Chapter 14

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August 13, 2016

I thought I'm good at adjustments but no...I got used to studying in front of a device and not to a wide school where different people resides. It's month of August, a month where I'm supposed to have my vacation in my home.

Here I am, wandering around a big campus with no one by my side. The more I look at those people passing by me, the more I get nervous. They're with their circle of friends, laughing, chitchatting—a casual bond of students. They don't look a lot like me. I can see a few Asian but I can't approach them.

What should I do?

I look fine, right? They won't think I'm weird so sooner...I can find a set of friends.

My head bob down because of a hand that taps my head unexpectedly, then, laughter bursts around me.

"Not you picking on that one, Taylor." I heard from a guy. I shifts my eyes to the side and sees three guys looking at me while laughing. The one who spoke just now is tapping that 'Taylor's' back.

"She better put herself on the side next time." he said before flashing a grin at me.

I deeply breathed when they're ahead of me already. And there, I found myself setting myself on the side.

Everything will get better...

"Hey, you dropped this."

It's coming from behind. The sound came from behind. Is she talking to me?

"Are you deaf?" one poke on my back that made me turn around eventhough I feel so humiliated after what happened awhile ago, "Pull yourself, you'll encounter more students like Taylor here." she said and handed me back my handkerchief.

"T-Thank you..." I shyly said.

She looks like an Asian but I don't wanna judge.

"Are you a freshman?" she asks so I nods, "Don't you know how to speak?" I didn't notice that I'm slowly walking by her side already. She's walking a little bit faster but enough for me to catch up.

"A-Ah I'm...I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

"You didn't say anything offensive, why are you apologizing?" she asked that made me stop walking. She also stops but didn't turn to look at me.

"I'm...I'm just a little bit anxious." I finally said and smile tho she's not looking at me, "I'm a freshman..." I said.

She continued walking that's why I followed her, "Thanks for talking to me." I gratefully mumbled.

"I bet, people around you tends to do the first move because oftentimes, you got your mouth zipped." this girl stated which ease the nervousness that I feel, "You're Korean, right? I'm Choi Jisu but you can call me Lia."

"I'm right—we're in the same shoe. I'm Shin Ryujin..." I said, getting the comfort around her.

"How old are you? You look younger. I'm a freshman too but I'm not new here since I studied here in middle school."  Lia muttered.

I scratches my nape because I can feel my ears heating up with no apparent reason, "I'm 16—" Lia made me stop speaking when she suddenly swayed her arms on my way that's why I stopped walking.

"Hold up—16? A freshman?" she unbelievably asked and finally shared her gaze with me.

"Well...I don't know what happened but I think...maybe...uhm...I'm homeschooled that's why I didn't notice how it happened either..." I answered while looking down.

"Gosh. I'm 18 already yet we're still in the same grade." she rolled her eyes and suddenly pulled me with her by holding my hand, "You're prolly a genius! If we're in the same department—please please Jesus, if we're in the same grade then let's stick together. I'm sure kids like Taylor won't give a shit about you when I'm around." Lia talks without even breathing I think? She's so amazed that it's making me nervous.

At least...I got her, right? someone picking on you right now?'s the other way round.


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