Chapter 26: Happy Talent show!

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Jane insisted that I dressed up for the talent show.
"I am not wearing a short dress in the freaking winter!" I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes and giggled. Although she still couldn't walk, she was defiantly making progress. She was able to use crutches now, a great leap for her. Jacob and her were spending more and more time together,,and I started to have my suspicions. But for now, she was trying to convince me to wear a dress that cut off just above my knees with a purple band around the waist and the rest was dark green. I simply shook my head while brushing my hair.
"For the last time, no, jane."
"Think of what Isaac would say!!!" She pleaded one more time. I sighed, looked at the dress one more time, and gave up.
"Fine, but I'll only wear it with leggings underneath and an over jacket."
"Deal!" She squealed, throwing it at me and leaving so I could change. I threw the dress over my head and slipped some leggings underneath and a jacket on top. After I was done, I stared at myself in the mirror and thought of how to wear my hair. 'I wonder if Bennett would like it down,' is what I thought at first, then in slapped my self and shook my head. 'Get it together! You're in a relationship!' I scolded myself. I put my hair in a high ponytail and left the bathroom, putting my black tennis shoes on. Dad appeared in the doorway, an anxious expression on his face.
"Sarah, I have to get to the shop right away, I need you to take jane to school."
"Ok, where're the keys?" I asked. He reached in his jean pocket and tossed them to me. I nodded and kissed his cheek. He kissed mine and said,
"Love you."
"Love you too." He walked out and down the stairs. I sighed and knocked on Jane's door.
"Are you almost ready?"
"Can't-get-on-shoes." She grunted through the door. I sighed and walked in. She was leaning against the head board for support and doing a sit and reach to try and get her shoes on. The muscles in her legs wouldn't keep them in the crossed position, so she couldn't hold it over her other leg to put the shoes on. I inhaled slowly and went over to her.
"Here, give them here." She handed me her brown Uggs and sighed. I slipped them onto her feet and smiled.
"There, get your crutches, let's go." She nodded and took the crutches leaning against the wall and stood up. I helped her down the stairs and out the front porch. Once we walked up to the Subaru, I set her crutches in the back and slipped in the drivers side.
"We're off to see the wizard," I stated, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. She giggled. The radio started playing 'Unwritten.' I smiled and sang along.
"Staring at the blank page before you open up the dirty window," jane giggled and we sang together until the song ended. When it did, we giggled and she sighed.
" Bennett excited for his bit?"
"It doesn't matter, he has to." I replied, smirking. She nodded. I smiled and asked,
"So, how's Jacob been?"
"Good, his sisters out of rehab and she's doing better-" she stopped, blushing and smiling. I smirked and teased,
"Looks like you've got a crush on a certain someone?"
"No!" She exclaimed a little too quickly. I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"It's obvious, jane. Just admit it!" She shook her head no. I laughed as we pulled up to the school. I helped jane out of the car and hugged her.
"Have a god day."
"You too, Sarah." She walked off with a group of her friends, leaving me alone in the parking lot. I was leaning into the trunk to grab my bag when I heard a snobby voice coo,
"Oh, look who it is, the girl who backed down." I turned around with slight annoyance in my face.
"Excuse me?" I asked, looking Sabrina dead in the eye. She flipped her blonde hair from her face and smirked at me, her friends following suit.
"I know about your relationship with Isaac. Good thing, too. I wouldn't want that little heart of yours to shatter," she smiled and crossed her skinny arms across her chest. I smiled politely back and sighed.
"I don't know if you just don't get it, or if you're really that dense, but Bennett isn't into you. No one is." I slung my bag over my shoulder and shut the trunk. She frowned and scoffed.
"What makes you think that?"
"Two reasons, one; you're too clingy and your personality is unoriginal. Two; you're a stuck up bitch who thinks that mommy and daddy can just pay your way through life. No one, not even boys, like that in a woman." I walked off without waiting for her reaction. When I reached my locker I was greeted by Kendra and Hannah. Kendra smiled at me,
"Ready for the talent show?" I sighed and grabbed my books from my locker.
"As I'll ever be." The morning announcements came on;
"Good morning on this Thursday December 19th, and I hope you'll all enjoy the break that's coming after Friday!" Kids in the hallway cheered. I just sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Isaac came walking toward us. Kendra turned with Hannah,
"C'mon, let's give them some alone time," she smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. Isaac walked up and stopped a foot in front of me.
"Wow, you look nice." I blushed and smiled a little.
"Thanks, is there something you want?" He smiled and pulled out a mistletoe toe.
"Oh look, a mistletoe toe." I rolled my eyes and kicked his leg gently.
"Not a chance." He pouted but put it away.
"Fine, but I wanted to know if you'd come to my place and help me with homework?" He gave me hopeful eyes. I shook my head gently from side to side.
"I can't go to your house," he looked down, a little sad.
"Oh, ok."
"But you can come to my house, if you'd like." I smiled softly at him. His face lit up and a big grin spread across it.
"Ok, sure."
"4:00 sound good?" I asked. He nodded and started backing away.
"Till them, m'lady." He turned and left. I giggled and shut my locker door, walking away. After second period was over, we were all excused to sit in the gym and wait for the talent show to start. I met Bennett by the janitors closet, as agreed. The janitors closet was in an abandoned hallway of the school where almost no one, but the janitor, went. When I turned the corner I saw Bennett standing with his hair stuffed inside a black beanie. He wore a red zip up sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. He smiled when he saw me, but shivered when he saw me wave my plastic bag in front of his face.
"Ready to by transmogrified?"
"Uhh, I'm really going to hate this, aren't i?" I giggled and nodded.
"Yes, you will. Now sit down and be quiet while I apply your make up." I groaned and sat down on the floor, crossing his arms. I kneeled in front of him and set the bag down next to me.
"Take of your beanie and push your hair back as far as it will go." He nodded and took off the hat, using his hand to hold the hair out of his face. I stopped for a moment and stared at him. It never occurred to me that he actually had a forehead. He looked more mature with out the bangs, in a very good way. He looked like he could be a model, and I couldn't help but shiver. His jaw line was so straight you could shred cheese on it. I snapped out of my trance and took out the white face cream.
"Ok, lean back so your face is in the light." He did as I requested and leaned his head back towards the ceiling. I could now see his Adam's apple, sending more shivers through me. I smiled nervously and applied the cream to his face. After I'd finished that I took the red lipstick I had bought and spread it all over in a circular motion on his cheeks. I then took some eye black and dabbed his nose with it. Once finished, he looked like a clown attacked his face. I put my things back in their bag and smiled.
"Ok, get your costume on and you're ready." He shook his head and looked at me.
"You better sing good."
"I'll try," I giggled. He nodded.
"I know you will." My heart skipped at this statement, but I smiled and nodded again.
"Ok, I've gotta go, they're about t start." He nodded and I left down the hallway. When I entered the gym, it was filled with over five hundred murmuring students, some caring and some not. I walked to the front section for the participants and sat down, saving a seat for Dina. I didn't have to wait long for her to appear, make up done and face ready. She smiled and sat next to me.
"Are you excited?!?"
"I feel like throwing up." I stated, smiling back. She giggled and nodded her head.
"I know! Awesome isn't it?!" I giggled and shook my head. Sabrina sat to the side, her mini skirt gone and now replaced with sparkling short shorts. I groaned and leaned my head back. The assistant principle walked onstage and cleared her throat.
"Thank you, thank you everyone! This is our 97th annual talent show! Our first act of the night is...Garcia Miguel singing Try!" A girl of medium height and build walked onstage, her raven hair in a ponytail. She sang with grace and happiness, and I enjoyed her performance. She walked off and smiled.
"Next up is....Lucy Newman doing gymnastics!" Lucy walked onstage, earning a few screams and whistles from the crowd. She smiled and started at one end of the stage. They started playing 'Can't hold Us,' and she did five backflips and twelve cartwheels with some other acrobatically demanding stunts. She bowed and walked off stage, smiling. I clapped and whooped.
"Our next act will be...Bennett webber dancing to...what?" She giggled into the microphone and shook her head. "Dancing to, 'I'm a little tea pot!" Half the crowd went silent, the other half started laughing hysterically. I regretted it for a few seconds, then remembered that I'd have to sing for him, and smiled as he walked out in the pink bunny costume and make up done. He smiled to the crowd and the music started. My sides were aching as I watched him dance to the song while throwing Reese's pieces into the crowd. When he finished, he borrowed the mic and pointed to me in my seat.
"You better sing real good for me, book theif." He gave the mic back and waved as he walked off stage. Sabrina turned in her seat and scowled at me. We watched a few more acts.
"And now for Dina Young singing, 'Angels!'" I screamed at the top of my lungs as she got up onstage and smiled. She sang as wonderfully as she possibly could. I clapped and screamed several times. When she walked off stage, I got up and tackled her in a hug.
"You were amazing!!!"
"Thanks, you'll be amazing-er." She winked and sat back down. I stood by the stage while the assistant principle said,
"The next act we have is Sabrina singing 'Titanium!" The crowd erupted with roars and screams. She walked onstage, swaying her hips and winking at the boys in the front row. The song started and she sang like a cat eating glass. I covered my ears and breathed slowly. When she finished, she screamed into the mic,
"Don't forget to vote for prom Queen!" The crowd screamed some more and she walked off the stage, smirking and handing me the mic.
"Beat that, nobody." I tensed as the principle said,
"And now clap for Sarah Appleton singing 'Feeling good!'" I felt anything but good, but I walked onstage anyways. The hot lights blinded me and I squinted into the crowd. I couldn't see much farther than the second row, but I could hear my friends calling,
"Yeah, Sarah, woo!!!" I sighed and smiled. Then I looked to the side and saw Bennett. He had wiped the makeup from his face, but smiled and cheered,
"You can do it book theif!" I giggled and the music started. I sang with all my heart. I thought I would be thinking of everything when I got up there, but that wasn't the case. I thought of nothing but the song, and no one else was there, except for me. When I finished, the room was silent. I bit my lip and said into the microphone,
"Thanks?" I heard Bennett scream from the corner of my ear,
"Yeah! That was awesome!!!" The whole room shrieked and cheered. I smiled and walked hurriedly off the stage. Dina and Hannah came to greet me.
"Oh my god! You were beautiful!!!"
"Where's Kendra-"
"Surprise bitch!" She shouted from behind me and jumped on my back piggy-back style. I squealed and walked forward with her.
"You weigh a ton, get off me!" She jumped off and hugged me.
"That was amazing, Sarah." I smiled.
"Thanks." Hannah asked,
"Want to go out and celebrate after school?" I shook my head and sighed.
"I can't, isaacs coming over." They all stopped and smiled at each other. Kendra nodded,
"We understand, have fun and use condoms," she smirked and they all walked off. I rolled my eyes and looked around for what to do. I spotted Bennett leaning against the wall on the far side of the gym, waiting for me. I smiled and walked over to him, and he greeted me by saying,
"You sounded splendid." He smiled in a creepy way. I laughed and did a mini curtsy in my dress.
"Thank you." He laughed and sighed.
"Well, need a ride home?"
"No, I've got to drive jane home." He nodded and smiled.
"Want to drive with cc and I to her next dance recital?" I smiled and nodded.
"I'd love to."
"Great." His phone started playing 'Nights in white Satin.' He picked it up and answered,
"Hi mom." I giggled. His face went from relaxed to urgent.
"Oh my she ok? That motherfu- yes, yes, I'm coming right now." He hung up and set his hands on his head, his eyes wide. I frowned,
"Is everything ok?" He shook his head.
"No, my moms in the hospital, they just called me, I-I gotta go." He ran around the corner and disappeared. I looked around for a second, stunned. 'I have to be there for him,' is the only thing on my mind. I dialed my phone quickly while running down the hallway. Isaac picked up on the second ring.
"Isaac, I need to postpone our meeting until 7:00, an emergency came up." There was a brief pause, then a sigh.
"Ok, sure. I hope the emergency isn't that serious."
"Me too," I replied, hanging up before sprinting to the car. I hopped in and called dad. He picked up on the fourth ring,
"Hi baby girl."
"Dad, Bennett's mom is in the hospital, I'm going to be there for Bennett, jane is going to need a ride home."
"Oh my goodness, is she ok?"
"I don't know, but I have to go now."
"Ok, sweet pea, you go on."
"K, love you." I hung up and started the car towards the hospital. I ran two stop lights and I yield sign before I pulled up to the hospital. I ran inside to the front desk. The woman was short and stubby, but full of happiness and cheerfulness. Her face was warm and made me want to hug her. She looked up through her glasses and smiled.
"May I help you?"
"I'm looking for a patient."
"Last name?"
"Webber." I said, breathing. She checked her check board and nodded.
"Ok, this way please." She led me down the hallway and through a lunchroom to a waiting area. Bennett stood in the corner with cc cradled in his arms. He was staring into nothing with hatred. I walked up and sat down gently next to them.
"Bennett?" He turned and his eyes became softer when he saw me. Cc looked up with tears in her face and her cheeks red with frustration.
"Sarah?" I nodded.
"Yeah, it's me." She sniffled and crawled from Bennett's lap to mine, hugging me around my shoulders and sobbing. I patted her back and rocked us back and forth. Bennett ran his hands through his hair and set his face in his hands. I looked at him and whispered,
"What happened?" He inhaled slowly and closed his eyes.
"That sorry son of a bitch." I covered Cc's ears and continued rocking back and forth with her.
"You're dad?" I whispered. He shook his head and looked to the side.
"Who then?" He looked at me and sighed.
"Cc, do you want something to eat?" She nodded.
"Uh huh."
"What do you want?"
"Chicken nuggets." He nodded and got up.
"Ok, I need you to wait here while Sarah and I go get them, can you do that?" She nodded and wiped her eyes, sitting in the chair next to me. He kissed her forehead and gestured for me to follow him. I got up and we walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria.
"What happened to her, Bennett?" I asked, walking beside him. He looked forward and said,
"He said she fell down the stairs-"
"Your dad?" He shook his head.
"No, step." This surprised me, and I frowned and asked to clarify,
"Your stepdad pushed her down the stairs?" He shook his head like in frustration.
"No, she didn't fall down the stairs!" He half shouted. I stopped and looked ahead. He sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be yelling at you."
"Why don't you start from the beginning." I said, covering up with my jacket. I don't know why hospitals are so cold. He looked around for something. We spotted an elevator near a flight of stairs. He walked up to it and pushed the button for it to come up.
"You need to promise not to tell my mother that I told you this, ok?" I nodded. The door dinged open and an old woman came out, sobbing. We stepped on and waited for the doors to close. When no one else got on, Bennett pushed four buttons and leaned against the cold metal siding of the elevator.
"My mom hasn't ever had a decent choice in men. Salesmen that turned out to sell drugs, tailors that did sex trafficking, and my abusive father. Well, he's no different. He was never as bad as he is until they got married. We used to fish and play catch together, but he's tormented us the second we learned his secret..." He trailed off, looking down. I frowned and asked,
"What happened?" He shook his head.
"I don't want you to know the details, but to make a long story shorter, he's been the terror of my every waking moment. Sure, my bio dad is a drunken asshole, but he's nothing compared to my stepdad. I know he's the reason my mom is hurt, but there's nothing I can do." I frowned and shook my head,
"No, there's always something-"
"No, I've tried. The last time I tried..." He trailed off again, his eyes now glossy. We stood in line to order food from the cafeteria. I set my hand on his shoulder.
"What?" He sniffled and looked down.
"He...he threatened cc. He could hit me, shoot me, stab me, and I wouldn't care. But cc.......I can't let her get hurt." Some tears slid down his face. I pulled him to the side and we sat down at a table. I gripped his hand and nodded.
"It's ok."
"She's my baby sister..." His hand fled to his face as more tears came out. I scooted my chair over to him and hugged him around the shoulders. He set a hand on my forearm and breathed slowly.
"I'm ok. Can I trust that you won't say anything?" He looked at me. For a few moments, I saw someone I knew. I saw the small frightened child that hides within everyone. I smiled and nodded.
"I promise you, Bennett." He sighed and smiled. We ordered Cc's food and went back to the waiting room. When we got there, we saw Bennett's stepdad sitting by cc. When he turned to smile at us, Bennett did something somewhat unexpected.


Sorry 'bout the cliff. Updates will be slower now because the school is taking away my iPad and I have to update from my phone, but they will still come, mark my words:) bye for now, double smily face! :3

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