Chapter 2

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"You did WHAT?" Mylo asks after Y/N and Powder finished recounting the story, "I'm sorry, I tried to fight him off with Mouser, but... she didn't work." Powder told Mylo. "Who saw that coming?" Mylo then says, raising his hand as if looking for a high five, "We never should have gone there." Claggor says, sounding pretty down. "Doesn't matter. The stuff's gone." Vi says, "Actually it does, because now we have a target on our backs," Y/N says. "It's all right, Powder. At least you're okay." Vi says after walking over to Powder and putting her hands on Powder's shoulders, but not without a pointed look at Y/N first which he deciphered as shut up. The group then starts to walk away, but not without Mylo saying, "Okay? What about us? I get my face bashed in and she just gets a pass?" always bringing the attention back to him. "Yup." Vi says, while pulling the lever down of the elevator, and then starting to descend. "Every time. Every time she comes, something goes wrong. She jinxes every job!" Mylo says, with some very pointed hand motions and looks at Powder. Powder then returns the glare, "Just drop it Mylo." Y/N says, trying defusing the situation. "Oh come on, you shouldn't have thrown that guy towards Powder in the first place Y/N." Mylo says, always blaming others for every loss. "And you shouldn't have brought on that fight Mylo so who's really to blame for what happened because of it? Plus, at least I didn't fill the bag with junk and saved some things." Y/N says back. "Everyone just stop. What happened happened and the stuff is gone alright?" Vi says with glares being pointed at everyone.

The elevator then passes the layers of rock, revealing a good view of the undercity, looking as run down as it always does. The group receives a couple glares from some random people, and Vi puts on her hood right before the elevator gets to the bottom to help hid her bruises. As the group walks past some stalls, Mylo casually steals a fruit from a sleeping shop owner, Claggor accidentally looks at a woman working at a gentlemen's club and quickly looks away, embarrassed. Y/N, however, stops at a stall and inspects a dagger that catches his eye for a bit before rejoining the group.

Eventually, the group arrives at The Last Drop, a well-known bar that always has been a place that has practically been a second home to a lot of people. As the group walks into it, Y/N and Vi quickly glance at Vander which is quickly returned and they both know that they're in for some kind of talk. As the group sits down after going into their basement room, Vi says, "Vander learns none of this." Of course, this causes Mylo to say, "No worries there. Powder, took care of the evidence." "I tried, okay? You don't get it. You're older, you're bigger. It, it isn't fair." Mylo then thrusts himself forward a bit, saying, "So stick with us! Take a punch or two." and is cut off as Vander then opens the door and walks in, causing everyone to quiet down and look away. "Everyone all right?" Vander asks, walking down the stairs, "Never better." Mylo responds, sounding very sarcastic. "Good. I, don't suppose you can explain why it is that I'm hearing about an explosion and a foot chase topside? Four children fleeing the scene." Vander says, walking over to the group. "What the hell were you thinking?" Vander then says in a more serious tone, finally stopping beating around the bush. "That we can handle a real job." Vi says, "A real job?" Vander asks, glaring at Vi a bit. "We got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw." Vi says, explaining their actions. "You blew up a building." Vander says, "That wasn't-" Vi starts to say, "Did you even stop to think about what could have happened to you? Eh? To them?" Vander asks, cutting her off. Vi starts to back down and Y/N says, "Claggor did actually. A couple times." which makes Powder smile a bit and takes some of the fire off of Vi for the moment. 

Vander then sighs and puts his head in his hands, "Where did you even get this tip?" he asks, "We just heard it at Benzo's shop." Powder says, "From?" Vander asks. "Little Man." Y/N says cautiously, which still makes Vander sigh deeply, "I took us there. If you wanna be mad, be mad at me." Vi says, standing up now. "But you're the one that always says we have to earn our place in this world." Vi says, "I also told you time and time again, the Northside's off-limits. We stay out of Piltover's business." Vander counters, making various hand motions. "Why? They've got plenty, while we're down here scraping together coins. When did you get so comfortable living in someone else's shadow?" Vi asks. Everyone looks taken aback a bit by the last except for Y.N who promptly stands up and says, "I'll show myself out then while you two talk it out." and starts to walk out, being quickly followed by Powder at first and then eventually everyone else.

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