Chapter 22: To be continued;)

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I struggled to stand up while trying to act brave. I used the locker for support and leaned against it. My head was protesting, but I worked through the pain and clenched my fists. Timothy, Zack, and Xander all stood behind Carson, smiling at us. Carson took a step towards me and smiled even wider.
"Hey Sarah. How's jane been?" Lucy and Dina stood up, scooting closer to me. I clenched my teeth.
"You should know if you've been stalking her all week." He chuckled a little and took a step forward. I backed away as close as I could to the lockers. I looked around for a way to escape, but couldn't see one. He placed the blade against my cheek and smiled.
"Here's how this is going to work, Sarah. I'm gonna fuck you senseless. Zack's going to do Dina at the same time. Timothy and Xander are going to take turns with Lucy, and then we're going to knock you all out. If you scream, I'll cut you. If you struggle, I'll cut them, got it?" My blood ran cold as I thought of what I'd gotton them into. How could I be so stupid and tell Kendra and Hannah not to come with? If Dina had at least gone with them, then she wouldn't be in this mess. Lucy bucked and screamed as Xander bent her over the bench and started pulling down her basketball shorts, Timothy standing behind her and unbuckling his pants. Dina scrambled free of zacks grip and ran to the door. He slammed into her and pinned her hands above her head, kissing her. Carson unbuckled his pants and pushed me onto the floor, me landing with a THUD! I knocked my head on the ground, causing more dizziness. He straddled my waist and pulled my shirt off my body, me struggling and kicking. He slapped me and kissed my neck, pulling down my Jeggings. He kissed me on the lips, shoving his tongue down my throat. I screamed and continued kicking. All of a sudden, the door swung open, revealing Isaac, James, and the janitor, Mr. Kansan. When the door opened, Zack and Dina fell to the floor, Zack falling onto Mr. Kansan. They were currently wrestling as Dina got up and covered herself up. James ran to Lucy with a broom in his hands and hit Timothy with it. Xander got up and took a swing at James, who swung the broom back and hit him in the head. He fell down in agony and rolled off to the side. Isaac kicked Carson in the ribs and helped me up, looking down at his feet because I was half naked. I grabbed my clothes and ran off to the side just as Carson took a swing at Isaac. I slipped on my clothes and ran to Dina.
"Are you ok?" I asked, shaking her. She nodded numbly and we watched as Carson wrestled Isaac to the floor. A crowd started to build outside the doors, mostly hushed murmurs and sounds. James beat Carson off of Isaac, knocking him out. Lucy hugged Isaac and he shushed her, for she was now crying. I hugged Dina as she hugged back, shaking and crying. Mr. Kansan was able to get Zack back into the crowd, two adult supervisors were now holding him down. Bennett, Mike, Kenny, Hannah, and Kendra came racing around the corner, Hannah and Kendra attacking us in hugs.
"Oh my gosh, are you guys ok?!?" Kendra asked, looking at us with concern. I hadn't noticed that I was crying and shaking. I nodded and wiped some tears away. Bennett pushed past them and set his hands on the sides of my shoulders.
"Sarah, are you ok? Did he hurt you? What happened?" I collapsed into his arms and cried, trembling and shaken. He hugged me tightly and stroked my hair. After a minute or so, I had calmed down enough to explain what happened. Bennett listened with rage, his already red face growing redder. He walked over to Carson and punched him in the face. His nose became bloody, but since he was knocked out, he didn't feel anything. Isaac was hugging Lucy in the corner, shushing her and offering comfort.
"It's ok, Lucy. I'm here." She cried into his arms and shook. She finally stepped back and nodded.
"I'll be ok, I'm getting a tissue." She walked off, sniffling. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly and sniffled,
"Thank you for saving me. I don't know what we would've done..." He hugged back and rocked me. It felt nice and warm being in his arms, he made me feel safe. Bennett's muscles tensed, but he didn't do anything. After a few minutes, Bennett set a hand on my shoulder.
"C'mon, let's get you home Sarah." I nodded and kissed isaacs cheek.
"Thank you." He blushed and I walked off with Bennett, leaning against him. Kenny, Kendra, Mike, Hannah and Dina all rode home together. By now someone had called the police, and there were news reporters waiting outside.
"And here comes one of the victims in this grizzly act committed by sheriff Leroy's son, Carson. Is there anything you'd like to say?" A woman in a brown coat with big, round eyes asked, holding a microphone in my face. I politely no-commented and pushed past her, sitting in Bennett's car. Bennett hopped in and drove off. He looked at me and said,
"I am so sorry, Sarah, I should've been there." I looked at him and sighed, my voice was soft.
"There's nothing you could've done...I'll be ok."
"That will never happen again, I promise." He said, looking at me. I nodded and smiled.
"I'm ok, really. Isaac saved me just in time." His eyes darkened and something that looked like...jealousy, crossed his face. I saw it, but I didn't really believe it. His grip on the wheel tightened and he nodded.
"Yeah, Isaac saved you." His tone was a little rough, but I didn't comment on it, I just sat back and relaxed my head. It was throbbing from all the commotion, and I couldn't think straight. I leaned my head on the window. I felt Bennett Shake my shoulder.
"Sarah?" He sounded far away, all I could hear were echos. I felt the car stop. I opened the door, but didn't get my footing in time and fell. My head landed on the soft grass, but a pain came over my body as it all hit the pavement. I heard Bennett's car door shut and I felt him picking me up. I leaned my head against his chest and sighed. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door. I shook my head and mumbled,
"What?" He asked, looking down at me. I shook my head again and murmured,
"Dad's not here." He nodded and tried to open the door, but the door flew open. I knew it wasn't jane, so I frowned and sat up as much as I could in his arms. I saw Jacob, Jane's therapist, at the door in a football jersey and black jeans. He had ridiculous arm muscles, but I didn't bother commenting on it. I felt myself being carried up the stairs to my room. Bennett set me under the covers and took off my shoes. I rolled onto my side and yawned. He sat on the bed with me for a few moments, swept some hair behind my ear, and left.

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