Chapter 9

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The three of us stumbled through Piltover before we found a secluded alleyway and put Cait down on the wall, her sliding to the ground after. "Will she be okay?" Vi asked me as I was looking at her wound, "It should be fine, the skin's gone but it's not bleeding, she just needs a bit of rest." I said. "Vi, we need to scout around, check that we won't get spotted. Cait, stay there, stay safe. We'll be back soon." I said, starting to walk back to the gate to look around, "Stay safe too." Cait said. Vi quickly pulled me back as I was about to walk out though, just in time as a whole squad of enforcers ran past, headed to the bridge. We could still see it, and after checking that no one else was watching, we both peeked our heads out, but we couldn't see anything through the stampede of enforcers in front of us. I heard the canister whir and click of the canister opening, "It's gone." Cait said, "What?" Vi said as I froze. "It was all for nothing." I said in despair, Ekko had possibly given his life to get the gemstone back for us, and yet in the end, it was probably Jinx who came out with it.

I crumpled to the ground, I was tired of losing, tired of fighting, just tired of everything right now. Seven years ago, I lost most of my family, and then was forced to watch as the last person in my family I had left turned into someone entirely new, someone horrific. I'd lost, not one, but two of my childhood friends, recently found out one of them was alive, and then just lost them within a day. I'd lost my city to this new, corrupted version of it and was forced to help the man who'd turned it that way and now ruled over it. I even lost my life seven years ago and lost the privacy of my mind in two different ways, the list went on and on.

"Hey, it's alright, okay? I know somewhere that we can go to... recover and recuperate. Just help me up yeah?" Cait said, holding her hand out to me. I realized that I'd lost for most of my life, lost almost every single day I'd lived, but I'd also gained a lot of things too. I got one of my sisters back, I'd gotten Vincent who was always my friend throughout those lonely seven years, and I'd gotten Cait. I'd lost a ton of people, sure, but I'd also gotten some people back and met a couple of other cool new people, some I hadn't even lost throughout the years.

So, I made my decision, to keep going, to try and make the world a better place so that no one else would have to lose nearly as much anymore as I had. "How far is it?" I asked as I stood up and also helped Cait up too, "Not too far from here, but let's move now before the streets get crowded." Cait said as Vi just stared at the bridge.


We finally made it to the house after about half an hour, it was still dawn at least so not many people were out. I was keeping watch on the streets as Vi climbed up to the window Cait had directed us to as the one to go in. I could feel like someone was watching us but I couldn't tell from where, I kept looking around but I couldn't see anything even remotely suspicious.

Vi was the one who climbed up to the window and gave it a push, luckily though, it was unlocked. "Heads up, I think there might be someone watching us." I told Cait, "Enforcers?" Cait asked, "No, they'd run at us the second they saw us." I told her. After a bit I saw Cait push herself off the wall and squat down a bit, preparing to jump up and grab the windowsill. She didn't get farther than that though as she cried out, her hands going straight to her leg as she started to crumple to the ground, but I caught her before she could hit it.

"You mind if I hoist you up?" I asked Cait, "Not at all." she said as I saw Vi's head pop back out through the window. So I hoisted her up form her waist as Vi grabbed her arms and pulled her up, pulling me up too after. I could easily tell just by looking around that someone rich lived here, "So who lives here, another councilor friend of yours?" Vi asked. The room was obviously a bedroom, it was even as big as our old house, very lavish with expensive objects here and there. However, it wasn't nearly as cluttered as the apartment with the old hextech gems I'd visited seven years ago and less than half the things, nothing close to what I'd expected from this size of house. The thing that caught my eye the most though was a map of Piltover and the undercity with pins spread out all over and yarn connecting them all in front of the bed on the floor.

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