Chapter 4

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It took a week to bring the boy back home, after he woke up, he immediately got up and ran away. He didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do, but he needed to get away from that alleyway. So, he ran, and ran, and ran until his legs collapsed from exhaustion and he pulled his limp, tired body into another alleyway.

That was where the boy stayed for the next month, barely able to scrape by, sleeping on an old, tattered mattress he found farther down in the alley. The only way he was able to live was by becoming some merchant's errand boy, and barely able to afford the cheapest food he could find. Even then, he still would always be going to bed hungry, thirsty, and tired, eventually losing about a fourth of his body weight.

It was on the night of the twenty-ninth day that Vi finally found him, and after a lot of convincing, finally got him to come home. When he got there though, he saw the fear in his father's eyes when he finally saw him again, and then the father immediately got up and left to his room, muttering an "I'm tired." as he went. That was how the relationship between the two stayed for the rest of the father's life, and everyone that knew of the incident never looked at the boy the same way again.


"There's got to something wrong here if that thing brought us here." Y/N says, "Yeah." Vincent responds. "Should we go check it out or wait here?" Vincent asks, "Let's just wait here a bit." Y/N says, "Wait, what's that?" Vincent asks, and a second later, enforcers leave the shop. "Enforcers?" Y/N says, not expecting them, "No not that, there." Vincent says, pointing into the distance, "Wait, you're right, what's that?" Y/N says, looking into the fog opposite of the enforcers.

The enforcers seemed to notice too, as one of them pointed towards where Y/N had seen the movement and shouted. The rest of the enforcers turned towards that direction too, and they all got their guns out, pointing them at that direction and swiveling their guns around, looking for whatever was there.

All of a sudden though, two of them shot at something, and then every enforcer was suddenly dead, a big thing dashing in and away before Y/N or Vincent could properly see what it was. "What the hell was that?" Vincent says, reflecting exactly as Y/N was feeling at the moment, "I... I have no clue." Y/N says. Before anything else could be said, Y/N saw the only enforcer left, Vander, and Benzo walk out of the shop looking alert, "What are they doing?" he asks, wondering if they saw what the thing was.

Benzo then picked up some type of metal rod before they started squinting into the fog, and Y/N did too. He could see a man approaching, and it seemed Vander did too as he gasped, his eyes widening the man as he revealed himself. Unkown to the three and Y/N, it was the man from the lab that no one but him, the scientist, and a couple others knew about. "Silco? You animal. Go crawl back into whatever you came out of." Benzo said, stepping forward and swinging the rod. "Benzo stay back!" Vander yelled, his eyes still wide, "You never did know when to walk away." Silco said, looking at Benzo.

"Wait." Vander said, but Benzo didn't listen, bringing the rod back and still walking towards Silco. "No!" Vander yelled, as the thing suddenly dashed forward again, driving its claws deep into Benzo and causing blood to fly everywhere. Vander fell to his knees and the thing let Benzo fall to the ground, and Y/N finally got a good look at the monster that had torn apart Benzo and a ton of enforcers easily. It looked like Deckard, except his whole body was twice the size, all of Deckard's skin had turned gray, and there were these weird purple veins running all along his body. "Hmm, stubborn to the end." Silco said, looking away and sounding bored, but Y/N couldn't take his eyes off the monster in front of him, starting to shiver in fear a bit.

The well-dressed enforcer from the shop stepped forward, his eyes wide too and looking all over at the massacre he'd just witnessed. "What the hell have you done? This wasn't the deal!" he said, using a lot of hand motions to go along and slowly stepping towards Silco. Silco then took two steps towards the enforcer, "Deal's changed." he said simply, throwing a bag of coins at the enforcer, three of them falling in blood. Silco then nodded towards Vander, and the monster started walking towards him in response.

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