Chapter 1

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Walking and climbing and waiting, that was the one constant pattern for the last thirty minutes as the group traveled to Piltover. 

"We're almost there." Vi says met by an aw man by Claggor and a sigh of relief by Y/N who found the trip to be very tedious.

"Hey Powder, come take a look." Vi says, reaching the roof first which is met by a "Woah" from Powder as she too sees the view for the first time.

"It's nice to get above it all huh?" Vi says, "It is nice to finally see this so called greatest view ever I keep hearing about." Y/N says, "Well don't get used to it." Vi responds jokingly.

The rest of the group catches up and an airship flies above all of them, amazing both younger siblings.

"One day, I'm gonna ride one of those things." Powder says, "And one day, I'm gonna shoot one of 'em down." Mylo says in response causing Vi to push his hand down which was pointing a finger gun at it.

"Vi, are you sure about this? Look, if we get caught, we're -" Claggor starts to ask but is cut off by Vi, "We're not gonna get caught. We'll be in and out before anyone notices."

"But what if they notice five teenagers looking sketchy doing parkour on a rooftop?" Y/N asks, while following Vi, "Then they do and we run." Vi says.

"Alright everybody, follow me. Just don't look down." after getting to a rooftop they need to jump across which immediately makes Y/N to look down. Vi then slides down a roof onto a balcony, and then leaps across, easily making it to the other side. Claggor starts to walk forward but is pushed back by Mylo, who easily copies Vi but is then closely followed by Claggor with a cupcake in his mouth.

"Couldn't we have at least just walked there?" Claggor asks after stuffing the cupcake in his mouth. "Gotta stay out of sight for this one." Vi says, "I agree." says Y/N who just landed next to Claggor, also with a cupcake in his mouth. the two siblings then look back at Powder, seeing her hesitating and looking a bit scarred to try the same parkour everyone else just did.

"Called it, this is on you Vi." Mylo says, causing Y/N to elbow him in the gut, "I'll go get her." Claggor says only for Vi to disagree with him. "Powder look at me, what did I tell you?" Vi asks, "That... I'm ready." Powder responds. "That's right! So?" Vi says. Powder takes a breath and starts the parkour shouting out in glee a bit after she makes it to the balcony. Unfortunately though, when she gest to the other roof, she almost falls off but her arms are quickly grabbed by her siblings causing her to say, "thanks." and Mylo to scoff as she passes him.

A bit more time passes before Claggor finally asks, "What if Vander finds out we're all the way up here?" This causes Vi to say, "Look around you. You think anyone topside is going hungry? Besides, this is exactly the sort of job Vander would've pulled when he was our age. I'm going.  Are you with me or not?" Claggor responds by saying, "Vander's gonna kill us." after Mylo shrugs at him, "Yeah, only if we screw up. So don't screw up." Vi says with a serious look at the end.

Vi then crosses to the main section of the roof and jumps down, checking to make sure no one is home before saying "All clear. This of course is immediately followed by everyone coming down onto the balcony too and Mylo nonchalantly going for the doorknob. Unfortunately, it's locked causing Mylo to groan and say, "Who locks their balcony?" and starts to lock pick it and Y/N to say, "A smart person." which causes Powder to chuckle.

"Whew, there's tons of enforcers down there." Claggor says while looking down, "Means we're in the right place. You gonna get that door open any time soon?" Vi asks. "Working on it. Seeing as I'm the only one who knows how to pick locks, I suggest -" Mylo is cut off as Y/N and Vi simply kick the door open at the same time. Everyone else then starts to walk in and Claggor lightly hits the back of Mylo's head causing Mylo to say, "Animals." before following them in.

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