Chapter 8

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We'd all been awake for a while now, and yet Cait refused to stop struggling against the bonds I knew she'd never get out of unless the people wanted her to. She didn't seem to be able to handle stress well, constantly struggling, her voice being shriller when she would talk, I was guessing she'd blame us next. "I knew it was a mistake trusting you two." she said, "You've been a real picnic yourself." Vi responded. "I'm not the one who walked us into, not one, but two of Silco's traps." Cait said, still grunting as she struggled against her bonds. "First off, that's not my fault and second off, this isn't Silco, it's someone else." I said, "How do you know?" Cait asked harshly.

I just sighed at this, "I worked for him, remember? He hates these people, they attack him at any chance they get. We'd already be dead anyway if it was Silco." I said. "Oh, very nice. When were you planning to tell me that your lunatic sister works for him?" she asked. "Just as soon as you told me what the hell you're really doing down here with my sister I thought was dead for seven years!" I shouted back. "I told you the truth!" she shouted back, "Bullshit. What was that glowing stone?" Vi asked, which only made Cait sigh and sit still. "That's what I thought." Vi said, and then I could hear metal creaking, probably the door opening and I saw the silhouette of a man coming towards me. "What's going on?" Cait asked as I felt someone grabbing me, pulling me up, "Don't resist." they said as I felt myself being herded towards the light I saw from the open door. "I'm going man!" I said, trying to get them to at least treat me a bit less rough, I was getting shoved and pulled randomly and very hard, going this way and that. "Leave him alone!" I heard Cait say, "Let him go!" I also heard Vi shout, and then I was out the door and hearing both of them still calling my name out.

The person pulled me with them for a while before I was pushed into another room, it was a lot darker in here. I felt my hands being forced closer until they were touching another pole as I heard my bonds clank back together and I figured that they'd been put back together. "On your knees." I heard the voice say as I felt a foot softly push on the back of my knees, so I complied. Then I was blinded as my eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness after the person took my hoodie off. I saw the firelight leader sitting in a chair across from me with his weapon on his lap and the person who'd taken the sack off my head. It was a chirean, a species that looked like a humanoid bat, he snarled and me and walked to the person on the chair who nodded at the open door. The creature then walked out and closed the door behind him, leaving just me and the leader there with a flickering light on above us.

"What do you want, a round three?" I asked, glaring towards the person, "I want answers to my questions." the person said. "And why would I do that?" I asked, "Because we have you tied to a pole and held prisoner right now." the person said. "Are you sure about that?" I asked, the bonds falling to the floor as I put my hands up which made the person quickly stand up, tightly gripping their weapon. "Why the hell not though, ask away." I said, slumping back onto the bar behind me, "Try anything funny and you'll regret it." the person said. "You were working for Silco just a couple days ago, now you show up with your dead sister and an enforcer touring them around the lanes? What the hell is going on?" the person asked. "Listen man, I never wanted to work with Silco, but you must know how debt works around here, and I owe him my life. I'm lucky it was only even seven years too." I said. "That doesn't answer my question." the person said, "Listen man, we're trying to take down Silco, or at least, that's what I'm doing, I don't know why the piltie is really down here though." I said. "I know Vi is helping me with that though, but I think that she also think Jinx is still Powder." I said. "Well we both know that that sweet little girl is gone now, don't we?" the firelight leader said as I chuckled a bit.

"Why haven't you ever killed on of us? You've had a ton of chances." they said, "Because I agreed with you people, I respected you guys." I said. "All throughout these years you've been standing up to both topside and Silco and still been helping victims of shimmer." I said. "As for why I haven't killed you, that was never the goal, the goal was to help teach you how to fight, when we first fought, you could barely throw a punch." I said, laughing a bit. "And look at you know, still can't beat me, but, I think it's safe to say that you've grown a lot since back then." I said. "Heh, you've always prided yourself on being my teacher haven't you." the person said, reaching up to their mask.

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