You're Never Late

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Natasha POV

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Natasha POV

Where is Barton? It has been nearly 2 weeks and he's still not back from his mission. Where could he be? He hasn't called me in ages. Oh, Clint, where are you? My thoughts started rushing through my head, as I punch a dummy forcefully with every question. Every thought. I had my music blasting from my small iPod.

After a while, I start to get tired and I fall to my knees. I take a few breathes, pause my music and take out my earplugs. I get up and run a hand through my red hair. I turn around to see Bruce and Steve sitting on a bench near my bottle and towel.

"Hey," I say, half-heartedly. I walk to the bench and grab my bottle, taking a thirsty swig.

"Are you ok Natasha?" Bruce asked, concern in his voice.

"What...Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed something to relax." I say, wiping my sweaty forehead with the towel.

"And working and tiring yourself out is what you call relaxing?" Steve says with a small chuckle.

"We all have our ways, Rodgers," I say, rolling my eyes.

"You're worried about Clint...aren't you?" Bruce says, looking down at the ground, making his question cautiously. 

"Of course, I am worried about him. He's my partner." I say, getting defensive.

Are these guys idiots? He is my partner and best friend. If anything were to happen to him, I'm not sure what I'd do.

"Just a partner ok," Steve says, his statement dripping with sarcasm.

"And what exactly is that meant to mean Rodgers?" I spit out.

"I've never seen you of all people this worried about someone Natasha that's all. Are you sure that that is all Barton is?" Steve challenged.

I just stood there thinking of ways I could pull myself out of this situation.

Clint's mission obviously seemed to be harder than anticipated. But it never took him this long for a solo mission. The longest he has been on a solo mission was when he was sent to kill me years ago. But other than that, he would be back in less than a week. He's no doubt just messing with you. Trying to make you all worried and stuff. Yeah...that's it. But then again he would never do that. Oh, Natasha, what are you gonna do?

I walk through the room up to the elevator, Banner, and Rodgers following me. I press my floor and the doors shut.

"Natasha...Barton's been compromised." That one sentence rings in my head, from the New York incident. I shiver at the memory. I finally get to the floor and open the door.

"I'm gonna take a bath," I say, so the boys wouldn't follow me in. I know they meant well, but nothing right now could suppress the worry and concern I had for my partner. I throw my iPod, water bottle, and towel on the couch and reach for the necklace around my neck. I pulled it from under my shirt and it revealed a simple wedding ring. I held it close to my chest and whispered, "Oh please come home."

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