Chapter 26

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Sarah's POV
*next day*

"Even waking up feels different." I say. "I keep looking at myself in the mirror to make sure nothing's changed." I continue. Charlotte nods in understanding.

"Were your parents okay with everything?" She asks.
"Yeah they were pretty chill. But they were mad this morning." I shudder.
"Why?" Charlotte asks, giving me a confused look.
"Cause they modified my bracelet so my powers wouldn't accidentally like go off or something. Except, I took it off last night, like I usually do."
"Oh no." Charlotte guesses where this is going.
"Yeah, my bean bag chair was all over my room this morning." I say sheepishly.
"Oh wow." Charlotte mutters. I shrug my shoulders, unsure what else to say.

Thankfully, Henry chooses that moment to show up.
"Hey guys." he says to Charlotte and I, cheerily.
"What's up?" I reply.
"Well Ms. Shapen isn't here today, so now we don't have to do our history presentation."
"Yes!" I cheer. I high five Charlotte, who's grinning happily too.

"Guys!" Jasper yells all of a sudden, running up to us.
"Yeah?" Henry asks.
"Have you seen the news? Captain Man has a new sidekick!" He exclaims.

"Uh, what?" I pale.
"Yeah! Someone leaked a picture of her!" He holds up his phone so we can see.

It's a picture of me in all my glory, with Captain Man and Kid Danger. It looks like it was taken the other day.

"That's so grainy, it's probably photoshopped." I say quickly.
"Yeah." Charlotte quickly agrees, and Henry nods his head. Jasper shrugs.
"I guess."
"You should tell everyone how it's fake." I suggest persuasively.
"Yeah!" Jasper's eyes light up like he came up with the idea himself.

My watch starts beeping and so does Henry's.
"Bye!" I yell abruptly at Jasper, grabbing Henry and Charlotte's arms and running for the door.

I'm stopped by a girl stepping in our path. Debbie Putch.

"Uh hey Debbie. Listen, we need to go, see you!" I try to manoeuvre past her, but she doesn't let me.

"I have to talk to you." Debbie says, seriously.
"Can't it wait?" I almost whine.
"No." She replies.

"Is everything okay?" Henry asks, looking from me to Debbie.

"Henry, Charlotte, you know my cousin Debbie, don't you?" I say, through gritted teeth.

"Your cousin?" Henry and Charlotte demand in unison. Clearly shocked.

"Yep." Debbie answers for me. "I really need to talk to you." she says again.

"Okay fine, Henry, go with Charlotte. I'll catch up with you guys later." I say, exasperated.

Henry nods and he and Charlotte take off.

"What is it?" I say to my cousin.

"I wasn't allowed to say anything cause you were in the dark. But something's changed about you, I know it. Tell me, when did you get your powers?" She asks.

I stand there, dumbfounded.
"Wha-... No... Uh-... What?" I finally manage.

"Come on Sarah, I'm not stupid, I know you got them, probably recently." she says.

"What are you talking about?" I say.
"Sarah, powers run in the family. Your mom and my mom are sisters. Do the math."

"Wait, you have powers?" I hiss.
"No, duh." she answers, rolling her eyes. "How do you think I survived falling off the roof? Twice."
"Oh yeah." I say. "I forgot about that."
"How could you?" She asks, looking surprised.

"Well what about your dad?" I ask, ignoring her question.
"Uh, well, he knows nothing." Debbie replies, looking slightly sheepish.

"Really? You and your mom didn't tell him anything?" I say, surprised.

"Nope. Cause he doesn't have powers. What won't hurt him, he doesn't need to know." She shrugs. I disagree with that but I don't say anything. Both my parents have powers so it's not like I can argue from experience.

"Enough about me. Can you control them?" She asks me.

I look down at my hands, remembering the vase and the beanbag.

"No." I answer, blushing.

"Yeah, it's usually harder for those that get them later on." she nods her head.

"What do you mean?" I ask, getting defensive.

"Just that. People who get powers later on in life, genetically or otherwise, have a harder time controlling them." she explains. "No one knows why." she adds.

"Whatever. I need to go." I snap, turning to go.

"Off to your job with Kid Danger and Captain Man?" She says it smugly.

"What?" I say, turning back around.
"You heard me." she grins at me. "I know things Sarah. Like I know exactly who Captain Man is." she adds.

"Uh, you don't need to know." she flushes red. "Listen, you should go." she tells me. "But later, I'll help you out with your powers if you want." she smiles kindly.

"Thanks, I'd like that." I reply.

I turn and leave the school, headed for the Man Cave.

I run as fast as I can. I'm already late.

"Sorry guys. I had to talk to my cousin." I apologize, waking out of the elevator.

"It's fine." Ray says.

"Yeah, what did Debbie want?" Henry asks.
"Just to talk." I reply. "Family stuff."

"Wait, Debbie?" Ray asks.
"Yeah, Debbie Putch. You know, the one that you went to birthday party for?" Henry says.
"Oh, you mean the one that you said you didn't knock off the roof, and you proved it. And then you knocked her off anyways?" Ray asks, grinning smugly at Henry. Charlotte and I laugh.
"Yeah, that one." Henry answers drily.

Ray turns to me.
"She's you cousin?" He asks me.

"Yeah, her mom is my mom's sister." I answer.
"Oh." Ray pales, but doesn't bother to explain. I decide not to press him further about it.

"So how did it go with your parents?" Ray asks. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's fine." I answer.
"Okay, if you're sure."
"I'm sure." I smile.

"Alright, then let's get to the reason I called you." Ray says, turning to his computers.

A picture flashes up on the screen. The same one Jasper showed us earlier.

"Have you seen this?" Ray asks me.
"Yeah, earlier today. Jasper shoved it in our face before we came here." I answer.
"Oh, your friend with the bucket obsession and sweaty hands?" Ray looks at Henry.
"That's the one." Henry nods.

"Great, so everyone's probably seen this by now." Ray sighs. "Sorry Sarah, looks like you're not hidden in the shadows anymore."
"Well, if anyone asks, you can just deny it and say it was photoshopped or something." I point out. "And let's just be glad there's no picture of Charlotte."

"True, I guess. But the question remains; who took the photo, and how did the media get it?" Ray ponders.
"Look at the angle. It was probably the toddler or Lord X. They're not completely stupid, they probably figured I was hiding in the shadows for a reason. Expose me, they gain something." I explain. "But we're not going to let them gain anything." I say, determinedly.

"Alright." Ray says. "I just needed to make sure you were good."

"I am. We'll see about my parents." I shudder, thinking about it. "Which reminds me," I look at my watch. "I gotta go home. Is that cool with you?"

"Yeah sure, we'll see you later." Ray says.

I run up to the tubes, and wave to my friends.
"Up the tube!" I yell, and shoot upwards.

I Don't Wear Capes (Henry Danger Fanfiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now