chapter 45: Prom.

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The whole day before prom, I was driving myself insane. It was, after all, my first official date with Bennett. It was Saturday at 7:00, so I spent the whole day with my friends doing last minute preparations. Dina and Lucy had both managed to get dates, so we all went to the hair shop to have our hair professionally done. When we walked in, many of the girls from our school were already there. Kendra groaned,
"Ugh! Why aren't there any other places!?!"
"Oh my gosh, we'll be waiting for ever!" Lucy exclaimed. My phone started playing the music from jaws. I picked up on the second ring,
"Hey, where are you?" It was Cassandra. Things have really been shaping up between us, although I still didn't feel comfortable calling her mom.
"We're waiting to have our hair done for prom." There was a short pause before she replied,
"Well, Sarah, I'm a licensed beautician, come to the house and I'll do it."
"Oh, that's ok-"
"No, I insist." She hung up, leaving me with a choice. I could wait, or I could go. I turned to my friends and said,
"That was Cassandra. She's a licensed beautician, if you guys are interested." Kendra nodded and Hannah said,
"Yes definitely. Lets get going, there's no time to waste!" We all piled in kendra's car and drove off to my house. Once we arrived, everyone got out and we headed inside. We found Cassandra at the kitchen counter with her tools of destruction laid out.
"Alright, who's first?" Dina raised her hand and sat in the stool in front of Cassandra.
"Ok, what do you want?" Dina pulled out her phone and scrolled to a picture of a girl with her hair down, but a braid crossed all the hair on the top.
"I'd like that." Cassandra nodded and went to work. We all waited patiently for our turn. Kendra and Hannah both got the same style where it looked like a bow had been tied at the top of their head. Lucy had her do a French braid that was tied off with a white ribbon. When it was my turn, Cassandra smiled and stroked my hair.
"And what would you like, Sarah?" I sighed and said,
"I'm not sure, you decide." She smiled gently and nodded, brushing out my hair. She curled it first before pinning it up in different areas. It gave my hair a messy, yet natural and elegant look. When it was finished, she pinned in a sparkly flower. I looked in the mirror and smiled. Then, I turned to her and said,
"Thank you." She nodded and giggled.
"Would you like me to do your make up to girls?"
"Me first!" Hannah exclaimed, pushing past everyone to the chair. Cassandra applied the make up to everyone with a big smile. When it came to me, she said,
"How much do you want?" I shrugged.
"Not too much. Just enough, I guess." She tilted her head and said,
"Can I be creative?" She smiled. I looked at her and frowned.
"How creative?" She smiled and picked up some foundation,
"Just trust me." After my face felt like someone took chocolate and melted it on my face, she held up a mirror for me to look in. I have to admit, I was surprised at how nice I did look. I looked like a woman with the mascara and the green eyeshadow. When she finished with everything, the girls had to leave to get finished dressing and have photos taken. I waved goodbye as they left and stood on the porch, taking a breath. 'This is gonna be a long night,' I thought to myself.
Cassandra walked out and set a hand on my shoulder.
"Ready for the next step?" I inhaled slowly and nodded. She brought me inside and said,
"Your dress is hanging in the bathroom." I nodded and went upstairs. When I reached the top, I walked in my room and sighed. As I looked over at Bennett's room, I noticed him in the bathroom, adjusting his tie. I smiled and walked in the bathroom, where I found my dark green dress hanging on the shower. After making sure the door was closed, I changed into it, careful not to mess up my hair or makeup. After it was on, I walked out to my bedroom and waited for Cassandra to tie the ribbon. As she did, I held onto the bed post standing up, so it would be quicker. When glanced over, I noticed Bennett smirking at us. He held his suit jacket in one hand and his bow tie in the other. Cassandra finished tyng the dress and said,
"C'Mon, you'll have plenty of time to stare at him when you get there." She winked and we walked down the stairs. I rolled my eyes as I followed her down the steps. She handed me a green and purple crasage to tie around my wrist and smiled.
"Ok, I'd say you're ready." The doorbell rang and we walked to it together. When we answered, Bennett was standing with his hands in his pockets and a stupid smile. He looked at me and said,
"My mom wants pictures." I giggled and said,
"You look nice too, Bennett." He smiled and held out his arm for me,
"Shall we?" I nodded and looped my arm into his.
"We shall." We started over to Bennett's house where we were met with his mother and a giant camera. She smiled when she saw me,
"You look wonderful, Sarah." I smiled back and giggled.
"Thank you Mrs. Webber." She had us stand on the porch together posing for long periods of time as she took pictures.
"Thats it, hold it right there. Ok, Bennett, put your arm...there, perfect!" My cheeks started hurting from all the smiling. Thankfully, Bennett stopped her,
"Mom, we have to get going." She smiled and set aside the camera.
"Ok, Bennett." She said something in French, to which he replied by copying the same words and kissing her cheek. He then turned to me and stated,
"Race you to the car!" I smirked and ran after him, although he made it there a fair amount of time before I did. We hopped in and started for the school.
"So, what did you say to your mom?" He smiled and said,
"You would benifit from paying attention in French class." I rolled my eyes and punched his arm.
"Oh, shut it."
"Thats not very lady-like, Sarah." I smirked and retorted,
"Lady doesn't start until we get there." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"'re saying that you're a guy until we get there?" I punched his arm again and exclaimed,
"No! Don't you have anything better to do than make fun of me?"
"Nope, I sure don't." He said, winking and chuckling. I crossed my arms and giggled.
"Why do you hate me?"
"I don't, it's just fun watching you suffer." He laughed evily at his remark and I scooted away.
"Ok, that's not creepy at all." He shrugged.
"Everyone's creepy in their own way." We pulled up to the school and hopped out of the car. The school had placed a totaled car in front of the school to encourage us not to drink and drive. Like they had any alcohol here. I wrapped my arm around Bennett's and we walked inside. We were immediately greeted by Kendra riding on Kenny's back while laughing hysterically. I frowned and smiled.
"Uh, hi there."
"Sarah! You look so pretty!" She exclaimed, still laughing. I blushed and nodded,
"So do you, Kendra." She was wearing a fusha colored dress with sparkles along the neckline and a big white bow tied around her waist. Kenny wore a kakhi colored suit with a fusha tie to match her dress.
She climbed off his back and pulled at my arm.
"C'mon, you guys help us find Hannah." I looked at Bennett for his reaction. He only smiled and nodded.
"Ok, let's go." He said, walking behind Kendra and me with Kenny. We started down a long hall that headed to the gym. We found Hannah in the corner with Mike, making out. Kendra smirked and threw her crasage at them, which was also fusha.
"Lets keep it PG guys. This is the school, ya know." Hannah punched Kendra on the arm and rolled her eyes.
"Fine, whatever." Mike got up and wrapped an arm around Hannah. Hannah smiled,
"I like the dress, Sarah." I smiled and replied,
"You look nice Hannah." She wore a light blue dress that hugged her hips in a very flattering way and had sparkles going down in a spiral. It was a noodle strap, but it looked nice on her. She sighed and asked,
"Ok, where do you think Lucy is?"
"Right here bitch!!!" She exclaimed, jumping out of no where and landing on her back, taking both of them to the ground. I got startled when she jumped out, and I had leapt back into Kendra's unsuspecting arms, bringing us both down with them. Instead of helping us up, Bennett Mike and Kenny were laughing their asses off. Lucy's date, a boy named Rover, was standing akwardly in the middle of all this, unsure of what to do.
Hannah hit Lucy on the back and stumbled up.
"Don't you ever do that again!" Lucy got up, giggling.
"I couldn't help it, ok?" She was wearing a red one-strap dress that flowed elegantly down her skinny figure, outlining her womanly curves. Kenny and Bennett finally caught their breath and helped us to our feet. Bennett smirked at me,
"That was graceful, really."
"Shut up." I punched his arm and giggled. Dina walked up hand in hand with Jared by her side.
"What I miss?" She asked, smiling. I smiled widely at her and said,
"You look awesome Dina." She blushed and shrugged.
"Thanks." She had on a dark purple strapless dress that poofed out at the waistline and had sparkles everywhere. Her date, Jared, had on a black suit with a matching bow tie. An announcement came on over the intercom,
"Attention all prom dates! The March of prom will be starting shortly, please get in line of you aren't already!" We all sighed and looked at each other.
"Well, shall we?" Kendra asked. We all nodded and headed for the line.
Every year, during prom, people from the local news paper take up two whole pages for prom. They come in and take pictures of every couple to put in the news paper. The march of prom is like a runway type thing. We all headed to the auditorium where the stage was and the line was set. Couples were already lined up, so we all lined up behind each other, so we could see each other go up.
After waiting for twenty minutes, it was finally getting to our group. They took three pictures of each couple. The first one of our group to be called was Kendra and Kenny. Our vice principle announced,
"And now for Kenny ierwin and Kendra Larsen!" People in the crowd clapped as they strutted on the stage. The first one they posed for, they smiled. The second one, they kissed, and on the last one, Kenny picked up Kendra while she flipped off the photographers. Hannah and I whooped for her as Dina and Lucy laughed. Our principle held back her laughter as she said,
"Next up, we have Lucy Newman and rover green!" They walked out together. Lucy wanted a good picture, so she leaned affectionately on his arm and smiled. He looked extremely akward, yet satisfied with his date. As they walked off stage, they called,
"Now we have, Dina Marsh and Jared Smith!" They walked out hand in hand and smiled nicely for the cameras. After they left the stage, they went on,
"Hannah Archer and Mike Jemmings!" She hopped on his back piggy back style and they walked out, smiling like weirdos. They stuck out their tongues on the last one. My hand became sweaty as she called our names,
"Now we have Sarah Appleton and Bennett Webber!" Without warning, he picked me up bridal-style and ran us to the middle of the stage, smiling with all his teeth. I was surprised, and I forgot to smile, but I probably had a terrified expression on my face. We took another picture like the first one, then he set me down and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I set my hands on his and smiled as he set his head on my shoulder. We walked offstage together. When we were out of the spotlight, I punched his shoulder.
"You scared the crap out of me!" He smirked.
"But you know you liked it." I giggled.
"Yes, I suppose you're right." He rolled his eyes.
"You suppose?" I nodded.
"I suppose." He then smiled evily and asked,
"Well,do you 'suppose we could go vote for prom king and queen?" I smiled back with equal evil and replied,
"Yes, I suppose so."


Hope it was enjoyable, enjoy the next one, bye!:3

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