Chapter 3

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The first time Y/N ever experienced the whispers was before the battle of the bridge on what Y/N considered to be his worst day. The three siblings' parents ended up getting drunk again as they usually did and the kids were in their room, hiding away from them as they usually did whenever this happened. "Hey kid, come get me a drink will you!" the father's voice rang out, of course, it wasn't hard to hear in their very small three-room house. The two older siblings looked at each other, as if debating which one would risk going out there. Vi started to glare at Y/N, as if trying to scare him out of the argument but Y/N just rolled his eyes, got up, and went into the main room. "Make ssssure to get a cold one boy!" the father said, half slumped over with another "cold one" already in his hand on the only chair in the house. The boy then walked over to the fridge, trying his best not to draw any attention away from whatever his father was doing onto him instead.

The boy silently opened the fridge, finding it more of a mess than it usually was with even more cans and some other random junk all around in it. After grabbing one, he quickly went up and placed the alcoholic drink right next to the chair. "Sssay boy, come here in front of me, would you?" the father said, and the boy already thought he knew where this was going. The boy obliged unreluctantly, bracing himself for what he thought was going to come next. Unfortunately, he was right, and the blows started coming a second after, unrelenting and seemingly getting harder every next punch or kick. The boy collapsed after a little bit, but the blows seemed to double in force, and even worse, they started to focus on one area now. Even worse, the one area that was being focused on was his ribs, which were still healing from last time. Blood started to fill his mouth, and he felt a bit start to drip from his nose too while his father simply started laugh hysterically. The one upside was that the blows finally stopped for a bit, as the father's laughing overtook his entire body and the boy heard him collapse to the floor, while starting to snort in addition. The boy's mind was then overtaking with a rage so powerful, it filled his entire being and he stood up, the rage overtaking any thoughts of pain.

That was when the whispers started for the first time, "Do it to him, you know he deserves it!" and yet the voice having no visible source. The boy seemed curious for only a second, before his eyes clouded with rage once more, and more similar whispers joined in, becoming the only thing he could think or hear of. So, for the very first time, he reared his foot back and slammed it forward as hard as he possibly could, enjoying the crunch he heard in response. He supposed he heard his father yelp a bit, but he couldn't hear much as the whispers had become far too loud for anything else to register in his mind. "Yes, more, more!" all the whispers seemed to shout at once, driving the boy the keep smashing his foot into the father's face, liking the feeling he got from it, eager to finally pay him back. All these years, and now you finally get to know how this feels yourself, he thought as he heard a crack, seemingly amplified as he drove his foot into the father's ribs once more. "Y/N?" he heard, the whispers finally falling silent as he turned around and saw Vi, saw the horror on her face as she took in the situation. Y/N looked to the side a bit and saw what he looked like in a mirror, his face smashed in and blood everywhere on and around him. Y/N finally heard nothing but silence, and his mind took in the horrors of what he'd just done and felt ashamed now that one of his siblings was seeing what he'd just done. He then heard the door turned and saw his mother walk in, horror flashing on her face before it was replaced with a sympathy as she said, "Oh Y/N." His mother, one of the only people in the world who truly understood him, his mother, who finally understood he had reached his breaking point that day.

The only thing Y/N felt at that moment was fear, fear of what his father might do back, fear of what Vi and his mother thought of him now, but most of all, a fear of himself, the other side of himself that had just been revealed tonight. So, Y/N ran, past his mother and out the door, running anywhere really, just trying to run away from himself and what he had just done that awful night.

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