chapter 2: the meeting at the training camp

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Here they were, more than three hundred boys at a volleyball training camp. This camp was quite important for people to improve their volleyball skills, of course, but also to socialize. And there is where the problems started. Socializing was not easy for some people, especially for Tendou, Atsumu, and Kuroo. They were always the first to be judged and rejected by others, who were considered as "normal" by society's standards.

This created problems, especially on the first day at the lunch tables. Normally they would have sat down with their teams, but all of them had already drifted into different groups. The popular kids were one of them, but there were also what people would call "the volleyball freaks", so the ones who would only focus their time on sleeping, eating, and playing volleyball. There were some other groups formed but on one table there was Tendou talking to himself, or that is what people thought at least.


"Shit, I can't find Kenma or anyone else for a fact, where am I supposed to sit down and eat... well I guess the table with the red-haired guy is empty so... here I go!" Kuroo thought to himself as he got closer to the red-haired boy.


Kuroo approached Tendou and that caught his attention.

"Oh hey there! do you mind if I sit here, I lost my teammates and really don't know anyone else here..." Kuroo said with a very nervous voice, he almost sounded as if he was panicking.

Tendou noticed this and said "Of course, but can you sit in front of me, I am trying to make my water bottle explode. By the way, my name is Tendou, what is yours?"

"Oh, mine is Kuroo."

This caught Kuroo off guard since he didn't expect a boy at a volleyball camp to try such an experiment. 

"Why are you trying to make your water bottle explode? You're not exactly supposed to be doing this..." Kuroo said eating his food but trying not to hurt Tendou's feelings.

"Oh right! I like to destroy things and rebuild them afterwards, but I don't know how I'm supposed to do this? it's harder then I expected." Tendou said as he talked to Kuroo.

"that's cool, can I help?" Kuroo said as he continued eating.

"of course! so what do you think I need?" Tendou asked Kuroo.

"You'll need 30% hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, food coloring, dried yeast, water, a funnel, and a 2 liter soda bottle. Them you mix it together and it'll explode." Kuroo said. "I read this in one of my science books, so let's try it!"

The two of them realized that they weren't that different and became friends at that moment.


A Yellow-haired boy was looking for an isolated place in the cafeteria since so many people were there and he had a huge headache to the point he felt like fainting. He then saw a table with only 3 people instead of 15 and decided that the best for him to go sit down there.

They talked for about 15 minutes, slowly getting the equipment they needed, before noticing a yellow haired boy standing there awkwardly, trying to speak to them.

"Excuse me, would it be possible for me to sit here. There are too many people at the other tables..." Atsumu said looking at his feet. The 2 other boys noticed that he looked in pain but decided to question it once he was seated.

"Sure, sit down. So my name is Kuroo, the red-haired boy is Tendou you are? " Kuroo asked curiously.

"Oh...Just call me Atsumu cause I have a twin," he said before he sat down.

"Why aren't you comfortable with the other tables?" Tendou asked.

"Oh, well you might think I'm weird but I don't like crowded places, I have Agoraphobia, so is the irrational fear of crowded places. Basically I find it extremely difficult to be around large groups of people for even a brief amount of time." He said as his voice got quieter and quieter.

"Well, we are only 2 people, so you should be fine right? plus we are making this bottle explode, wanna join?" Tendou said excitedly to meat another person with a superhuman ability.

"oh wow! really?! that is so cool!" Atsumu said as he sat down.


They then continued talking to each other for the rest of the lunch period, preparing all the elements. Kuroo had some protective glasses and gloves in his bag, so he took them out and handed them to Tendou and Atsumu, in case things didn't go as planned. 

They then added all the ingredients so first the dish soap, food coloring (for it to look nicer and be visible), dried yeast, water, a funnel. Then Atsumu decided he wanted to add the hydrogen peroxide making the bottle explode. The explosion was clearly visible and could be hear across the entire cafeteria. Luckily the decided to eat outside. But when the explosion went off, Atsumu didn't have time to run away, making the boy fall harshly on the ground and faint. 

"Atsumu?!?" They all yelled.

This caught the attention of the whole cafeteria. Especially because no one there had noticed that they were even there.

"Tendou he isn't waking up???" Kuroo said as he started shaking Atsumu's lifeless body.

"He fainted. We should get him to the infirmary" Tendou said looking at his left where the infirmary was located.

Kuroo was about to carry him to the infirmary when suddenly a boy with brown hair appeared in front of him.

"Hi, my name is Oikawa, I'm a friend of Atsumu's. Do you mind telling me what happened to him?" Oikawa said looking at them with a murderous glare.

"oh, he just fainted. So you don't have to worry too much. Kuroo here was just bout to bring him to the infirmary-." Tendou said as he pointed towards Kuroo who was about to carry him again.

"Thank you, but that will be enough. I'm going to bring him there and you guys can continue doing whatever you want." Oikawa said as he grabbed Atsumu.

"Hey! we are also Atsumu's friends and deserve to know what is going on too," Kuroo said as he was following Oikawa who had started carrying Atsumu through the cafeteria.

Everybody else had already continued talking, almost ignoring the fact that one of the players had just fainted. Some of them didn't care, others decided to look but not act in any way. But the fact that Atsumu had just fainted shocked his team since they all saw the massive explosion. So when Osamu, Atsumu's twin saw his brother's almost lifeless body being carried by another man to the infirmary he panicked. But yet again, what could he do if he didn't know anything? 

To be continued...

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