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The bridge was covered in a thick red fog, the blood somehow mixing with the noxious air creating a truly horrendous sensation of breathing blood. There were bodies all over the bridge with almost any type of wound you could think of on at least one person. The battle had lost its sides almost immediately, with everyone's main goal turning into the simple primeval instinct of survival. Brother turned on brother, sister on sister, and no one was safe, not even the three small siblings wandering the bridge, trying to find their parents. There was a giant explosion that all the siblings saw almost immediately after they got on the bridge far away, and they all saw at least one person sent flying from it and could only hope they didn't know them.

The oldest sibling called Vi was shielding the youngest one, called Powder, while their brother, Y/N, scouted up ahead as he was the one holding a long, thin pipe. The boy had already been forced to beat an enforcer into unconsciousness, or at least that's what he hoped they were in. All of them feared for their life, but they all valued their parents more.

As the time went on along with their search, the sounds of battle started to fade, the only sounds left were the occasional gunshot every now and then, each one signaling the death of someone.  That is, until the three siblings started to hear more of a metallic clunking sound coming from not too much further ahead and causing the youngest sibling, Powder to stop singing.  After walking a bit further though, they saw a man beating an enforcer with a savage look in his eyes. The boy subconsciously pushes his other two siblings behind him as the man starts to approach them after seemingly finishing off the enforcer, but the look was gone from his eyes at least. As the man got close to them, the siblings recognized him as Vander, one of their parents' close friends and one of the leading fighters in the battle against Piltover.

They boy sent Vander a questioning look, and he seemed to understand as his face instantly fell and he gave a pointed look. The siblings followed his gaze and saw the smoke clear to reveal their two dead parents, holding hands even in death. Both girls began to start crying as they fell apart, but the boy looked to Vander, sealing the deal of his protection as Vander nodded at him as a response to the boy's questioning gaze before mentally crumbling himself, finally letting the pipe fall from his hands. Vander picked up the two girls, and started carrying them back to Zaun while the boy followed, letting the reinforcement enforcers know that the battle was over. On that day though, a rage was born in the older two siblings for the enforcers as they mentally labeled them as the ones responsible for their parents death, growing as they moved further and further away from them and back to Zaun.

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