Chapter 21: Pretend boyfriend.

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The crook of my neck was sore the next morning. I hadn't moved for pretty much the whole night, and my muscles apparently didn't agree with me. Bennett was still asleep when I woke up at 6:30, so I stayed still for a while. His chest moved up and down in a slow motion, his breath made my hair fly up in some places, but I didn't mind. I closed eyes and thought, 'this isn't the worst thing he could do.' I didn't realize I had set my hand on his and our fingers were intertwined. The calloused creases on the inside of his palms felt nice when it brushed against the back of my soft hands. I closed my eyes and inhaled slowly,enjoying the moment. He shifted slightly, and it could almost hear his smile.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you book theif?"
"I don't know what your thinking, I woke up and it was like this," I retorted, feeling my cheeks getting redder. He laughed and sat up on his side. I turned slightly and saw his hair was spiking up everywhere. I couldn't help but giggle a little. He ran his fingers through it and got up, stretching.
"I'm taking a shower."
"Thanks for sharing," I said, giggling a little. He took a black sweatshirt and some jeans and disappeared around the corner. I yawned and slipped off my tank top, swapping it for a pink T-shirt and some Jeggings. After I threw them on, I walked around the corner and almost rammed face-first into Bennett's dad. He took a step back and smiled.
"Whoa, in a hurry?"
"Um, no, sorry." I said, catching my breath. He looked up and down my body and then smiled at me.
"You never did call that boyfriend of yours." My mind raced and my face lost color as I thought of what to do.
"That's what I thought, you don't have one, do you?" He smiled even wider. I shook my head and said,
"No! I' him quick, wait here." I ran in the bedroom and shut the door in Bennett's dad's face. I ran to the dresser and seized up my phone, which had been charging all night. I paced back and forth, wondering what to do. I didn't have any guys number, except.....Isaac's! I pulled out the crumpled piece of paper from my bag pocket and dialed. He picked up on the third ring,
"Hi it's Sarah. I'm going to have to ask you for a really big favor." There was a brief silence on the other end.
"Go on?"
"You need to pretend to be my boyfriend for Bennett's dad." Another brief silence.
"Ok." He said simply. I stopped for a moment, frowning.
"What? No protests? No, 'you owe me?'" He laughed from his end. It was a deep laugh, and it made me smile a little.
"Yeah, you owe me, but your voice sounds urgent."
"Ok, thanks, I'm giving the phone to him, just....say something." I walked out into the hall and smiled while I handed him the phone.
"Here, he's on right now." He took the phone from me and listened to the phone.
"Hey, so you're Sarah's boyfriend?" I heard some muffled sounds from the other end. Not knowing how to stand, I just leaned against the door way and crossed my arms. After a few minutes, his dad smiled and said,
"All right, good talk, guess I'll see you at the game tonight, bye." He hung up the phone and handed it back to me.
"Well, I guess I was wrong. Are you going to the game tonight?" He asked, smirking wide at me. Remembering the conversation I had with Carson, I felt my blood run cold.
"Yes, I am."
"All right, Bennett's grandmas making some breakfast, if your hungry." I nodded and went back to the bedroom to do my hair. I had just finished brushing it when Bennett came in, his hair wet and smelling like an axe factory exploded onto him. I scrunched up my nose and said,
"Did the axe bottle rape you? Cause you smell nasty." He smiled and rolled his eyes.
"You're just jelly."
"I'm not jelly, I'm just saying to take it easy on the axe next time." I started putting my hair up. Bennett stared at me for a second before asking,
"Why don't you have your hair down ever?" I tied my hair back and sighed,
"Because I don't like it hanging in my face all day."
"It looks really nice when it's down." He commented, then blushed a little. I smiled and said,
"Thanks, let's go eat." He nodded and we walked downstairs into the dining room where his grandma was setting down food. She smiled at us and gave Bennett a plate full of bacon and eggs and toast.
"You need to put on weight, you're too skinny." She said to him. He chuckled a little bit and ate the food. I smiled and took my plate.
"Thank you, no ones cooked for me in a while," I said, eating. She frowned and sat in her own chair.
"Doesn't your father cook?"
"He owns his own business, he can't always be there to cook for me and my sister."
"Well, what about your mother?" I stopped, chewing more slowly. After I'd finished, I said,
"She...isn't around."
"Oh my goodness! Is she dead?!" She asked, concern in her eyes. I frowned and shook my head quickly.
"No, she's just..." I trailed off. Bennett looked at me with curiosity, but I was saved by his grandpa. He smiled and kissed his wife's cheek.
"What's for breakfast, Aggie?"
"Bacon eggs and toast," she said, smiling at him. He smiled back and took the plate, sitting down. I smiled and asked,
"How long have you two been married?" Without hesitation, Aggie said,
"52 years next month." He smiled back at her for a brief moment before returning to his food. I sat up and smiled.
"That's a really long time."
"Not really, once life gets seems like only yesterday I was teaching William how to ride bike. " she smiled, thinking of him. Bennett's grandpa changed subjects by asking,
"Are you going to Bennett's game today?" I had only forgotten it for a few moments, but then shivered at the thought of Carson's request. I simply nodded and smiled. He sensed something was wrong, but didn't push it.
"Well, cheer him on for us, ok?" Aggie said, kissing Bennett's forehead. I nodded and finished my food. Bennett smiled at me and went back to eating his food. Bennett's dad came down with our bags and sighed, then coughed roughly into his hands.
"Ok, ready to get goin?" He asked. We both nodded and I got up and sighed. Bennett hugged and kissed his grandparents, then we all left. The car was completely silent from agusta to Trenton. Once we pulled up, Bennett wasted no time going from the truck to his own car. I grabbed my bag and sighed.
"Well...thank you for driving Mr. Webber."
"No problem, I'll see you later," I nodded and walked off. I could practically feel his eyes trailing me. Once my bags were in the trunk, Bennett sped off and sighed.
"Thank god that's over, I didn't know you were going to the game," he said, smiling at me. A deep pit formed as I realized I had forgotten to tell him that Carson had asked me.
"Uh-yeah, but it's not what you might think."
"What do you mean?" He asked, starting the car and driving off.
"Carson told me he'd leave jane alone if I went, so I agreed." His eyes went from curious to something near rage.
"Friday before the basketball tryouts," then I added, "he told me to wear something comfortable." His grip on the steering wheel tightened. His muscles tensed as he drove on, and he was breathing slowly in and out.
"That little..." He bit back the swears and profanities he wished to say. Then, his grip slackened and he sighed.
"Should I take care of it?"
"No, Kendra, Hannah and Dina are going to be there with me." He looked at me, then back to the road.
"Well, there must be something I can do."
"Yeah, there is." I said, looking at him. He smiled and asked,
"What would that be?"
"Play well," I smiled and sighed as he pulled up to the house. He chuckled a little.
"Do you need a ride?"
"No, Kendra's coming for me." I started to get out of the car, when he said,
"Book theif?" I looked back in the car,
"Don't wear anything too comfortable," he said, smiling. I nodded and went inside my house.

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