A Family Together Once More

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"Probably a rival gang or something," Emily said, fiddling with the necklace around her neck.

"No, it's defiantly Barton. What he has done here and what he has been doing here for the last couple of years...Emily, there is a part of me that doesn't even want to find him." Rhodey says. He watches the young girls' facial expressions change from distracted to sadness.

"Well, you need to find where he is going next," she says, keeping in tears that threatened to fall. Rhodey hung his head with a sigh. "Please..."

"I'll do what I can."

Once Emily sees that he is gone, she breaks down in tears. She didn't know what else to do.

"You ok?" Steve asks, leaning on Emily's desk.

"I didn't hear you come in," she says, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

"I heard about Barton. Emily Rhodey is right. Maybe it's best that we just leave him be."

"How can you say that Steve?! He was your teammate. You guys were close. Now that he is going around killing random people in different areas of the world all of that changes?" Emily was on the verge of destroying Steve.

"Yes, Emily. It shows who he really is." Steve raised his voice slightly.

"Ok, let me ask you a question. Would you call Clint a friend, would you still trust Clint, after everything that he has just done?"

"No, not really."

"Well, looks like our relationship is going to become very strained very soon."

With that, Emily walks out of the room, leaving Steve confused over her statement. She changes into a blush pink hoodie and some jeans. Out of the black skirt and tank top, she was wearing before. She gets into a jet and goes to the next place her brother is suspected to be.

Emily was walking through the dark streets of Tokyo. As she walked, looking around, she gripped her gun tightly in her pocket. She was nervous about how quiet it was. Hoping that her brother would recognize her, she continued to walk. Suddenly, she stepped on a very familiar object. Stepping back and picking it up, she held it close. She knew he was here, and she knew he was close. Suddenly, her pase starts to get faster as she hears cries of pain, shooting, yelling, and sounds of fighting happening. She turns the corner and sees a man and a cloaked figure fighting with very long swords. She hid behind the wall, trying to avoid being spotted. In less than a minute, the man was on his knee's clutching his bloody throat, begging the cloaked guy that he would do anything if he let him live. Unfortunately, he didn't get his wish. The cloaked guy stabbed him and pulled the sword out of his victim, cleaning it with his sleeve. Emily did a small gasp, which caused the cloaked guy to turn around, looking in the direction Emily was hiding in. Emily came out, her face expressionless.

"You shouldn't be here." the cloaked guy says.

"Neither should you," Emily said, looking at the ground.

He pushes the hood back and pulls off his mask, throwing it on the ground. Emily's face remains still expressionless as she looks up.

"I've got a job to do," Clint said, turning away from his sister.

"This is what you are calling all of this," Emily said, walking closer to Clint. "This isn't going get Natasha and Cassidy back Clint. I miss them too bu-"

"Yeah, well at least you aren't blamed for their death now are you. I am. ME EMILY!" Clint says, moving closer to Emily, which only causes her to move backward.

"Yeah, well they don't know the truth. Come back to New York with me a-"

"I'm not going back. This is me now." Clint stops closing in on Emily who was now cornered against a wall.

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