Chapter 6

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It was a rainy day when Kip met Y/N for the first time, and a bad one too. In fact, it happened the day after the battle of the bridge, no one had even fully recovered yet. In some ways though, it felt like that fight had never even happened. There were still people beating each other up every other corner, still the overall mood had changed a bit.

Y/N was walking down the street like he used to every morning, but this time it felt different. It felt a lot bleaker, as if the recent events had sucked the soul out of his normal morning routine. He turned the corner and accidentally walked into someone, "Sorry sir." he said, but the person looked really pissed. "Hey, I just got this jacket you punk." the guy said, two other people walking out from behind him and around Y/N. "Listen man, I don't want any trouble or anything okay, just let me go and I'll be out of your hair." Y/N said, trying to defuse the situation. "Yeah, well neither did my jacket trencher scum." the man said, moving in closer.

"Hey, leave him alone will you, this city's got enough problems right now." someone said, walking up. "And who are you supposed to be?" the person asked, "Just leave him alone and you won't have to find out." the person said, stepping closer. "And what are you gonna do after this eh?" the person said, punching Y/N in the gut.

Y/N fell to the ground, his gut aching in pain, but he didn't want to fight back, so he just stayed down and waited for the rest to come. To his surprise though, he didn't, but there were grunts and he could hear a scuffle going on around him. He finally looked up after a bit and saw the person standing with his back to him, the people from earlier laying on the ground groaning.

"You all right?" the person said, turning around and now Y/N could see that they were tall and slim, with dark green eyes and hair, but surprisingly looked to be around the same age. "Yeah thanks, I'm Y/N by the way." Y/N said, "That's good to hear, I'm Kip." the person said.


It was the next day and Y/N was back in the lab with Jinx, they were trying to figure out how to use the new gemstone. There was some rock music in the background as they were looking through all the different papers they got, "Boring... Boring. Wow. Super boring..." Jinx said, flipping through a book. "Here we go!" Jinx said closing the book and sitting up, "It's all about these runes. They form some kind of math-y, magic-y gateway." she said showing Y/N and the Claggor and Mylo dolls. "To the realm of heebie-jeebies. And this... Turns it on." she said, holding up the gemstone, "So... here goes." she said, putting it in one of her devices, "Here goes indeed." Y/N said back, sliding down his goggles. Jinx let out a puff of air before turning the knob, but it just shot out blue energy and pushed everything back a bit. Y/N's mind immediately went back to the night at the canary, the blue glow looking almost the exact same, and then it turned off, over as fast as it had started.

Y/N looked over to see Jinx sobbing on the floor, "No! No! It was a mistake! It was a mistake." she said, turning away and running off. Y/N knew he should go to Jinx, find her and help calm her down, but he couldn't, he could barely keep himself intact at that moment.

He walked away, scribbling a little note saying sorry for leaving early but he had a business to run, and he couldn't take any more of this at the moment. He figured he'd come back later, but his shop wasn't exactly going to run itself, and even though he was still on Silco's payroll, it wasn't just about the money. The way Y/N saw it, there were only two things a successful person needed, money and influence, and those things combined to make power. And that's exactly what he'd need if he would ever get back at Silco, he already had a foothold and information, but he wasn't ready yet. The pieces on the board that he needed weren't there yet, and for them to be, he'd need to put in the time and effort, and that started today.

Y/N walked up to The Misfit Bar, smiling as he remembered all the good times he'd had in there, it was the business he'd built up from the ground with Kip. It wasn't much at the start, but it had quickly turned into their homes, literally too, they had their rooms on the second floor of the place while the regular business was just on the first.

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