Secret Family

315 2 1

Stark Tower - New York

Clint wakes up with a groan. He opens his eyes and much to his dismay, the other side of the bed, next to him is empty. I wish you were here Natasha. He thinks to himself hauling himself out of bed. He throws on a shirt and walks to the elevator to go to the common room for breakfast. Once he was down, he the kitchen, he greeted everyone with a good morning while making himself a cup of coffee.

"You look a little worse for wear," Steve says, looking at Clint from across the table.

"Just a bit tired. I'll be right." Clint said with a shrug. With that, Clint went down to the training room and messed around with one of the fighting dummies and got some target practice in.

In the common room, Tony raised up a subject that was never brought up when Clint was in the room.

"It's been 4 years since Natasha died or disappeared or whatever," he said with a sigh.

"What confuses me is that Clint seemed so fine when Natasha never returned with him after the mission. He seems ok, even now." Bruce says, frowning a little.

"I guess the two weren't like how we made out. Maybe they just seemed close, but they weren't." Steve says, setting down his newspaper.

"Do you think we should ask Legolas about it?" Tony asked, sipping his coffee.

"Maybe we should just not talk about it. He might just be putting on an act as well. You never know." Steve says, getting up to get another cup of coffee.

Clint hung up from a phone call he made and went back up to the common room to put away his dirty mug and grab a glass of water.

"Morning sleepyhead," Clint says, walking into the kitchen, to 19-year-old Emily, sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Morning," she says with a yawn.

"I thought you might have died in your sleep or something. It's nearly 11." Clint says joining her at the table.

"Well, not everyone is you, where they wake up at 5 every morning. Besides, today is Saturday. I am allowed to sleep in." Emily said, looking at her brother. "I thought we established that already." She then screwed up her nose at him.

"What?" he asks, confused at her sudden expression change.

"You smell. You need a shower," she says plainly.

"You are starting to sound like Natasha." Clint says, looking at her with an 'I don't care' look on his face.

Tony looked up from his laptop at the sudden mention of Natasha. He moved into the kitchen, pretending to look for something so he could listen in to the conversation.

"Good. At least she told you when you smelt bad and I plan on doing the same stinky."

Clint laughed. "Yeah, whatever Emily. At least I have a sense of humor, unlike Nat."

Emily rolled her eyes mockingly. "You, a sense of humor. I don't think so."

"I can make people laugh," he says, suddenly offended.

"Ok, you might be funny, but Natasha will always be the best in sparing," Emily said, knowing this would make him go down the defensive lane.

"Excuse me, missy. I am so much better in sparing." Clint says, getting up from the table. "I've wiped the mat with her a few times.

"Imagine her hearing you say that. All hell will break loose. OR...she will say that you dream too much." Emily says, getting up and putting her bowl in the sink.

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