chapter 13 : the first happy couple?

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Once they arrived they noticed him go in. They knew he wanted some privacy, so they decided to let him be there and left.

Terushima entered the room and didn't see Daishou, well that was until he heard a sob from the corner of the room.

"Daishou is that you?" Terushima asked unsurely.

"Oh... umh... yeah haha..." Daishou replied trying to wipe his visible tears and sniffling.

As soon as Terushima saw Daishou, he ran up to him and engulfed him in a big, warm hug. They stayed like that for a couple of seconds before Daishou started crying again.

"Why are you crying...? Who hurt you so much...?" He asked getting angry but decided to stay calm and talk things out.

"No one hurt me... I'm just over-thinking things and... haha..." He said trying to sound convincing although it didn't fool Terushima.

"Don't lie to me honey... tell me everything... no need to hide things from me you know~..." He said trying to calm him down.

"My t-team discovered that I-I was gay and one of my t-teammates left the team b-because of that... and now my w-whole team left m-me... I don't know what to d-do... this is a mess, I-I should've n-never told them anything I k-knew it... but I did and n-now everyone officially hates m-me..." he said crying his eyes out.

It was painful for Terushima to see the man he loved in so much pain. He wanted to reassure him but didn't know how yet.

"Sh... it's going to be okay, I promise... let's calm down and how about you show me this secret thing you told me about yesterday huh?~ and just know, I don't hate you." Terushima said as he gave Daishou a peck on his forehead, then nose and finally lips.

"You promise...? But what if-" he said before being cut mid-sentence.

"No what if's, no but's, relax... just think about yesterday, wasn't it fun~ weren't you so happy. My honey was so cute~" He said distracting Daishou from the problem.

"S-stop...!" Daishou said, embarrassed of himself.

"How about we have our little fun again tonight, honey~" Terushima said getting closer to Daishou's ear and softly whispering those words.

"Ngh~" Daishou was turned on, although he didn't want to admit it.

Daishou got up and then cleaned his face with some cold water. He then went back to Terushima and just hugged him not saying a single word.

This made Terushima's heart fluster. He didn't expect Daishou to be so clingy and cute. It was too much for him to feel, so he decided to kiss him. They kissed for a couple of minutes before hearing some noise on the other side of the door. Terushima had forgotten to lock it.

"Am I interrupting something...?" One of his teammates said looking at them.
They immediately let go of each other and looked at the floor.

"No... you saw nothing..." Daishou said embarrassed.

"Mhm. Ima go tell the team- lmao" He said laughing.

"What...? But they hate me...?" He said still looking down.

Then he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him from behind. He knew it was Terushima. He then felt another pair of arms hug him, it was his teammate.

They then talked out the problem. The team didn't hate him, he had misunderstood the situation completely. Yes one of them quit, but the others were okay with it. They honestly didn't care, as long as it didn't affect the others, they were happy for him.

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