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"How is his majesty?" Suleiman Pasha asked. I sighed and looked at the closed doors beside us where Mahmoud was. I didn't need to guess what he was doing to know that he was drowning himself in work to pass through his grief over his mother.

"Not well, he was very close to the Valide Sultan" I answered. I turned to look at Suleiman who gave me a sad smile. Yenisah and Suleiman have been trying to help Mahmoud out of his grief in many ways but nothing is working.

"He is closer to you though, he defied his mother to marry you" I shook my head with a sigh.

"It's different" I crossed my arms and turned when footsteps approached Suleiman Pasha and me, it was Ali agha who bowed to the both of us when he reached us.

"Sultanim, Pasha" Ali addressed. I nodded in his direction to acknowledge him. Suleiman didn't even look his way but seemed in deep thought.

"Why don't you try and pull him away from his work for a while, I'll take care of everything until you return" Suleiman Pasha suggested. Where could I pull him to? Hunting may be, he does talk much about hunting and how much he likes it.

"I'll try" I sighed before making my way towards the doors. I knocked and waited for permission to walk in.

"Come in" Mahmoud called. The guards at the doors opened them for me to step in and closed them behind me. I bowed to the man that enchanted me with his mere gaze when I first stepped into this room many years back. Mahmoud looked up and gave a small smile my way, it was dull and lacked anything to do with happiness.

"Neslihan, what a surprise" He leaned back against his chair. I felt a little hurt that he didn't think I would visit him the second the hidad was over in the harem. I pushed my feelings to the side and willed myself to step closer towards his desk.

"I was worried about you and wanted to visit you" I moved around the desk and stepped closer to him. Mahmoud pushed his chair back and let me seat myself on his lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist to secure me on his lap. I looked down and saw that he was working on work-related documents.

"I am fine, nothing to worry about" Mahmoud shrugged my worry off. I turned to look at him closely, he had bags under his eyes, he wasn't sleeping much. He had more wrinkles if that was possible in three days to appear.

"You don't look fine and your new obsession with work also stands against your words" I crossed my arms and frowned down at him. Mahmoud heaved a sigh and turned away from and instead looked out of the window.

"I feel lost without her" He admitted. I reached over and pulled his face in my direction. The pain I saw in his eyes reminded me of when I lost my own mother because of his sister who was now banished for her actions and stuck in a loveless marriage with an old man.

"I know how you feel. When I was taken from my home I felt the same way" Mahmoud flinched under me at the mention of my kidnapping which gave me hope that he actually cared more than he let on.

"And when I recieved the news of her death. Now all I can think of is what is my father up to? Does he also feel lost without her? I feel grateful that Albina went to stay with him and keep him company. Now think of your own father, he reunited with your mother in the afterlife and they're keeping each other company" Mahmoud stayed silent for a couple of moments after my speech but eventually he pulled me closer for a hug.

"What about me?" He asked in a whisper. I kissed his cheek and pulled away to look at him. His eyes sparkled much more than when I first stepped into the room.

"I am here, I will always be by your side no matter what" I whispered rubbing the apple of his cheek. Mahmoud pulled me down for a kiss on the lips. A knock on the door interrupted us. I jumped off Mahmoud's lap as he let in the guard who had knocked.

"Gevherhan Sultan is asking for an audience, your majesty," The guard said looking down at the floor. I rolled my eyes at the mention of her name and my smile disappeared from my face.

"Let her in" Mahmoud stood up from the chair and moved to stand in front of his desk. I moved to stand beside him as she walked in and bowed to her brother. She threw me a glare when she saw that I was in the Sultan's room already.

"What is it, Gevherhan?" Mahmoud asked sounding frustrated. He has closed off again as if the entire conversation we just had just flew out of the window. I let out a tiny sigh and looked down feeling sad that my effect on him could only last long enough.

"I wanted to talk with you about the harem" She answered ignoring the tone of his voice and proceeded to step closer towards him.

"What about it?" Mahmoud asked. He turned to look at me for an answer but I only shrugged my shoulders, however, I knew already what she wanted to speak of, she wanted to remind him that the harem had no ruler in hopes of getting the power herself which was a nightmare, she will change a lot of things and rules that will not be in my favor at all.

"It has no ruler, no one is in charge and I fear it will turn into a mess soon," She said feigning fear on her face. She didn't care and it didn't matter to her how much of a mess the harem was. Mahmoud heaved a sigh beside me and shook his head.

"I know, I have thought of a worthy candidate already" Mahmoud answered. I could only pray in my head that it would be Yenisah Sultan instead of her. Yenisah Sultan adores me and would treat me and Hatice equally when it came to Thursday nights.

"Who is it?" She asked eagerly. I could see her eyes widen with curiosity and her hands tremble with expectations.

"Neslihan" Mahmoud answered turning to look at me. My head snapped in his direction wide-eyed and confused.

"Me?" I asked pointing at myself. I couldn't believe what my ears were hearing. Gevherhan let out a gasp from the other side of the room.

"She can't! She's a slave!" She protested marching closer to us as if Mahmoud couldn't hear her screaming from the other side. Mahmoud raised his hand making her stop walking however he kept his eyes locked with mine.

"T-Thank you, your majesty" He held his hand out for me, I took it and kissed his knuckles with a smile. Happiness flooded into me, he trusted me enough to make me the head of his harem.

"Watch the way you speak of her, she is my wife and a sultana by marriageable right" Mahmoud warned his sister turning to face her. Gevherhan gulped under the fierce glare he was sending her way. She bowed obediently before she stormed off and left us alone in the room again.

"I promise to work hard and not disappoint you" Mahmoud smiled and pulled me in for a hug. I was now the one in charge of the harem and I have much more responsibilities than I already do but I will not let that pull me down and crush my spirit.

 I was now the one in charge of the harem and I have much more responsibilities than I already do but I will not let that pull me down and crush my spirit

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