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I was sitting on the couch, a bowl of Coco Pops on my lap, flipping through channels on the TV

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I was sitting on the couch, a bowl of Coco Pops on my lap, flipping through channels on the TV. There is nothing on. I flipped to the news. I hated watching the news. There were always petty, boring, or depressing stories. I was about to flip over when the 'Breaking News' popped up and a name I knew all too well caught my attention.

"Agent Clint Barton of SHIELD better known as Hawkeye of the Avengers has just gone missing in the call to action."

I dropped my spoon in my bowl and turned the volume up on the TV.

"People believe that there is a possibility that he might not survive the explosion that happened in the town square of Budapest. Let us just hope and pray that he is ok."

Tears started to well in my eyes. My best friend was missing and the chances of him being alive aren't very high. I rush into the kitchen where Bruce was reading something on his laptop, Steve was making coffee, Thor was nowhere to be found and Tony was sitting eating eggs on toast. Suddenly, everyone looks up at me as I rush into the room. I was trying my best to keep my tears and emotions in check.

"Clint...Clint is-" I started but fell to my knees and started crying. Everyone rushes to me asking if I was ok and what was wrong with Clint. I finally gained control of my emotions and told them what I saw on the news.

"We are gonna find him, Natasha. Barton is strong. I'm sure he is alive." Bruce says, his voice comforting and soft.

"Looks like we are going to Budapest," Tony says, standing up. I get off the ground and straighten myself up. I turn around to see Director Furry standing in the doorway.

"Sorry Furry but we already have a mission. Finding and saving Clint." I say, knowing he was here to assign a mission.

"That was the mission I was going assign you, people," Furry says, the smallest of smiles forming on his face.

"Agent Barton is alive but is in a very critical state. The chances of him dying from blood loss are very high. We have a location on his tracker in his bow." Furry says as we were watching the screen in the briefing room. It had a map of Budapest with a red dot which was Clint's location.

"Furry, just out of curiosity. What are the chances that the people that are holding Clint hostage are the same people that tried killing both of us a couple of years back."? I say, realizing the location was familiar.

"Good observation Agent Romanoff. They are the same people. And this time they might just have the chance of killing him." Furry says, sitting down.

"I also have a question. Why is there a tracker in Barton's bow?" Tony asks.

OH MY GOD, he is so nosey. "Because it comes in handy when he decides to go missing or taken hostage," I say, stating the obvious.

"Why do I have a feeling there is another reason," Tony says, his stupid smile on his face.

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