Chapter 23: my first date.

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Dina was shaken and scarred from our night of horror. She barely spoke on Tuesday, and she wasn't any different on Wednesday, until I mentioned my date with Isaac. We sat in our A.P. Calculus class, listening to Mr. Brompton lecture us on how important college is. I needed help on choosing an outfit, so I passed her a note,
-hey.- she read it and scribbled back,
-would you want to come to my house after school?-
-I'm going out...:)- she read it and sat up, frowning at me.
~with who!?~
-Isaac.- she read it and smiled widely. She nodded as fast as her head could move and the bell for lunch rang. I stood up and hugged my books.
"Time for food. C'mon, I've gotta ask Hannah and Kendra if they want to come." She only smiled and followed me to the lunch line. I threw some cucumbers and grapes onto my plate and speed walked to the table. I've never been asked out, but I knew that this was going to be a big deal. Kendra and Hannah could give me some good advice for my situation. When I sat down, the first thing out of Kendra's mouth was;
"How far did Carson get?" I frowned and asked,
"How far did he go? Just touching or kissing or..."
"He almost raped me, I think that's far enough," I said, looking down at my salad. Hannah punched her arm and said,
"You stupid twit! Look at what you did!"
"What did I 'did'?" She asked in a mocking voice.
"Shut up!" She exclaimed, punching her again. I waved my hands around for a minute.
"Hey, I got something important to tell you!" They stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. Kendra nodded and smiled.
"Go ahead."
"Ok, um..." I trailed off, realizing that I wasn't quite sure how to tell them I was going on a date after school. They looked at me expectantly. Dina saved me, and killed me at the same time, by explaining,
"Isaac Newman asked her out today after school, she needs help with an outfit." Kendra sat dumbfounded for a minute, wondering if she'd heard correctly. Hannah squealed with joy and jumped in her seat.
"Sarah!!! Did he really?!?" Half the lunchroom looked up from their places and stared. I reached across the table and covered her mouth.
"What do you mean SHH!?!" She asked in a whisper-scream voice. Kendra came around the corner and sat by me.
"Sarah, this is amazing! Where's he taking you?"
"Coffee, I think?" I said, wondering. They looked at each other and squealed. I sighed and rubbed my temples with my fingers. I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I spun my head around to see who it was, I was met by Bennett's arctic wolf eyes. I almost leapt back, but caught myself on the table and smiled.
"Hey Bennett, what do you want?"
"I, uh, just wanted to make sure the talent show was next week, right?" I frowned and nodded.
"Yes Bennett, it is." He smiled and nodded.
"Ok, bye." He left to his table. Hannah frowned and giggled.
"Well, that was random." I sighed and nodded.
As the last bell rang I felt shivers run through me. Although I've said it before, I hate it when people say something shivered down their spine. Like, your spine is not the only place you can get shivers. My arms and legs shiver all the time. Kendra and Hannah waited anxiously for me inside the car. I sighed and hopped in. Hannah looked back at me and screeched,
"Are you ready to go one your first date?!?" I frowned and smiled.
"I think you're more excited than I am." She giggled and Kendra sped off to my house. Once we got there, I ran off inside and bumped into dad. He stumbled back and smiled.
"Who's, where's the fire?" I stopped to breathe and tried to think of an explanation.
"Um, I, uh..."
"Hi Mr. Appleton!" Kendra exclaimed, running in after me. He smiled.
"Hi Kendra, why're you here?"
"To help Sarah dress for her date..." I covered her mouth as fast as I could, but it was no use. Dad's eyes widened and he looked at me and smirked to the side.
"Date? With who?" I punched Kendra's arm and blushed.
"His name is Isaac. He's competing to get me at 5:00." Dad nodded and walked off to the kitchen.
"I've got some time."
"Dad, you don't have to stay..."
"Of course I do, pumpkin. I want to meet this boy." He never calls me pet names unless he's trying to freak me out. It was working pretty well. I tried to protest, but it was of no use. I finally gave up and ran upstairs with Hannah, Dina and Kendra. Once I was finished with my shower, Dina handed me some clothes and Kendra gave me some jewelry to wear. I frowned and said,
"We're going for coffee, not a fancy restaraunt."
"Just put it on!" Dina exclaimed pushing back into the bathroom. I sighed and started undressing. They picked out a dark purple sweater that hung off my shoulders with a black scarf, grey leggings and black boots that cut off right below my knees. Hannah gave me a necklace with an over sized white cross on a silver chain. I stepped out and smiled. Hannah ushered me to sit so she could do my make up while Kendra did my hair. Hannah put on some light foundation with a little blush and mascara. Kendra curled my blonde hair in long, graceful curls that fell down my back. When they finished, I looked in the mirror and smiled.
"I've never looked more like a Disney character."
"Shut up!" Dina giggled as she pushed me. I giggled and turned to them.
"Ok, what should I say?" I asked Hannah. She frowned and said,
"What do you mean? Just talk about random things with him."
"But what if I get really quiet and things get all akward-"
"You just have pre-date shivers, you'll be fine, I promise." She set her hands on my shoulder and smiled. I nodded and got up.
"Do you guys want food?"
"What kind of question is that? I always want food!" Kendra exclaimed, running in front of us and down the stairs. We all went to the kitchen and sat at the table while dad made food. He smiled and said,
"You girls want some bread sticks?"
"Yes please!" Hannah satated, smiling. He chuckled and set the food on the table, each of us grabbing a handful of the warm, buttery goodness. I finished one and was about to eat another one when the doorbell rang. I looked at the door, then at Kendra. She smiled brightly at me. I went to go get the door, but dad told me to wait around the corner while he talked to him. I shook my head and raced him to the door. He got there just before I did and opened it up, smiling brightly. Isaac stood in front of the door in a plain brown sweatshirt and dark jeans with black and white shoes. His light brown hair was swept over his forehead, and he smiled warmly at my dad. He stuck out his hand and said,
"Hi, I'm Isaac."
"I'm Mr. Appleton, I'd assume you're here for my daughter?"
"Yes sir, with your permission." He smiled meekly at him. I blushed and pushed past dad.
"Ok dad, he's intimidated, I love you." I took isaacs hand and led him out the door with me. Dad called behind me,
"Have fun!"
"I will!"
"But not too much!"
"Got it!" I called back, getting into his car. He sat in the drivers side and started the car.
"Buckle up." I nodded and pulled the belt over my waist and buckled up. He pulled out of the driveway and smiled.
"I feel a little underdressed now." I blushed and swept some stray hair from my face.
"Sorry, my friends helped me pick out an outfit."
"Don't apologize, you look nice." He smiled and took a turn into town. We pulled up to a small family owned coffee shop called 'Creamer.' We walked inside and waited in the line, which was always long. He turned to me and smiled.
"Lucy wanted me to ask you if you'd like to go to yoga with her."
"No, but I'm having a sleepover this weekend if she'd like to go." I said, smiling. He smirked deviously and raised his eyebrows.
"Would this be a boy-girl sleepover?" I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder.
"No, it wouldn't be. I don't think my dad would appreciate that very much."
"He seemed a little tense when I picked you up," he said, looking at me for an explanation. I shrugged and blushed.
"I've never been on a date before, so he's just a little nervousness and-"
"What?!?" He interrupted in genuine surprise, "you've never had a boyfriend?!" I frowned and shook my head.
"No, I haven't." He smiled.
"Well, this date needs to be special, then." I frowned as we walked up to the counter. The lady behind it smiled and nodded at us. I like going to coffee shops because not a single face on the staff is dull or depressing. Everyone seems so happy to sell you the $10 coffee. I smiled back at her as she asked cheerfully,
"Hello, welcome to creamer, what would you like today?" He ordered a French silk mocha with chocolate sprinkles on top and I got a banana frappichino with strawberry whipped cream on top. She nodded and handed us our coffee.
"That'll be $11.26 please." He paid the money and headed towards the door.
"C'mon, we're going for a walk."
"Where?" I asked, sipping my drink and walking behind. We walked out into the crisp winter air. I've always loved winter, even when I was a little girl. I loved the glittering snow and the steam your breath created as you inhaled, then slowly exhaled. Snow angles and snowball fights were a huge part of my childhood, but I mostly loved when I could get snowflakes in my hair, and I'd pretend to be a princess. The weather right now was cold, with a slight wind, but defiantly not the worst it could've been. My fingertips were still freezing, nonetheless. The warmth of my cup kept them warm. I shivered a little and took another sip. We walked into Maplewood Park, the biggest one in town. There were kids sledding and playing on the frozen playground equipment. I smiled as I walked alongside Isaac. He smiled and nodded to them,
"I like little kids." I turned around wide eyed and smiling. I started laughing the second I looked at him. He frowned and said,
"What's so funny?"
"Oh-oh my god! That was terrible!" He thought about what he'd said, then he smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Not like that you sicko!" He pushed me playfully. It took me a few moments before I could breath properly. Once I was my normal self again, we walked along. He smiled and asked,
"So, how long have you lived here?" I looked around at all the trees. They were covered in snow.
"Since I was about 5."
"Have you ever traveled?" He asked. I shrugged and said,
"Depends on what you mean. The furthest from home I've ever been was agusta." He nodded and we kept walking. The snow crushed under my boots and made me smile.
"You like winter?" He asked. I turned to him and frowned.
"I love winter, don't you?" He shook his head and crossed his arms.
"When I was little I used to dream of snow. But now that I've experienced it, I prefer warm weather." I thought about how different my life would be without snow.
"You had a broken childhood."
"No, you just had a messed up one," he smirked at me. I smiled deviously and said,
"So you don't like snow?"
"Not as much as I like swimming in the ocean." He retorted. I smiled and replied,
"I'll teach you to love it!" Before he could even make a remark, I had pushed him onto a pile of snow and was throwing snow on top of him. He screamed and picked some up, throwing it at me in a white mist. I ducked, but was still covered in it. He got up and ran around a tree, throwing more snow at me. I smiled and made a snow ball pelting him in the head with it. He rolled off to the side while I ran for cover around another tree. He followed me and shook a tree branch, covering me in snow. I gasped and threw as much snow into him as I could. I tackled me to the ground, both of us landing on a huge hill of snow. He straddled my legs and pinned my wrists down.
"Say you're sorry!"
"Never!" I laughed. He threw more snow onto me. I squirmed around and rolled down the hill a little bit. He followed, threatening me with more snow. I curled up into the fetal position and screamed,
"Ok, ok! I give up!" He smiled and threw the snow on me anyway. I pouted and stood up, shaking as much snow as I could off of me.
"Your such a child." I said. He rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Says the one who started the fight." I smiled and started walking up the hill.
"What now?" He ran a few steps in front of me and stopped me.
"Not that way, this way." He walked in another direction, beckoning me to follow him. I frowned and walked next to him.
"Where are we going?"
"It's just around the corner." We crunched through a patch of bushes and trees and arrived on the beach of a frozen lake. A small building sat near the edge of the lake, and several people were....oh no. I looked at him and shook my head quickly.
"Isaac, I don't know-"
"I'll teach you, c'mon." He pulled me by the hand towards the little building. We walked in the toasty building to be greeted by a large woman in a jean jacket and jeans to match. Her hair was big and red and totally awesome. The bell above the door rang in a high pitch sound. The woman looked up and smiled.
"Hello, it's $20 for two." He nodded and handed her the money. She took it and gave us each a pair of gleaming, new skates. He thanked her and pulled me to a bench right next to a window. I looked out at all the people skating and thought about jane. I wonder if she would've liked to skate. He held out the pairs before me and said,
"Which one do you want?" I looked for a second and shrugged.
"The yellow ones." He nodded and handed them to me. I untied them and slipped them over my feet. I waited for him to put his on and stand up.
"Ok, c'mon." He walked a few feet away and waited. I stood up and used the walls for support as I hobbled over to the door. He opened it and stepped onto the snow. I followed him slowly to the edge of the lake. He took a step on and skated about two feet away, then turned to me and flipped some hair from his face. He held out his hands,
"It's ok, Sarah, you can do it."
"No I can't!" I exclaimed, struggling to stand without falling into the snowy sand.
"Yes you can. You won't fall." I looked at him for a second before nodding and taking a small step onto the ice. I started to slip, but he rushed forward and pulled my arm up, setting his other one on my lower back. I gasped and grabbed his sweatshirt, pulling myself closer to him. We stood there for a moment. I finally looked up at him. The cool air of the evening was turning his cheeks a shade of light pink. His green eyes looked gorgeous in contrast with the sky that was turning purple. I smiled and stood up, clearing my throat.
"I told you I didn't know how to skate." He smiled and took my hand, pulling it up a little. His hands were cold and red. He looked into my eyes and said,
"And I told you I'd teach you." He took a few skates to the side, pulling me with him. I screeched, holding onto him. He chuckled a little and stood behind me, holding my arms out.
"Ok, use them for better balance, I'm going to let go-"
"What!? No, don't!!!" I exclaimed.
"You can do this, I believe in you!"
"No-" but he pushed me forward gently into the open ice. Many people were starting to leave, so it was only us and a few older couples. I skated until I lost momentum and fell flat on my face onto the ice. He skated over and knelt down to me.
"Sarah, are you ok?" I peeled my face away and felt a tear threaten to leave my eyes. I nodded.
"I-I'm fine," one tear fell from my face. He wiped it away with his thumb and helped me up.
"C'mon, we don't have to try anymore."
"No," I said, not wanting the date to end yet, "I want to learn." He looked at me and smiled. He took my hands in his,
"Ok, but let's just focus on balance for now." I giggled and nodded. He sighed and pushed off away from the other people, so it was just the two of us, alone in a world of ice.


We turned off onto my street. Most of the lights were off, but not my porch light. I knew dad would be waiting on the couch for me, as he did the first time jane had a date. He pulled up to the driveway and I smiled.
"Well, I have to say that was pretty fun." He laughed and nodded.
"I'd like to do it again sometime." My heart leapt and I nodded.
"Yes, defiantly. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," he smiled. I unbuckled myself and got out of the car. I walked up until I was almost on the steps. I turned back and waved shyly. He nodded and waved as he drove off. I watched his car leave and smiled. Suddenly, I felt an hand clasp around my arm and jerk me to the side.


Hope you like it, enjoy the next one, bye! C:

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