Chapter 11

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Henry's POV

Two people fill the screen—a man and a woman. They're in costumes—black with yellow highlights, and I can't see their faces because of the masks they're wearing.

"Captain Man," the woman says in greeting. Ray nods in response.
"You wanted to talk?" he replies, seeming cool and collected.

No wonder Ms. Swellview loves him! I'm kind of jealous. If I was as a good with the ladies as he is, maybe I'd have a steady girlfriend by now and not the ones I seem to go through like a revolving door.

"Yes, we have some concerns," the man on the screen says sternly. "Our old nemesis is reportedly stirring up trouble, and since he escaped prison, and left Swellview before minds were erased, he'll still remember us," he adds, looking grim.

I glance over at Sparkly, and she just shrugs. Neither of us know who he's talking about, or what the big deal is. Ray however, seems pretty nervous now.

"You're sure about this?" Ray asks. He's acting brave, but I've known him long enough—and well enough—to see that it's worrying him.
"We're positive," the woman replies.

Ray looks back at Sparkly and I, before speaking again.
"My new sidekicks and I can handle it," he tries to assure them. They flash him knowing looks.

"Captain Man, as talented as your new sidekicks might be, we both know it will take a lot more to stop what's coming," the man says.
"Then why don't you come out of retirement?" Ray snaps back.
"We can't. The whole reason we left was to protect our daughter. Unfortunately, she never inherited our powers, and we can't risk bringing her into this crime fighting world. We've spent years keeping this life hidden from her, we're not about to change that," the woman replies calmly.

I disagree with the 'Terrific Two'. So what if their kid doesn't have powers? Sparkly and I don't, we still do a pretty good job, if I do say so myself. I might be a bit biased, but who cares?

"You two, the man says, pointing towards Sparkly and I. She glances at me before making eye contact with the two superheroes on screen.
"What about us?" I reply before Sparkly can. I can feel Ray's burning gaze on me, since he did tell us not to speak, but I ignore him since we were addressed directly.

"What makes you two worthy of being sidekicks?" the man demands, somewhat snobbishly. Sparkly and I stare at him in shock at his words. Even Ray seems kind of surprised by his question. "You have no powers, how does that make you qualified?" he adds on, his tone this time even worse than before.

"You'd have to ask the person that decided we were qualified," I answer, nodding in Ray's direction. Sparkly grins all of a sudden, and I'm intrigued and confused at the same time.

"Kid Danger is pretty qualified sir. He's an amazing fighter," she says. She's lying, like a lot. I'm not bad, but she wins between the two of us.
"And she could probably take you!" I add. I'm mildly sassy with my reply—taking some inspiration from Sparkly's newfound confidence—which is okay with me after the way the man acted.

The man nods his head as if we've passed some sort of test but he doesn't share what he's thinking about. Soon it's just an awkward silence between all of us.

Ray quickly intervenes,
"Well, until something happens, let's just cross our fingers, and hope for the best."
"Fine with us. We just wanted to make you aware," the man replies. The screen goes dark as they disconnect.

I go stand right next to Sparkly. We cross our arms and stand aggressively before we turn to stare at Ray meaningly. He catches our drift.
"Guys, it's a long story," he tells us. We don't even move a muscle.

"Fine," Ray snaps, narrowing his eyes frustratedly at us. "Five years ago, the most evil, diabolical, and annoying villain ever, decided to try and destroy many major buildings here in Swellview. He almost destroyed the Terrific Two, along with me. Thankfully, we were able to stop him. But after that, the Terrific Two decided that they should take their retirement. They couldn't risk leaving their kid without parents—something about her not being safe even with other family members," Ray explains. I'm so engrossed that I barely realize Sparkly's staring at Ray in disbelief. I nudge her with my elbow and she closes her mouth after it had clearly opened from shock.

"We set it up so everyone in Swellview would have their memories erased. But before it could happen, that evil villain escaped from prison, and fled town. In other words, he still remembers everything, and that could reek havoc on Swellview, depending on his plans," Ray says, finishing his long explanation.

Both Sparkly and I turn to look at each other, in stunned silence.
"Sure, Cause that WASN'T IMPORTANT TO MENTION AT ALL!" I exclaim sarcastically. Ray rolls his eyes at me.
"I didn't need you to be scared off!" he retorts. "Besides, it was in the past, I didn't think it was relevant," he adds while I glare at him.
"Guys, chill. If something happens, we've got it," Sparkly says, being ever the diplomat. Her confidence seems to have increased all of a sudden. No idea why.

"Listen, I need to go," Sparkly says suddenly. "I have a project I need to work on for school." She turns and runs up to my tube. "Up the tube!" she yells, and she's gone.

I look over at Ray.
"Don't you have a project to do too?" he asks with a pointed look. Clearly he's telling me to leave. Which is kind of weird, but whatever. I frown, but shake my head and comply with his unsaid request.
"Good night Ray," I say, before I leave.

~20 minutes later~

I make it home, and climb up the tree into my bedroom window. The lights flick on and I see Charlotte standing at the door. It startles me, and I almost fall over.
"You have got to stop doing that!" I exclaim, ticked off.
"Why do you think Sarah is 'Sparkly'?" she asks, ignoring my request. I'm surprised she's coming back to this.

"I don't know, lots of reasons. There's the hair thing. And they kind of look similar." Then it dawns on me. "And just tonight, 'Sparkly' wasn't being shy around me and Ray! She was acting a lot like Sarah," I say to Charlotte smugly.
"That doesn't mean anything," she scoffs at my reasons.
"Fine. I'm going to bed now," I tell her, done with being spoken to like I'm an idiot for the day. I don't need to fight a losing argument.

"See ya tomorrow Hen," she replies, seeming satisfied with my answer. She climbs out my window and leaves, and I close the window after her before I turn off the lights. I fall into bed as I'm too exhausted to do anything but sleep. I drift off, with a weird dream of Sparkly versus Sarah. Like a cage match. Sometimes, I really don't understand my brain.

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