Chapter 4: Controlling movies.

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Hannah woke me the next morning by throwing oranges at me. I sat up and caught one, peeling it on her sleeping bag. She pushed me over and said,
"Go cook something, I'm starving!"
"You couldn't just make it yourself?" She shook her head and bounded out to the living room, where the girls and guys were playing a call of duty game. I forget which one. Mike and Carson were gripping their heads and moaning, clearly in hangover pain. I rolled my eyes and handed them each a bottle of ibuprofen.
"Serves you right for not choosing abstinence." Carson grinned at me.
"I thought that was only used when sex is involved?" I shook my head and grabbed some pancake mix without looking up.
"No, the definition of abstinence clearly says; 'the decision not to part take in any high risk behaviors, not just sex."
"You need to stop using big words!" Dina laughed, pouring some milk for herself. I rolled my eyes and said,
"Anyone want berries or chocolate chips in theirs?!" Everyone shouted again, and I made them write it down again. The list read,
Mike-chocolate chips.
Hannah-strawberries and raspberries.
Carson-chocolate chips and blueberries.
Kenny-apples and chocolate chips.
Kendra-cinnamon and chocolate chips.
Bennett-blackberries and chocolate chips!
I sighed and started mixing the stuff. Kendra took some and smudged it on Kenny's unsuspecting face. He tried flinging stuff at her, but I shouted,
"Children! Out of the kitchen while I'm cooking!" They grumbled and left to the living room to play call of duty. Bennett started brewing some coffee for everyone. He smirked and said,
"Someone's grumpy this morning."
"I'm grumpy every morning," I stated, sighing and pouring the first pancakes on the griddle. He smiled and handed me a box of M&M's. I frowned and said,
"What's this for?"
"It'll make you less grumpy," he stated, walking out of the room. I shrugged and decided to add them to my pancakes. After everyone had eaten breakfast, we all said our goodbyes. Dina and I started getting ready. Hannah would do our make up and Kendra would do our hair. Once I'd thrown on the pink shirt with the leggings and the jacket, I sat in the chair in front of Kendra, who was standing over me with a curling iron. She brushed out my hair, curled the front bangs, and then braided my hair into a pony tail. It all took about thirty minutes, but I liked the way it turned out. I then switched places with Dina, who'd just had her face painted by the evil mastermind, Hannah. She plopped some foundation and mascara and eyeshadow and tons of sticky stuff. Once finished, all I could feel was stickiness, although it didn't look like I had that much make up on. I sat on the couch and started to read IT by Steven king;
'The train station sat right behind Eddie's house, a place he was forbid to go, but that didn't stop him. He was forbidden to do a lot of things...' A loud honk inturrupted my reading, and I looked out to see Carson driving a nice, sleek looking black car. Dina pulled me behind her, anxious to go. She slipped in the back seat while I cautiously sat in front.
"Where's Bennett?" Dina asked, frowning. He turned to her and smiled,
"We're meeting him at the theater."
"Oh, ok!" She smiled, buckling up. I thought he was going to murder us in the woods for the entire drive, but was surprised to see us pull into the town movie theater. Bennett was standing near the building, waiting. He held our tickets, and smiled when he saw us get out of the car. Dina ran over to him, smiling like the sun. He was wearing a brown sweatshirt with blue jeans, and Carson wore a basketball jersey with jeans. We all walked inside and ordered our snacks. Bennett smiled and said,
"Might I say you two look lovely this evening?"
"You may!" Dina exclaimed, giggling and blushing. I rolled my eyes and we walked inside the theater that would be showing Insurgent. I liked the first Divergent, but my friends didn't stop talking about four until at least three months had passed. Bennett and Dina took some seats near the front row, and Carson tugged me towards the middle.
"I wanna sit near Dina," I said, staring at him. He smiled and said,
"Let them have their date, and let us have ours, k?" I mumbled in agreement and we sat in the middle row. Most of our school was at this movie, and we sat near a huge group of girls, everyone smiled seductively at Carson. He winked and smiled at them. I rolled my eyes and ate some popcorn, not wanting to be here. He looked at me and said,
"You look nice."
"But that jacket doesn't really flatter you. Don't wear it again." He stated, eating some skittles. I opened my mouth and looked at him,
"Since when did you become my fashion expert?"
"Since you became my girlfriend."
"We're not a couple..." But he grabbed the back of my hair and turned my head sharply towards him, making my nerves spike up.
"We are now. If you back sass me again, you'll be sorry, understand?" I nodded and he let go, looking calmly at the screen. A few tears slid out and I softly said,
"You can't make me..."
"Here's the deal, Sarah. We're together now. If I say jump, you say how high? If I tell you to do something, do it. I know where you live, I know what your sister looks like. If you value her in anyway, you won't disappoint me, got it?" I shook my head and clenched my jaw.
"I'm not your property." He looked at me, smiled to the side, and said,
"As of now, you are." He swept some hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. He then slung an arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer. I looked over towards Dina and Bennett. Dina looked at me at exactly the same time. She smiled and waved at me, smirking extra wide when she saw Carson's arm around me. I gave her a weak smile and ate some more popcorn, sad. Suddenly, my cell phone rang. I, being technologically impaired, don't know how to silence my phone. I just excused myself from the scowling faces and went to the girls bathroom, locking one of the stalls. I answered,
"Hey, just wanted to check up on you," Kendra. I breathed and said,
"Kendra, I don't know what to do!"
"What? What did he do?!" I told her about what he'd said. Once finished, I felt some tears sting my eyes.
"What the hell do I do?!"
"I'm coming to get you, that's bullshit."
"No! He'll know I told you!"
"I'll tell him we have some last-minute homework to do at your house, I'm coming right now, ok?" I sighed and said,
"Ok." She hung up and I flung open the bathroom door, almost face planting into Carson's face. I yelped and jumped back. He smiled and said,
"Everything ok?"
"Uh..yeah. Um...listen..."
"I can tell you don't like the movie, that's why we're going to the mall, c'mon." He gripped my arm and pulled me after him, me panicking on what to say.
"Uh, I'm actually suppose to..."
"What?" He asked, stopping in front of his car. I stuttered,
"I, uh...k-Kendra's coming t-to get me..." He sprung his hand up and grabbed my jaw with his right hand. He pushed me up against the drivers side door, slamming my head against it. I yelped and squirmed. He asked,
"She doesn't know what I said, does she?"
"No, we have homework to do! I swear!" He stared at me for a moment, then stepped back and smiled, releasing me from his death grip. Kendra pulled up to the front, honking like crazy. He nodded towards her car.
"Guess you'd better get going, I'll see you at school." He left back inside, making me shiver in the night. I got in the car and she took off, gripping the steering wheel like her life depended on it.
"Oooo, that boy does not know who he's fucking with."
"Yeah, he does. He sees me as a nerd, an easy target," I stated, rubbing my jaw. She looked at it and frowned.
"How'd you get that red ma..." But she stopped mid sentence, eyes wide.
"Oh, hell no he didn't!"
"Yes, he did," I stated, sighing. She shook her head.
"Ok, imma get a blow torch and some duct tape and..."
"No, you can't. His dad's the sherif, remember?"
"Sherif shermif, I don't care!" She ranted and rambled on until we pulled up to my house.
"Want me to spend the night?" She asked.I rolled my eyes and said,
"He's not coming over here to kill me in the middle of the night, I think I'll be ok."
"Ok, night." She hugged me and I walked inside, grabbing an apple from the dark kitchen. Mornings come early at our house, so my dad and sister were asleep. I walked upstairs to my bedroom, plopping down on the bed. I grabbed some kleenexes from my night stand and wiped all the impurities from my face. I laid my head on the headboard and closed my eyes, sighing. Then, I heard a beep from my computer. I groaned and got up, reading my email. It said,
'Whered you run off to?' From Bennett. I looked around the corner to see him on his bed, laptop in hand. I sighed and said,
'Home.' He frowned and looked up, seeing me at my desk. He smiled and waved. I waved back, tired.
'You looked nice tonight."
'Thanks. How'd it go with Dina?'
'She seems anxious,' he stated, smirking at the screen. I rolled my eyes and typed,
'She thinks your the best thing since sliced bread.'
'Ehh, hard to argue.'
'Yeah right,' I clicked, smirking.
'She asked me to ask you why you left?:/' I thought for a few moments, biting my lip and decided on what to say.
'Homework.' I sighed, hoping he'd believe it.
'You're always doing homework!' I looked over to his house. When he saw me, he flung his hands up in the air and mouthed 'what?!' I rolled my eyes and typed,
'I enjoy good grades, ok?'
'Huh, ok, fine. See you later, gotta go, bye.'
'Bye!' I replied,leaning back in the chair. Jane stumbled around the corner. She leaned in the doorway and mumbled,
"How'd the date go?" I hesitated a minutes too long, and Jane could see it. She frowned and leaned against the doorway.
"Tell me."
"I can't," I stated, looking away. She walked over and hugged me.
"Course you can, just open your mouth and make vocalizations." I smirked and rolled my eyes.
"It went ok. Not what I expected for my first date." She hugged me tighter.
"And what?"
"And do you like him?! Are you going out again, was he dressed nice, what?!?" She exclaimed, smiling. I sighed.
"Well, I don't know for sure, but I'd say we're..." I dreaded saying the last word,"together."


Thanks, hope you like the next chapter, bye! :D

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