Chapter 21

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Charlotte's POV

I frown at what Sarah called me. But I understand the urgency in her voice.

I rush over to where Ray and the Terrific Two are.

I take the duct tape off Ray's mouth. He bites his lips instead of crying out in pain.
"Charlotte, are you okay?" Ray whispers, so he doesn't give away my identity to anybody.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer quietly.
"Why are you here? And where did you get that blaster?" Ray questions. He looks worried.

"Well....." I say, looking around to make sure Sarah's parents can't hear, but they're watching Henry and Sarah fight.

I lean closer to Ray.
"We found out Sarah's parents are..." I trail off and start jerking my head in the direction of the Terrific Two.

Ray's eyes widen in shock.

"Anyways that explains the blaster and stuff." I whisper.

"No way!" He hisses. "I had no idea! No wonder she's so good at being a sidekick." he says. "I can't believe she never ended up with powers." he adds, thinking out loud.

"Listen, we'll talk about that later! We have some people to fight." I say, cutting his ropes and rushing off to help Sarah's parents.

I cut their ropes, and they take the tape off their mouths themselves.

"Thank you." Sarah's mom smiles at me, before following her husband into the thick of the fight.

I chase after them, wanting to at least try and help. I do the only thing I can think of, without being too cruel, and kick a guy in shins.

Soon, Sarah's mom has started finishing the guys I start with. And we're making progress too.

But not nearly as much progress as Ray and Sarah's dad. Who have literally cleared half the room in five minutes.

I look over and see Henry and Sarah working together phenomenally. I can't believe what a great team they make.

I see they've finished with their opponents, and I catch a glimpse of Sarah blushing. I wonder what they're talking about. I'm pretty sure they have feelings for each other, no matter how much Sarah denies it.

It looks as though we've finished, there's barely any opponents left standing. And the ones that are still standing, have started to retreat.

In the silence, I can just barely hear Henry lean over to Sarah and say;
"Did we win?"

Sarah ignores him, and looks at something else. I follow her gaze to where Lord X is standing. My eyes widen.

He's got a gun pointed right at me!

"It's far from over!" He exclaims.

I freeze, unsure what to do, and completely in shock.

"One more step, and your new friend dies." He warns Ray and everyone else.

Lord X motions to the Toddler.
"And now we'll be taking our stuff, and relocating elsewhere." Lord X keeps his gun trained on me. "Oh, and don't forget, one more step, and she dies." he points at me with his free hand.

I look over and see Ray's eyes flitting from to Lord X's gun, to me, and back. He's looking worried.

Sarah and Henry have frozen, unsure what to do. Sarah is looking at me empathetically, biting her lip.

And the Terrific Two are staring angrily at Lord X and the Toddler.

The villains are almost done moving out their stuff, when Henry yells at them.
"Hey losers! Why don't you shoot me instead!" He taunts.

I'm not sure what he's doing, but he gets their full attention.

"You just can't shut up can you?" Lord X rolls his eyes. He points his gun at Henry, and Ray rushes over to me. He grabs me and hugs me.

"Charlotte, are you okay?" He asks quietly. I nod my head to show I'm fine.

Ray the turns his attention to Henry, worried again, this time for someone else.

"Say goodbye!" Lord X grins menacingly. He gets ready to pull the trigger.

"Not today!" Sarah yells suddenly, jumping up and pulling the blaster she grabbed from her house earlier. She shoots it and hits both villains, sending them flying backwards, and destroying their machine.

Henry runs over to Sarah and envelops her in a hug.
"Great shot!" He exclaims happily.

I run over and join them, and they grab me up into their hug. Making it an awesome group hug.

Ray and Sarah's parents come over to us.

"Nice shot. Sparkly, is it?" Sarah's dad says to her, no idea he's talking to his daughter. "But where'd you get the gun?" He asks, his tone becoming more suspicious.

"It's mine." Ray quickly steps in. "And we'd better go put it back where it belongs. I'll video call you later." Ray says to the Terrific Two.

He rounds us three up and starts pulling us out of the building.

We make it back to the flying car.
"This is how you guys got here?" Ray asks incredulously.
"Yeah. I guess we have a lot of explaining to do, huh?" Sarah asks, putting her hand on the back of her head.
"You could say that!" Ray exclaims. "But we'll wait until we get back to the Man Cave. Better send this thing home." He adds.

"Right." Sarah leans inside the vehicle and pushes a button.

The car takes off and disappears.

"Alright, let's go." Ray says, and starts walking.

[A/N: I'm not sure if anyone noticed, so I figured I'd explain. I just wrote three parts that all happen around the same time frame, each having a different POV. Each POV gives you different details, and more, less, or different information. Anyways, I just thought I'd try it, let me know what you think I guess...?]

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