chapter 28: Tis the season.

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Jane was up and ready to go by 7:30 on a Saturday. Which was a little odd. She shook me awake.
"Cmon, it's a beautiful day!" I sat up on my elbows and yawned,
"Someones happy today."
"Well, Jacob rellly taught me to enjoy being alive. I'm going to rehab today." She smiled. I giggled and stretched.
"Well, good luck with that." She smiled and started down the stairs. I quickly got out of bed to help her, but she ushered me back.
"No, let me try." I hesitated and nodded, watching to make sure she was ok. She made it without falling and smiled up at me. I smiled down and went inside to change. Since I was going to be seen in public, I threw on a green sweatshirt with printed flowers all over it and black leggings with normal tennis shoes. I threw my hair in a regular ponytail and walked down the stairs to the kitchen where dad was reading the paper.
"Hey daddy." I kissed his cheek. He smiled to himself.
"Someones happy today."
"I'm happy? Did you even see Jane?"
"I saw her get in Jacobs car and drive off." I smiled to myself and grabbed my purse.
"I'm going Christmas shopping, love you."
"Need money?" He asked, looking at me. I shook my head.
"No, I love you."
"Love you too." I kissed his cheek again and walked over to Bennett's house. It took a few extra moments before his stepfather opened the door. A large gash was embeded in his left cheek. He looked a little tired, but smiled at me anyways.
"Dont tell me, let me guess...Sarah?"
"I actually guessed it? Awesome." I giggled a little bit and then frowned and asked,
"What happened?" His hand went to his cheek and he brushed a few fingers over the cut.
"Oh that, I was careless with the kitchen knife." I raised an eyebrow and scoffed,
"You had a knife near your face?" He smiled.
"Yes, I was cutting cucumbers and I got a phone call. I picked it up and the knife just...slipped." He explained in a cool, manner of fact voice. It made me want to smile, and I did. I nodded when he finished explaining and said,
"Well it doesn't look like it's been treated well."
"It hasn' wife usually...cleans my cuts," he said, his voice getting choky. I felt a little bad for making him feel sad. I tried to cheer him up and said,
"Well, let's get inside, I'll clean it for you."
"Oh, you don't have to-"
"I know i don't have to, but I'd like to, c'mon." He smiled and we went to the kitchen. I looked under the sink to find some cleaning alcohol and rags. I grabbed them both and gestured him to the chair. He sat down. I dabbed a rag in the alcohol and said to him,
"This might sting a little." I set it on the cut and he winced a little.
"Ahh, that feels fresh." I looked at him and gave a shy smile.
"Dont be, it's kind of you to clean my cut." He said, looking into my eyes. His stare was a lot like the stare you get at a psychiatrists office. Like they're staring into your soul. I sighed and took the rag off his face and set it to the side, grabbing a clean one to dry the cut.
"So, what do you do for a living?" He shrugged and smiled.
"I fix computers at big agencies around the world. Do you know how to fix computers?" I thought it was an odd question,but I shook my head anyways.
"No, I don't." He smiled wider and said cooly,
"Thats ok, I can teach you. I could teach you a lot of things." In my head, I was like, 'did he just flirt?' But on the outside, I nodded and said,
"If I ever need my computer fixed, I'll give you a call."
"Your Bennett's age, aren't you?" He asked. I frowned and set the rag aside.
"Thats on odd question,Mr. Webber, but yes, I am. Why?" He smiled and caressed my hand that was on the table gently, sending me into shivers.
"You have pretty hands, Sarah." Before I had the chance to be freaked out, Bennett walked into the room. He had on a dark red sweatshirt and jeans with his hair everywhere. His face was messed up. Besides the fact that he looked like he hadn't slept for ten years, he had three small scratches on his left cheek. They were deep. I walked over to him.and set my hand on his cheek.
"Oh my god, are you ok?" He looked at his step dad and asked,
"What were you doing?" He smiled and nodded at me
"Sarah here offered to clean my cut, I agreed." He glared at him and tugged my hand,
"Cmon,let's go."
"No, let's clean your face first."
"No." He said. I frowned,
"Why not?" He looked from me to his step dad. His stepad smiled and tilted his head.
"Yes, Bennett, why not?" He just rolled his eyes and sat down at the table.
"Fine, hurry up, though." I nodded and dabbed a seperate rag in the alcohol. I cleaned his face quickly as asked and set the rags to the side.
"Ok, bye Mr. Webber."
"Bye,and thanks again." He called after us as we went out to the car. As we sat in the car, Bennett asked me questions while gripping the steering wheel and driving crazily.
"Why were you there so early?"
"We're going Christmas shopping?" I replied.
"What'd he say to you?" I frowned and looked down.
"He told me I had pretty hands." His grip only tightened as his eyes filled with rage.
"Great, just great. He was flirting with you, and you let him." I frowned and looked at him.
"I-I wasn't expecting it-"
"Excuses, excuses." He laughed to himself. We pulled up to the mall and he parked.
"Bennett, maybe you should calm down-"
"Maybe you should stop being such a whore!" He retorted back. I sat up and looked him in the eyes for a second. They went from pure hatred to complete concern. I felt a few years slip out of my eyes.
"Sarah, oh my god-I'm sorry..." I shook my head and got out of the car, walking inside the mall away from him. He got out and followed me,
"I didn't mean it Sarah, wait!" I sniffled a few times and kept walking. I got inside and started towards JCpenny. Bennett grabbed my arm and flung me around to face him.
"Please, I'm so sorry, please don't hate me." I nodded and wiped my face with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. He pulled me into a hug and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I hugged him around the neck and sniffled.
"Are you ok?" I nodded. I didn't care that people could see us.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He sighed and nodded.
"Good, I'm sorry Sarah, I didn't mean it." I nodded some more.
"I know, Bennett."
"Its step dad..." He trailed off, sighing. I inhaled slowly.
"Tell me what happened." He nodded and we started walking.
"I didn't want you to know about him, but I need to tell someone. But before I say anything, do you promise not to say a word to anyone?"
"Yes." I replied. He half smiled and we kept walking.
"He's part of what many people call a ritualistic cult, he participates in satanic rituals and practices." This shocked me. I was expecting him to be abusive, but this was way worse. He sniffled and continued,
"We didn't know until they got married and we caught him. We live in fear most of the time, but he hasn't ever touched cc. Me, on the other hand..." He trailed off, inhaling. We walked into JCpennys. I nodded,
"Go on."
"Everything bad he does he does because the cult leader instructs him to. They wanted me to join, but I refused, of course. In response, they torment me. Every now and then..." He trailed off again, this time his voice was choky. I walked besides him and urged on.
"Yes?" He took a moment to gather himself.
"E-every now and then...they'll offer something from me. This time it was my blood, but they've taken chunks of skin from me, too." He stopped, his eyes were glossy. I stopped him and tilted his face towards mine.
"Bennett....why didn't you tell me sooner?" He sighed and looked into my eyes.
"Because I don't want you hurt. If he'd threaten cc, he'd have no problem threatening you." I wiped a tear off his cheek and said,
"Well, I'm involved now, like it or not. If they come over again, or if he threatens you or cc again, call me. I'll get the police and come over. Don't ever feel like you're alone, because I'm here for you." I pulled him into another hug. He hugged back and nestled his head into my hair. I giggled and sighed.
"Now c'mon, let's get the Christmas presents." He nodded and smiled. We walked to the girls shirt section for Jane's present. He picked up a pink tank top and held it to his torso.
"Do you think I'd look fat in this?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"Ginormus." He looked at me with fake horror.
"I'm hurt, Sarah." I giggled again and looked through the shirts that would fit Jane. After I had a few, I turned to Bennett.
"We should get you some new sweatshirts while we'rd here." He frowned and shook his head.
"No thanks, mom."
"Aww, c'mon!"
"I don't wanna." He replied, crossing his arms across his chest. I gave him a puppy dog face and asked,
"Pwease? Fow me?" He looked at me for a second before sighing.
"One condition."
"What?" I asked, smiling.
"I get to pick out a few dresses for you to try." My shoulders slumped a little, but I agreed.
"Fine, deal. Let's go." He smiled as we walked to the men's section. I handed him five sweatshirts to try. He took them and bounded off to the dressing room. The first one was orange with a blue strip going up both arms. He looked hidious in it. I giggled and shook my head.
"No, next." He rolled his eyes and went back to the room. He came out in a light green one with a black music note in the middle. I clapped,
"Yes! Get it!" He laughed and tried on another one. The next two were aweful, but the last one, I have to admit, made him look awesome. It was dark blue with a black hood. I nodded.
"Yes, defiantly keep that one." He went back and threw his sweatshirt on.
"Thank god that's over, let's get the dresses, now." He smirked at me and told me to go sit by the dressing room. I waited for fifteen minutes before he returned with five dresses. To my surprise and relief, not all of them were short. Two were past my knees. I took them and walked off to the dressing stalls. Two shirts hung in mine, and I could tell the person before me was microscopic. I sighed and threw on one of the long ones. It was soft and pink. I walked out and twirled.
"Its not that bad." He said, smiling at me. I frowned and shook my head.
"I look like a pregnant elephant." He laughed.
"No you don't!" I rolled my eyes and went back in the dressing stall. I threw on a yellow one, but we both decided against it. When I came out in the smallest red one, he smirked and whistled.
"I approve."
"I don't, I feel too exposed." I laughed and went back in, throwing it on the hanger. I put on the other long one, it was blue and sparkled down to the waist. I walked out and smiled.
"I like it."
"Me too, get it." I giggled and walked back in. I tried on the last one, which cut off just above my knees and was completely black. It had two noodle straps, and I had mixed feelings on it. It felt nice, but I felt fat in it. I walked out with my arms crossed.
"I don't know about this one." He sat in one of the waiting chairs, eyes wide. I frowned and stared at him for a second, giggling.
"Uh, earth to Bennett?"
"I love it." He replied slowly, getting up. I shrugged and looked down at myself.
'I feel...akward."
"Well, if you just let your hair down-"
"No, get away," I said, trying to shield myself from him. He pushed past my squirming and wrapped one arm around my waist. Once I was secured, he pulled the ponytail out of my hair and broke it. He then let go of me. I spun around, my hair falling into my face.
"Nice, real nice, Bennett."
"Just, stand still for a second." He said. I sighed and stood still. He parted my hair to the side with his fingers and swept some out of my face. He set some to the side and looked at my face. He held a few strands on his hands. He slid his fingers down the strand, setting it gently above my breasts, which were fairly visible, thanks to the dress. I smirked and pushed his hands away.
"No,bad Bennett."
"Hey, I'm only human," he chuckled, stepping back slightly. I sighed and folded my hands in front of me.
"Well, how do I look?" He looked me up and down, then met my eye.
"Words cannot describe my feelings right now." I rolled my eyes and swiped some hair from my eyes.
"How does horny fit?" He smirked to the side.
"Theres that..." I giggled and walked back in the changing room, slipping my clothes on. We purchased our things and went to toys r us. We walked to the little girl section,
"What does cc want?" I asked. He sighed,
"Something to do with horses." I nodded and we walked up to a box with 50 medium sized horses in it. We smiled and bought it. After we finished shopping, we started back to the house. He sighed and looked at me,
"What now?" I shrugged.
"Want to help me set up the Christmas tree?" He shrugged.
"Sure." We walked inside my house with the presents and set them on the table. I gestured up the stairs,
"Its on the hall closet, come help me." He nodded and we got the tree, bringing it down the steps. After we set it down, we put the branches on. I grabbed the box of decorations. We started putting them on every branch we could find. I found one Jane made for me in grade school. It was a ballerina in the twirling motion. I smiled and brushed my thumb over it. Bennett looked at me and smiled.
"Jane made it for you?" I nodded.
"Yeah, when she was seven." He nodded and pulled out a snowflake.
"My grandfather gave me one of his favorites when I was little. He gave me a toy soldier on a horse. I've always hung it near the top of the tree because I used to think that made it closer to god." He smiled at the memory. I giggled.
"Its nice you have good memories from your childhood." He looked at me.
"Don't you?"
"Yes, but not like you. Your memories are precious. All I remember was hating my mother." His smile faded and he shook his head.
"Its bad to hold grudges, you know." I looked at him and nodded.
"I know, but it still hurts." He looked at me and nodded.
"I know." And I didn't doubt it. We spent the rest of the day setting it up. When we finished, I sighed and yawned on the couch.
"I'm tired." He nodded.
"Me too." We were silent for ten minutes. When I tried talking to him, he was passed out. I smiled and took a blanket from the closet. I draped it over him and called his house. His step dad picked up on the second ring.
"Hi, it's Sarah. Bennett's going to stay the night, ok?" There was a small Pause before he responded,
"K, see you around." He hung up, just like that. I frowned into the phone. All I thought about for the next twenty minutes was the cult that hurt Bennett, and what I could do to help.


Hope it didn't suck! Enjoy the next one, bye! :)

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