chapter 4 : who is he?

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And so they skated and skated for about half an hour before arriving at the skate park. they expected no one to be there since it was the middle of the day and most people either were at work or at school.

But a boy was there, sitting all alone.

"who is that boy ???"

They finally arrived at the skating park and left their stuff on the floor near a bench. They then recognized the boy who was there all alone. Kotaro Bokuto, a famous boy at their camp. He was known for having these sort of mood swings that only a few could control. He was also famous for being extremely nice to everyone and being an amazing volleyball player. Rumours have it that he is quite dumb because his grades aren't the best.

But they didn't care about all of that. They were wondering why he was here instead of practice and why alone?

He was casually listening to music through his headphones and didn't notice the other boys at all.

They weren't planning on talking to him because he was so popular and they were the opposite. But then they saw him attempt to do a trick and fall on his knees harshly due to the speed. The boy grunted in pain and just got up as if nothing had happened. Then he realized his knees were bleeding and looked frustrated. They had never seen this side of him. Usually, it was either extremely happy and hyped or sad and what was known as the "Emo mode". Kuroo then rushed over to him.

"Wow, hey, are you okay???"

"oh, yeah, this is nothing, don't worry about me-" but before Bokuto could finish his phrase Kuroo had already gone.

"What a weirdo..." he thought to himself.

But then he saw the boy run back to him with bandages and some kneepads.

"What are you doing? " Bokuto then asked.

"Sterilizing your wound and bandaging it up obviously," Kuroo said as he did what he had just said.

"huh?! why though? you don't even know me or anything." Bokuto then said a bit shocked by the friendliness that a stranger was showing him.

"Well I mean we do go to the same training camp, so I heard rumours about you." Kuroo then said as he finished up bandaging him.

"You're Bokuto right?" Kuroo asked although he already knew the answer.

"Yes, and you are...?" Bokuto asked having no idea what his name was.

"The name's Kuroo." He said.

He then offered to help him get up and offered his kneepads. Bokuto thanked the guy who had just helped him and agreed to wear his kneepads. Then the other four boys came in and started talking with them. It was weird because they expected this overly joyful brat but got this totally normal guy.


"Can I ask you something Bokuto?" Kuroo then asked.

"Sure? I don't mind." Bokuto said.

"Why do you act so differently at school? " Kuroo proceeded to ask.

"um..." Bokuto wasn't fully comfortable with explaining his story yet.

The other four boys noticed that he wasn't comfortable yet and because they wanted to know the answer they decided to gain his trust by sharing their story with him.

"So, as you know my name is Kuroo and the reason I am here instead of the camp is that I decided to skip and steal a skateboard in the process. I made a water bottle explode which lead to Atsumu fainting and us coming here, so skipping practice I guess?"

Daishou then decided to speak.

"The name's Daishou and I'm here because of this dumbass here, and his stupidity," Daishou said as he hit Kuroo on the shoulder again.

Tendou went next.

"HIIIIIII, my name is Tendou and I am here because I am the one who had the idea of making the water bottle explode, so I just ran away with Kuroo."

Atsumu went next since he got inspired by Tendou.

"Hi, my name is Atsumu and umh the reason I am here is cause at lunch I fainted and well ran away."

Oikawa was the last one to go.

"Hi my name is Oikawa and I'm here because of Atsumu and Kuroo, by the way, I apologies again! "

"What happened? with Kuroo?" Bokuto Asked.

Oikawa explained how he almost killed Kuroo by anger and apologized.

"Have you killed anyone?" Bokuto asked curiously.

"Unfortunately I have since I have been diagnosed with a mental illness known for being a 'yandere'..." Oikawa said looking at the floor.

"Who is it that you love, just for us not to get in the way.-" Atsumu then asked, since he didn't actually know.

"Oh, umh I'd rather not tell you guys, or else you will be disgusted..." Oikawa said looking ashamed of himself.

"Come on, I mean we are already weird enough." Tendou then said.

"Fine... I like my childhood best friend Iwa-chan" when he said his name they all saw his eyes turn pink for a brief moment.

"Do you mean Hajime Iwaizumi in your team?" Daisho asked curiously.

"yes, him... doesn't it disgust your the fact that I like a guy???"

"I'm gay," Kuroo said at the same time.

"huh?! you too???" Oikawa said shocked.

"Yeah... as I said before, I'm dating my childhood best friend Kenma kodzume, but it isn't really working out. He doesn't pay attention to me, and always spends time with Hinata Shoyo... but I get him, who would want to date me..." Kuroo said as he looked down.

They were silent for a moment, but one of them decided to speak up.

"I wouldn't mind dating you," Bokuto said bluntly not realizing fully what he had just said.

"Huh?!?" Kuroo said out-loud

They all started laughing and enjoyed the little conversations they had here and there about their crushes and lovers. Yes, one of them was in a secret relationship. Kuroo was in a relationship with his teammate and childhood friend Kenma. Things weren't going well because Kenma would ignore him or say bad things about him constantly. And honestly, Kuroo didn't want such a relationship anymore.


"So Bokuto, why are you here then?" Oikawa asked as he remembered why they started talking.

"The reason I am here is that people constantly judge me and invent rumours about me. I suffer from depression which I have told no one before about and have tried to commit suicide twice before," he said as he looked dull. No particular emotion was visible in his voice tone or his face, just plainness.

When they heard his sad story, they all gave him a big group hug. Then decided to cheer him up with a skateboarding contest. By now, they knew that he was a very competitive guy and decided to use that to benefit them.

And so they skated for hours and hours before realizing that the sun was setting. They talked for one or two hours more until it was dark. Then they proceeded to sneak back into their rooms and fake being sick just to have a justifiable reason as to why they missed practice.

What they didn't know was that they were sharing bedrooms with another person.

to be continued...

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