chapter 5, part 1: Sneaking back in.

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Their main goal now was to sneak back into the building and head to their rooms without getting caught, then they had to apply some make-up on them and fake being sick. But, there were two problems that they weren't aware of:

One, that they had roommates that could snitch on them at any moment.

Two, that the guards had asked everyone to keep an eye on Six kids who had gone missing and were caught leaving the school, skipping practice. This was going to be trickier than they thought.


Atsumu was the first one to jump over the fence, then he hid his skateboard in his bag and ran as fast as he could to his room. He got there without anyone noticing him. So he was happy and decided to enter the room, but he saw a black-haired male there just staring at him as shocked as he was.

"How did you get in?!?" The black-haired male asked.

"This is my room?!, why are you here???" Atsumu then said.

Atsumu started to panic.

There was a minute of silence between the two males. They just stared at each other. Atsumu then successfully calmed down, and so did the other male.

"Anyway, my name is Atsumu Miya and I have Agoraphobia..." the blond boy said.

"My name is Sakusa Kiyoomi and I am a germaphobe, so I also don't like crowds or crowded places" Sakusa then said.

"Okay Omi, so we are sharing a room? Is there any rules or limits I guess?" Atsumu then asked.

"Who is Omi?" Sakusa asked confused.

"It's your nickname silly!" Atsumu replied with a smile on his face.

"Oh okay, well...umh... I haven't really thought about that I guess, but please don't touch my stuff and don't dirty anything. And don't touch me pls." Sakusa then said looking at Atsumu.

"Okay Omi, have you taken a shower yet cause you might wanna go first." Atsumu then said as he sat on his bed.

"I'll go first, but first tell me why you aren't in your volleyball clothes. Also, are you one of the six missing people?" Sakusa asked him.

"What do you mean Omi?" Atsumu then asked confused. He didn't realize that he was one of the six people yet.

"Well, the guards told us that they spotted six guys jump over the fence instead of attending practice a but after lunch. So Atsumu, are you one of them, and if so why?" Sakusa asked a bit irritated this time.

That is when Atsumu realized that the guards had spotted him and the five other boys he was with, Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa, Tendou and Daishou. He was pissed.

"Fuck... yeah that was me and some friends. No more questions please." Atsumu then said still angry.

"...okay, anyway I'm going to shower now," Sakusa said as he grabbed his towel and left the room.


Bokuto and Kuroo were next, they went together for some reason. They jumped over the fence and thought they weren't going to get caught until one of the students recognized Bokuto and yelled his name.

"Yo? isn't that Bokuto?" a tall male shouted.

"Huh? oh yeah, it is. Hey Bokuto!" a shorter male said waving at him.

Then a guard started running in their direction when he noticed they each had a skateboard in their hand.

"Shit he caught us to RUN!" Bokuto said as he grabbed Kuroo's hand and dragged him along.

"Oh fuck-" Kuroo didn't even get the time to finish his phrase. He was already running for his dear life.

But since they were very volleyball players, they ran much faster than the guard and lost him after a while.

"So dude, what room are you in?" Bokuto asked, but he didn't let go of Kuroo's hand. He didn't realize that he was still holding his hand.

"I need to check, it's written on the key, just give me a sec. What is yours?" Kuroo said.

"It is a room A 36, what about you?" Bokuto asked again.

"YOOOOO, am also in room A 36, coincidence I thin not- "He said bursting out laughing.

"HAHAHAHA-"Bokuto understood the reference and the joke so they both burst out laughing again, but much harder this time.

"You know the meme?" Kuroo asks

"Of course, if you don't get it, you don't have a childhood, come on-" he said as they continued laughing and entered their shared dorm.

What they didn't realize was that one of Kuroo's teammates saw Kuroo hang out with this other guy and seemed to have much more fun with him than with Kenma his boyfriend. So he was going to report it to his team. But that didn't bother him that much, the fact that the famous Bokuto was holding Kuroo's hand and seemed to enjoy it, that, was the part that disturbed him. Because to him, it was almost like he cheated on Kenma, but it was all a misunderstanding.


Tendou was next, he ran up to the third floor where he saw a security guard coming over, so he ran quickly to the nearest bathroom. There he saw a taller boy with nice green brownish hair looking at him.

"Umh... hello?" Ushijima said first.

"Hiiiiiii~ don't make a lot of noise please~" Tendou then asked the taller boy.

"Why so?" Ushijima asked not understanding the situation.

Tendou explained to Ushijima that he was hiding from the guards.

"Okay, why would you skip practice? Also, I seem to know you from somewhere, are you on my team?" Ushijima asked Tendou wanting to further understand what was going on.

"Oh- yes I am on your team" Tendou then said looking a bit disappointed that Ushijima didn't recognize him.

Ushijima looked at his sides but didn't see anyone.

"I apologize for not having recognized you," Ushijima stated whilst looking back at Tendou a bit confused.

"Oh, that's alright, I just need to wait until the guards eave, or else I'll get kicked out from the camp, and I don't really want that." Tendou said with his usual smile.

"What room are you in?" Tendou asked in a singing tone. He was happy and wanted to sing his song.

"C 10, what about you," Ushijima replied.

"ME TOO!!!" He now yelled.

"Let's go Ushi!!!" He said as he held Ushijima's hand and dragged him along to their dorm.

This was quite weird for Ushijima since he never had anyone be so close to him so quickly, especially a guy. But for some reason, he wanted to know more about this red-haired boy. Almost as if he wanted to become his friend. At least that is what he hoped.

But, he didn't want to scare the boy away as he usually did with other people since he had quite a hard time understanding emotions and communicating in the right way with others. Most of the time, he misunderstands situations and this leads to him losing friends. So he was going to try his best to not ruin this one.

Or so he thought.

To be continued.....

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