parents to panic and worry even more.

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