Chapter 7

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Inferiority. Everyone from the undercity was forced to deal with it in some way. Every person from the undercity learned in one way or another that they were inferior in somehow, it was just a normal part of life for people.

For all, it was that they were inferior to everyone and anyone from topside. They would be forced to learn that they and a hundred other, are worth less than one of them. They had the enforcers, accurately named, to help carry out and, enforce, that, to beat down on all people down below and reinforce that every day.

For others, it was that they were inferior to other people in all of the best things that they could do. One person's best attribute could be their ability to fight, and yet, one day, they'd be forced to accept that there would always be someone who was better at it then they were.

For most though, it was a fear of annihilation, and that would always lead to people making noise, trying to make marks on the world, pleas to be noticed. It was the fear that they didn't matter, and would never matter, that their existence was ultimately worthless and would mean nothing in the end. In his early years, Y/N had noticed that Mylo had fallen victim to exactly this, and it became one of the only reasons Y/N put up with him. It was because Y/N had also fallen victim to this, although in a more severe way.

That's what all the voices would keep coming back to. It didn't matter if the voice was a young boy, an old woman, or a snake that had somehow learned to speak, or all three or more at once. They would always came back to that, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. It was that which would slowly drive him crazy over the years, that which was the noise to never let there be silence, to keep him up at night, and to always drive him to try and do better. That simple statement he knew all too well to be true,

You are inferior.


They had to keep running, Y/N knew that, but the pain in his chest just kept growing the more they walked on. Everything was starting to blur out for Y/N, sight, sound, feel, "Silco's goons aren't far behind. We have to keep moving" Caitlyn said, still pushing forward. "What the hell is that?" Vi asked, making Y/N look up, he saw a neon pink sign on some sort of tower in front of them. It hadn't been there before though, but Y/N still knew this place by heart form his early years. "The sign." Caitlyn said, clarifying what she was asking about, "Never mind." Vi said, stumbling, "Get me to the edge would ya?" Y/N asked, looking to his chest, looking at the edge.

The fall was bigger than usual, or maybe that was just Y/N's sight going crazy from the blood loss, he took a few deep breaths, breaking apart from Caitlyn and staring down the drop. He remembered the path he'd take down when returning home every day, he still knew it by heart, hopefully. "Can you do this in your current state?" Caitlyn asked as Y/N backed up a bit, trying to get it together long enough to make to jump. "Watch me." he said, running forward, his hands grabbing onto a pole to swing forward to the next, but then he slipped. "Shit." was all he could get out before his body flipped, he looked down as his head smacked into another pole. He kept falling, tumbling in the sky until he was going down back first, which the right side of slammed into another pole, temporarily stopping him before he was falling again. Then he hit the floor and was tumbling down the hill he'd fallen on until he finally rolled to a stop.

He finally reopened him eyes after a while, he didn't know how much time had passed but his vision was bathed in purple as he slowly opened his eyes. As his vision began to focus more, he realized it was just the sign that was giving off that glow, and then Caitlyn ran into his vision. She started helping him up as the sounds of everyone else down here started to get to him, he remembered this place, where people with nothing left went to rot and live out the rest of their days.

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