Every Girls Dream is Now Hers

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Narrator POV

"Love is for children. Love makes you weak. Your target has love in his heart, which is making him weak and soft. That is not you Black Widow."

"But he is strong sir."

"You are to take him out tonight. You have 12 hours."

Her conversation with her boss replays in her mind. She suddenly, sits up with a start, beads of sweat all over her face. She rubs her face and pushes her dream out of her mind. He was right. Love is for children. She didn't have time for love, and it is a waste of energy. She turns to see the person who was sleeping next to her, his face full of peace. She carefully slipped out of the bed, trying not to wake him. She slipped on a shirt and walked up onto the roof of the hotel to get some fresh air. She looked out to the sun just rising over the horizon. The sky filled up with shades of red, orange, and yellow. It was so peaceful. She didn't want to kill him, and he said that he wasn't going to kill her. But if she didn't kill him, the Red Room would kill both of them, not thinking twice?

She headed back down to the room and saw that he was still sleeping. She carefully rummaged through her bag and took out her handgun. She turned back to the bed and pointed it at him. He stirred and opened his eyes. He sits up suddenly, confusion and fear growing on his face.

"You don't have to do this Natasha," he says, trying to move toward her.

Her tears-filled eyes were filled with regret. She had tears streaming down her face. "I am sorry." she chokes out. "I don't want to...but I have to. I hope you can forgive me." she pulls the trigger and shoots him.

She drops the gun and falls to her knees, crying. Two tall men, burst into the room, grabbed her things, and take her roughly. They cuff her hands behind her back and take her back to Russia. She didn't know if he was still alive or whether he will end up dying due to blood loss. Once she arrived in Russia, she was taken straight back to the Red Room and her boss' office.

"I gave you one job Natasha. You always pull through this one. Why did it take you THAT long to kill him?" he yelled.

"I don't know sir." she choked out. She had calmed down, but there were still tears rolling down her face. But she did know. He showed her the first piece of kindness she had ever received in her life. 

"Natasha, stop crying. You are becoming weak and we can't have that. Now, I am aware that you have completed your task, but there will be consequences because of this softness and this behavior."

"Yes sir." she hung her head. Knowing what her punishment would be.

(3 years later)

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Clint Barton says, walking into Fury's office.

"Yes, please have a seat. "Furry says, folding his hands on his desk. "Your Russian friend is back and this time we are going to follow through with orders. Understand?"

"Yes sir," Clint says, hanging his head. He takes the file on his boss's desk and heads to his room.

The file was the same, except that now his name was under her kill list saying attempted kill. His heart wanted to break, the memory of that morning still fresh in his mind. He still couldn't believe she shot him. His hands make their way to a small scar that was on his lower stomach. He knew he couldn't kill her, but he also knew that he had a job to protect the innocent. He sighed and packed his duffle bag. She no doubt forgot him anyways. He finishes packing his bag and heads to the jet that was waiting for him. Back to Budapest. The flight was long, and all Clint could think about is how both his and her reactions would be when they saw each other.

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