Chapter 5

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The two boys in one body woke up on a cold, hard metal table in a cave by the looks of it, but they felt that something was off. They didn't feel alone in their head anymore, and while the whispers were always there, it didn't feel like normal anymore. It felt like they had more power now, more influence on their mind, more control of their thoughts and actions.

As the boys opened their eyes, they saw that one of their eyes weren't like normal anymore, it was changed. Of course, there was Vincent's blue eye, but their other eye wasn't how it was back in that alleyway behind the canary. His other eye was pink now. It still looked the same as before, but now it was pink instead of its normal color, and they could see purple lines running from that eye. They sat up, remembering all the wounds around his body and looked for them, but they all seemed to be gone. As they looked around more, they saw that they were in some type of lab, and there was a weird looking, distorted, purple looking creature in a tube watching him.

There was more to be seen on his body though, there were pink and blue lines all over, and the ones coming from their eyes seemed to fade back into their skin. Others then pushed out, seemingly in response to the ones from his eyes sinking back in, and then they all faded down into their skin again.

They sensed someone was watching them, so they looked up, their eyes finally turning to the man watching them. It was the man known as Silco and he just sat there watching them for a bit longer before saying, "Welcome back to the land of the living Y/N, I have a job for you".

--- Seven Years Later ---

There were a group of people on an airship, they were about to land on a port topside, even though every single one of them were from down under. All of them worked for Silco, and today's job was bringing more shimmer topside, so of course it had to be kept on the down low. A man walked onto the airship, a worker there, a pathetic individual in the boy's minds, someone barely getting buy, and easily bought. They saw Sevika plop a bag of coins down onto his paper, and then the man stamped it, Sevika staring down at him and making sure he upheld his end.

Suddenly, they sensed something was off, there was something approaching them, something they could sense wasn't going to be good for them or the other people with them. They quickly ran to one of the sides and peered towards a weird sound, seeing the firelights quickly rushing up on their hoverboards.

The firelights were a rag-tag group of undercity people, the only somewhat threat to Silco's foundation in the undercity. They had warned Silco that they would grow into a great nuisance and to stamp them out back when they were barely anything. He hadn't listened of course, in Silco's eyes, they were meant to listen and obey, not to come up with the ideas themselves. There they were now though, constantly bugging the man, destroying any shimmer they could, constantly setting them back and just being overall very annoying.

"Firelights!" Y/N yelled, running away from the side before jumping up, grabbing the pipes on top and pulling himself through them, onto the top of the pipes. The firelights flew into and around the ship, throwing weird bombs at everyone in their sight, covering them in some weird orange gems. Y/N saw the official run to a door, opening it and running into the room, closing the door behind him trying to avoid all the commotion outside.

Everyone eventually fell to the firelights, but they didn't spot Y/N, so he had the element of surprise and skill on the firelights, but they did have the numbers. All of them dismounted their boards, the leader saying, "We have five minutes till they're out of there.", swinging a watch around before catching it in his hand and pushing something on it. They walked up to the tanks with the purple x on them, "You ever seen this much simmer before?" one of them asked, clearly a bit surprised. "They're expanding. Check for more below, burn it all." the leader said, looking around at the others there. Y/N couldn't tell anything about the person though, their voice was mechanical and the clothing too baggy to make out the figure, no trait pointing either way.

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