The Dinner Part of Truths

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The Avengers have created a tradition that once every month, each Avenger hosts a small dinner party for the team. Everyone loved it because each night, going to the Avenger's house or apartment, they would learn a little more about that person. However, two people on the team, don't contribute to this. They don't host any dinner parties at their apartments, making up excuses on why they can't host one.

"That time of the month is coming up again, everyone!" Tony announces, walking into the common area of the Avenger's tower.

"What kind of excuse will one of them throw at us this time?" Bruce asks, looking up from his iPad. "I mean we all have gone so far but those two."

"Don't know, guess we will have to find out when they come downstairs for breakfast," Steve says, taking a sip of his coffee, tearing his attention from his newspaper.


Natasha walks back from the gym, her towel wrapped over her shoulder, her headphones in her ears. She goes to open the bedroom door when she notices that it's locked. 

"Clint! Clint open this door!" Natasha yells, banging and knocking on the door.  

After a few minutes of knocking, he finally opens the door, shirtless. 

"You good with the knocking, Tasha?" he asks, rubbing a hand over his face.

"Why the hell did you lock the door?" Natasha says, walking into the bedroom. 

"Love the outfit babe," Clint smirks as he shuts the bedroom door. 

"Haha very funny Clint. Now put a shirt on." Natasha says getting changed herself. 

"Ok, two seconds," he says, shutting the door.

"You know it's coming to that time of the month again. One of us is going to get picked." Natasha says, sitting on their messy bed.

"What are we gonna tell them this time?" Clint says, slipping a shirt over his head.

"We are running out of excuses Clint. I am not sure how long we are going to be able to keep this up."

Clint sits next to her and sticks an arm around her. She leans into his embrace, leaning her head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of her head, this causes her to give a small smile.

"I guess if they find out they find out." Natasha sighs in defeat.

"Are you sure Natasha?" Clint says, looking into her bright emerald eyes. "I'm sure we can come up with something."

"They have a right to know I guess." she shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." he places his chin on the top of her head for a few minutes before getting up. "Come on, let's get some breakfast." He places his hand out for her to take.

She smiles and takes it gratefully. They head out of the room and head into the elevator, hand in hand. Natasha gives Clint a quick kiss on the cheek before the door opened to the common room. The two walk out and say good morning to everyone. Natasha sits at the large kitchen table as Clint grabbed them both a cup of coffee. Once he was seated in his usual seat, next to Natasha. Tony said the sentence they knew was coming, but it was different as well.

"So, we all have been talking, while we were waiting for the two of you to come down. As you both might know, that time of the month is coming up. Instead of one of you holding the dinner party. Both of you will do it. You will choose which house or apartment you want to do it at. Sounds good?" Tony says, sitting in his chair, watching the two exchange looks.

"Ok...fine." Natasha, says, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Wonderful. We are also pulling it forward to tonight, so you guys can't bail. You have all of today to plan and prepare for it." Tony says, a small smirk on his face.

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