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Clint sees her standing in the middle of a deserted park in Budapest, with an umbrella in her hand. He had her. One arrow through her back and she would be dead. He was sitting in a tree, hidden by the branches. He had an arrow notched into place. He had it aimed at her. She turned around, facing where he was hiding. His face opened slightly in awe. She seemed so fragile. Her beautiful red locks fell flawlessly over her shoulders. He was in complete awe.

"I know you are there," she says to him, a small smile on her face.

He gives off a smug smile, puts his arrow back into his quiver, and jumps down, landing perfectly on his feet. Natalia looked him over. A scrubby, muscular boy no older than 16 stood in front of her. "Natalia Romanova. I'm guessing. Name's Clint Barton."

"You're gonna kill me with a bow?" she asks plainly, looking at his bow in his hand.

"What's wrong with a bow?" he asks, raising a brow. "And how do you know I was going to kill you?"

"You know I was asked to kill a mercenary that uses a weapon from the stone age," she says, walking closer to him.

Clint watched as she came into the light. He could see her soft face. Her body seemed well trained like she danced. She was slim and pale. He couldn't kill her. He just couldn't. No matter how much his employer wanted him to. He just couldn't. But he had heard stories of a red-haired assassin. She killed anyone and everyone she encountered.

"So, why am I not dead then?" Clint asks, cheekily.

Natalia what is wrong with you. All you need to pull the gun out of your pocket and shoot him. Not that hard. But there was something else. She pushed those feelings that she never felt and pulled out her gun and pointed it at his head.

"You were saying. Now my turn to ask you something. Why haven't you killed me?" she says, the gun still pointed at his head.

"I actually am not doing this willingly. My employer wants you dead. I accepted this contract because it had good pay and I need money and stuff." he says. He drops his bow to the ground. "But I have a feeling that you don't really have a choice here either."

Natalia's expression changes. He was right. She didn't have a choice. Suddenly, those feelings she tried so hard to push away since her eyes landed on the teenager came back again. They were feelings she never had. They were feelings she was told make people weak. Feelings that only caused pain. She dropped her gun, tears running down her face. Clint walks up to her and gives her a hug.

"I know what it's like to be forced to do things you don't want to," he says, rubbing circles on her back.

"I never cry." she sniffles, pulling away slightly.

"Crying is a part of life. Just like love and sadness and happiness is a part of life," he says, looking into her emerald eyes.

Clint grabs her hand and grabs his bow. He leads her through the park.

"Where are we going?" she asks, following him through the dark city.

"My hotel rooms. It's kinda shitty but it will do," he says, with a smile. "Will give you somewhere to stay and where you can figure it out and don't worry I won't put an arrow in you."

The teenagers went into the hotel and headed into the elevator. There was an old lady knitting. She looked up at the kids and then returned her attention back to her knitting. Natalia tensed up a bit. Eyeing the elderly lady.

"Relax. She's not a threat unless she decides to attack us with her knitting needles," he says with a small laugh.

"Are you always this jokey," she asks.

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