A Fighting Daughter | pt 1

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Cassidy POV

It was raining. It wasn't heavy but I still needed an umbrella. I walked through the streets until I reached the cemetery. I walked through bunches of lilies in my hands. Both my parents loved these flowers. It has been two weeks since they had died. I finally reached their graves, but I wasn't the only one there. I walk up slowly and quietly, flowers in one hand, umbrella in the other.

"Hey," I say quietly.

"Hey," Steve says, not tearing his eyes from the tombstones.

I walk over and place the two banquets of lilies on each of the graves. I walked next to Steve, tears slowly falling down my face. He sticks an arm around and I lose control of my silent sobs. He pulls me into a hug and sob into his chest.

"Hey, let it all out. It's ok," he says, rubbing his hand on my back, to help me calm down. He pulls always, wiping my tears with his thumb and taking my red hair out of my face. "Come on, I'll walk you back to the tower."

I nod and we slowly start walking back to Stark Tower. We walked in silence.

"Do you think my parents loved me?" I suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

"Cassidy, of course, they loved you. Why would you even consider that they didn't." Steve replies.

"I know they did. Do you think they still love me...now?" I then ask, realizing that my question came out wrong.

He gives me a smile and pulls me close into a side hug. "Yes. I do."

I give him a smile and we walk into the tower.

"I thought I would have to send out a search party for you two," Tony says, with a small laugh.

"Well, it's nice to see that you care, Tony," I say, a small smug smile forming on my face.

"You ok?" he then asks. I give a small nod. "Well let one of us know if you need anything. OK?"

I nod again and I head to the elevator. I punch my floor number and the doors close. I was so glad that the Avengers let me continue to stay at the tower. The door opens and I walk straight to my bedroom. I flopped on my bed with a sigh. Suddenly, the door to my small apartment place opens. I hop off my bed and slowly walk through only to find Coulson standing there with a smile.

"How are you doing," he asks, setting his coat on the small chair in the living room.

"Ok. I guess..." I say, giving a small shrug.

"I'll be in the briefing room if you need me," he says, heading back to the door.

The rest of the day, I stayed in my room. I watched a few movies. Flipped through a math textbook. I'm only 17. And I take a two-hour hot bubble bath. I was finally ready to go to bed and take a nice long sleep. I slip into a baggy shirt and some sleep shorts. I walk into my bedroom and sit on the edge of my bed. I get up and walk into my parents' room. I jump into their bed and curl up into the sheets. The bedsheets were still fresh with their scent.

Narrator POV

Coulson quietly walks in and see's Cassidy curled up, sleeping peacefully in the bed. He places a small kiss on the top of her head and walks out.

"She ok?" Sam asks, sitting at the kitchen counter.

"She is in Clint and Natasha's room, curled up in their bed," Coulson says. "It pains me to see her like this. She was so close to her parents."

Next day...

"Has she come down to breakfast?" Tony asks.

"Not yet. I was just about to go up and check on her." Wanda says, putting her mug in the sink.

Wanda goes to the elevator and punches Cassidy's floor. When the elevator door opens, Wanda knocks on the door.

"Cassidy...It's Wanda. You ok in there." she says, through the door. Something isn't right. Wanda thinks to herself. She opens the door and the sight of the living room causes her to panic. The tidy teenager's living room was a mess. There were tables overturned and smashed vases. She runs to the bedroom, she had fallen asleep and she wasn't there. Only a mess was left. A sign of a struggle.

"TONY, STEVE! SOMEONE!" Wanda screams. She then sees a note on the floor with a bit of blood on the paper.

Help, please...

It was Cassidy's handwriting.

"What's wrong?" Tony asks, almost out of breath.

"Someone has kidnapped Cassidy," Wanda says, sinking to the floor. "I promised Natasha and Clint that if anything were to happen to them, I would look after their daughter."

"Don't blame yourself. None of us could have known. Our main priority here is finding her and getting her back." Steve says, comforting Wanda.

"How are we going to find her? It's not like she has a tracking device on her or something." Sam says, sounding a bit defeated.

"Only she does. Sam, you're a genius." Wanda says, realizing something.

"I thought I was the genius here." Tony whines.

"Great...how?" Sam says, now confused.

"Natasha and Clint gave Cassidy a necklace for her twelfth birthday. The necklace has a tracking device in, just in case someone would use Cassidy to get what they wanted from Natasha or Clint." Wanda says.

"I'll see if the single is on. If we can trace it. We might be able to find her in no time." Tony says, getting off the chair and heading to the lab.


Cassidy starts to groan. Her head ached and he throat was dry. She slowly opened her eyes, reality slowly hitting the 17-year-old. Her hands were tied above her head and her feet were loosely tied. When her vision was no longer blurry, she noticed two figures in front of her. When she was fully awake and back, in reality, she noticed that the two figures were people, chained in a similar position she was in. She then recognized who they were. Tears rushed down her face.

It can't be? She thought, her eyes transfixed on the two people in front of her.

"Mom? Dad?" she says, her voice raspy because of her dry thought.

The people's heads jerked up, making eye contact with the teenage girl in front of them.

"Cassy?" The women say.

"Mom, you're ok. But, you di-" Cassidy started but was cut off.

"They made it look like we died. You're not safe here." Clint says.

"I missed you guys!" Cassidy cried.

"And we missed you, honey," Natasha says, tears beginning to run down her face.

Suddenly the door, swings open, and several men, with guns walk into the room. A man in a suit with a big grin on his face walks in.

"Look, it's a family union! The Barton family reunited." a suited guy says.

"You can do anything to us but leave our daughter out of this Barney." Clint hisses.

"Dear brother, I'm not going to touch the delicate thing," Barney says.

"Then why is she here?" Natasha asks, looking over at her daughter.

Barney laughs and walks over to Cassidy. He sticks his hand over her chin, causing her head to lift and meet his eyes.

"Don't touch me." Cassidy hisses, jerking her head, away from his hand.

"If you don't give me the answer's I want, then your daughter is going to watch both her precious parents suffer in some pretty painful ways," he says, with a small laugh. "It will give me much pleasure watching you suffer Clint. You have taken so much from me!"

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